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Posts posted by Smithy

  1. Hi TK,

    im sorry to bother you but i was wondering if there was a quick way of

    hacking the existing CC/NRPN chart,

    and replacing it with my own CC/NRPN numbers for the desired parametrs?

    If you could point me to the file which needs to be edited, and recompiled it would be great.


  2. This guy on the left hand side:


    I prefer largish tips personally, as they heat the pad + joint quicker than the smaller/thinner tips.

    Thats pretty much your "standard" size,

    i have a hakko clone myself, and bought fake/clone tips from ebay.

    I have 3 types, and unfortunately that type i recommended doesnt seem to heat up properly, and fits loosely into my clone's iron.

    I think I may even be a longer version of it, but it sucks,

    with your genuine hakko and tip it will fit perfect.

    So im using this bevel shaped tip now:


    ...which is a bit tricky to heat both the pad and the Joint at the same time with.

    I kinda have it turned sideways, heating the joint, and the solder blob just about touches the pad, and i wait for it to flow onto it.

    An advantage of bevel shaped tips is that you only need a small bit of solder covering the flat bit,

    with the conical shapes you kinda have to rotate the tip as you tin it, and make sure its covered evenly.

  3. It cant get too hot since its temperature controlled,

    it will only get as hot as you want it to.

    The higher the wattage the faster it will heat up,

    or regain its temperature after you put on a damp sponge.

    The reason you cant find them is because temperature controlled stations usually only come in higher wattages.

    If youre willing to spend that much on an Iron my vote would be the Hakko 936.

  4. I've been using this PDF the whole time http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_8xsid_c64_psu_optimized.pdf  Is there one that's labelled more clearly?  I was told not to go by "looks" when reading schematics.

    Anyway, I think I've finally got all the info I need to start putting this together.  Thanks again for all the help!

    Forget everything youve been told because it obviously is causing some confusion.

    The schematic is very easy to read, i was a total noob when i started it and managed to get it working successfully.

    I found it helpful to redraw the schematic on a veroboard image, so i could visualize it much easier. ( i was using a different type of veroboard though.)

    If you look at the midibox sid page on the wiki, theres a link to a blog where a guy drew out how it will look visually on standard vero board:


    Everything you need is on ucapps, the forum, and the wiki.


  5. thanks for help all!

    going to build a mb 6582 with 8 beautiful 6582's  :)

    would like to have a crack at a little 6581 project, looks like the mono option is they way to go, cheers wilba for pointing that out mate!


    well its not like 2 x 6581 will be useless either, you may even like the randomness of the output!

    Maybe start a 1 x6581 first using a sid module + core, and then go onto do the mb6582.

    it would be good practice.

    And welcome to the forum!  :)

  6. BTW it's virtually impossible to get two 6581 with the same output levels, noise level and filter characteristics. I gave up after acquiring about 8 of them. So... getting a stereo 6581 setup to sound good is difficult. Plus I've grown to hate the noisy, flaky, overheating little buggers :) Avoid the hype and the hassle, get some 8580 or 6582A. 6581s are for masochist hard-core SID fans ;)

    I cant understand why they chose that model for the sidstation in the first place!

  7. Hi all, looking at these 6581 SID's on ebay (04.09.2009) http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110430385717&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:AU:1123

    Want to do a little stereo 6581 project.

    I asked...

    hey mate, Did you pull these chips your self?

    all chips been tested professionally?

    defiantly not faulty, remarked or fakes?

    sorry for interrogation, but don't want to get ripped, I know of a couple of people that have had bad luck with chips...


    His response

    No, I bought it from a supplier. The chip has been tested. Read my feedbacks, I have sold heaps of them without any problem. I can give you a 100% guarantee.

    so my question is... how many people that posted feed back actually tested them? any of you lot bought from this guy?

    Could any one here that's in Melbourne test these SID's for me as I don't the facilities to at the moment?


    You could try asking him how he tested the chips.

    If he just used a c64 to test one, the filter could still be dead, lets face, most sid tunes in games etc.. do not use the filter at all.

    The fact he mentioned midibox and sidstation is looking good though,

    and if you look at the feedback some people have already installed them and tested them out.

  8. The CC implementation is great, i had fun using Fruity's midi out plugin to play with my sid.

    I would really love to be able to control midibox sid with my Novation KS4 keyboard, without having it connected to a computer.

    Unfotunately i cannot change the CC and NRPN numbers on this controller,

    so i would like to change the MbSID paramater chart for my own needs.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction?

    Is it a case of simply editing sid_cc_table.inc for the CC numbers?

    And which file would i edit to change the number of the NRPN's?

    Also if anyone can recommend a better VST than fruity's midi out, to forward CC and NRPN changes, that would be great.

    I was thinking of making a simple VST for controlling the SID while we wait for the other one to be finished for V2.

    Using something like synthmaker, or synthedit.

  9. Interesting :) are you going by the methods outlined by TK here, or do you have further tips and ideas on how to go about it?

    I also found another interesting thread by TK here, but it seems that the links are dead? Both for the mp3 and the zipped random patches :(

    Yep, without TK's guide i wouldnt have known where to start, sid dump seems the easiest option.

    Id love to be able to code a java based patch ripper, but i think its a bit above my skills!

  10. Its time to finally replace the mdr-v700s.

    Can anyone recommend some closed backed headphones, with similar performance or better?

    I dont need them to be able to swivvel or anything, my ears are long so the HD-25's are out unfortuneatly.

    So far the Sennheiser HD -380s have caught my eye:


    Any ideas if they would be a good replacement?


  11. I think we should have a sticky of a SID Patch Thread, where people can share patches or Banks.

    I still plan on ripping a lot of patches from sid tunes, once i have the minimal control surface done.

  12. Flemming i take it this extra diode and resistor differs to ones that are right next to the opto, and which are included in the kit?

    My single core, single sid setup is working *almost* perfectly,

    when i change the note while a drum engine is being sequenced, the sound tends to go screwy, all most circuit bent.

    Normal patches work fine, but the Techno PWM patch seems a bit noisey, so im thinking its the patches which use modulation,

    or a certain connection to the core like CLK, or another pin(s).

    I wonder is it because i havent these extra components its happening.

    but then again,

    theres being plenty of people who have had no problems after completing a kit,

    without using any extra parts, so that kind of throws that out the window too!


  13. The reason the LED has 3 pins instead of 2,

    is because the original sil connector for the C64c LED is 3 pin, not 2 pin, even though 2 pins are only used.

    So its basically so it can fit better.

    My diagram of the optimized PSU might help you visualise it a bit better, (of course it might do the opposite too!  :P)


    Im using a different type of protoboard though, each pad is interconnected like a grid, unlike normal board that has parallel lines.

  14. I've been a bit lazy updating this lately,

    but anyway i went on to do the bankstick module.

    I decided to reuse a Serial Cable from an old PC, which connects the motherboard to the 9 pin male connector.

    Perfect for use with a bankstick.

    Since ive lost my phone, i had to take pics, using a Camcorder hooked up to a TV tuner card in my PC,

    (Not the best way, but it damn well works!)


    Then i connected the connector to the header of J4, note that the holes on the other side of the connector are not being used by any SIL pins.

    The cable tends to put force on j2, but it doesnt really bother me, saves me removing the DIL connector and crimping a SIL connector.



    So then i made a new pinout diagram for the IC and connector, to make it easier to see which pins need to be soldered:


    The wireless veroboard strikes again! I soldered an IC socket to it, to make the IC removable (an obsession i seem to have.

    I even tried using a SIL socket for the cables but it was just too big to fit in, so ended up solering the wires directly to the SIL header instead.

    (I should of just soldered them straight to the PCB first time.)

    ..... and ended up with a funky and compact pcb.


    The Bankstick housing i bought was from Maplin is made of chrome(couldnt resist the look), and i always worried that chrome may be conductive since buying it,

    so i tested it out with my multimeter and yep, you guessed it, it is indeed so something had to be done.....

    Smash TV's Magic Pink Packagingâ„¢ to the rescue, to prevent those nasty shorts!

    Buy now!!!! and for a limited time only, recieve free pink packaging which will insulate your bankstick,

    with every purchase from SmashTV!  ;)


    Then it was time to upload a patch bank to the Bankstick.

    It took me a while to find out, but the V2 patches can be found in the MB-SID firmware ZIP file,

    and theyre inside a preset folder.

    So i fired up the SID Editor and the Vintage V2 bank transferred perfectly.

    Theres some cool patches in there, my favourite is the "Techno 5th" preset,

    so thank you whoever contributed that one.  :)

    Heres a quick little riff i sequenced with it:


    The SID Chip is more powerful than i realised, i only realised lately that each Oscillator has its own ADSR envelope,

    and that you can select which channels are sent the Filter,(you can hear me cycle through them towards the end of the mp3)

    every other synth ive known besides modulars just send all Oscillators to the filter.

    Ive had great fun playing with it so far,  :) but mine isnt perfect,

    im having issues with the drum engine presets, which ill address in my next post soon.  

    Thanks again to all involved!

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