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Posts posted by Smithy

  1. Remember I was looking for the perfect MIDI looper a while back?

    Well turns out that JAM mode was the ultimate solution which I didnt really know existed then!

    This new video from Andrew Scheidler is just the confirmation I needed that JAM mose is as simple as i wanted,

    just to keep the SEQ hype going....




  2. Any updates on this?

    I've MIDIbox SEQ fever lately after watching Stuart Mitchell's old demonstration videos on Vimeo. 

    I've realised that it would be the perfect solution and become the brain of my studio. 

    This new control surface looks like a huge improvement.

    Now that Adrian and JulianF have potential options for cases there shouldn't be much to stand in the way.


    What if the menu encoder and arc of buttons was in the centre between the 2 LCDs, would it "disconnect" the the 2 rows of buttons a bit too much do you think?

  3. Holy crap, that is awesome work Saurean! 

    How many europeans are interested so far in buying a front panel PCB?

    it would be great to get s bulk order going, maybe when the project is near completion interest may gather by then.

    I'll be away from the end of april to the end of may so wouldnt be able to help out organizing something in that time frame anyway. 


  4. On 3/20/2017 at 4:19 PM, fallenturtle said:

    I tried my other 6581 chip and the results seem to be the same. Is this an issue with ASID player not being able to recreate certain programing techniques?

    Yep, its not compatible with all SID files.

    20 hours ago, fallenturtle said:

    Does anyone know if Last Ninja 2 uses any special techniques that won't work asid64?

    Yes if I remember correctly the synth that comes in after the intro of central park loader / ingame fades out too early.


    • Like 1

  5. Man I wish I had an MB-SEQ right now so instead of hitting mute buttons and playing one lead,

    I could build the entire track from scratch for all to see. Predefine quantize and measure lengths, and record every drum hit live with my fingers and basslines etc..

  6. 14 hours ago, Altitude said:

    I use moisture seal heat shrink (it has glue on the inside) which grabs the cable VERY well, then I just use the strain relief built into the Rean DIN jack

    Ooo thats even fancier! Do you have any online link for the heat shrink you used?

    Maybe something like this but a smaller diameter?



  7. On 2/3/2017 at 0:59 AM, Altitude said:

    One thing that would also be worth adding is how to wire up the 7 pin DIN socket, the way I did mine is to simply get one of the Rean 7 pin DIN connectors and use that


    Hi Altitude, 

    did you tie a knot on the cable inside the strain relief for the DIN connector to help take force away from the solderd joints if one tugs on the wires insted of the connector?

    Luckily i have 2 neutrik DIN connectors i bought when stocking up for mb-6582 build in case a day like this ever came, I love when extra components lying around become needed.

    I also have a 12 VDC 2A psu from an old Western Digital external hard drive I have lying around.

    Could be quite a cheap and common place PSU to use for MB-6582.

  8. This is an old jam from last year, before I had a mixing desk (everything is hard panned to each channel) and before I installed my custom shelves.
    Pretty basic, but I really loved that melodic sequence from the Minlogue. I thought it was really lush and uplifting.



  9. 13 hours ago, Hawkeye said:

    ...I still think, he occasionally beats my SEQV4L (in the upper right corner of the video) with the drumstick, from time to time! :-D

    Hahahaha! I'll try to make more use of it, I promise!

    On 28/1/2017 at 0:52 AM, Psykhaze said:

    Always a pleasure to see #dawless music =) Bewarea bout not going off rythm too , after listening again there are (little parts) where it's sometimes tricky (but sh*t i like this battery pad ^^)
    However nice work ,hope to hear more !

    Yeah, I can't drum for shit! But its fun to be able to use a drum pad with techno I think, its refreshing to use it live over a x0x sequencer.

    On 28/1/2017 at 2:02 PM, latigid on said:

    I'm also a fan of dub drops, especially a Rhodes piano with Space Echo, or at the moment a P'08 with the filter set very dark. 

    I was very close to buying a Boss RE-20 pedal lately actually. Going to wait for one to come up at a good price.
    Do you have a real Rhodes Piano you use, or just a plugin? I never heard one used for dub I think!

    Nice to see you have a Prophet 08 also! I bet the REV 2 is making you jealous this year though! hehe

  10. I don't think I've ever posted some sounds in this forum so with a little inspiration from Hawkeye its time to start!

    Heres a short dub techno jam with MB-6582 on chord duty, going into a Zoom MS-100BT pedal, Roland JU-06 provides the background sequence and a Yamaha RS7000 provides drums.



  11. Just now, Altitude said:

    I updated my OP, the pics were on my old domain. Let me know if that isnt clear enough


    Thanks man. I think I'll just post a picture of the wiring when im testing on this thread just to be sure and write a noob friendly how to guide. Really appreciate your efforts in improving MIDIbox designs. 

  12. On 13 November 2016 at 7:30 PM, jarvis said:

    FWIW - I would not recommend these white on black LCDs from buydisplay.com - the refresh rate is terrible and there is significant bleed from the backlight

    I wish I saw this post a few weeks ago before ordering one! The contrast is dissapointing and the background is a dark blue.

    The green on black ones I ordered ( which are not listed on the site, i had to email them) are much nicer, although I didnt test the refresh rate yet.

  13. IIRC if you flash the MIDIBOX sid firmware file it is set to work with a 2 line character display.

    And if you flash the mb-6582 firmware it is set to work with a 4 line character display. 

    This is way of getting around having to edit code.


    if you want to code it yourself reference this page, and scroll down:


    The crystal fonts displays should provide better constrast and viewing angles to el cheapo lcd displays.


    As for wiring Im pretty sure Ive my displays wired up for 4-bit, just try that first and if it works great!

    I wouldnt hesitate any further in ordering and installing a display.


  14. 8 hours ago, ilmenator said:

    There is really not that much in the files themselves - here is a collection of really valuable hints when it comes to case making out of acrylic sheet:



    Best, ilmenator


    Awesome, thanks for your help!

    And so the joruney begins!



  15. 7 hours ago, ilmenator said:

    There is really not that much in the files themselves - here is a collection of really valuable hints when it comes to case making out of acrylic sheet:



    Best, ilmenator


    Yep I saw that post earlier in the thread. Thanks.

    Did you consult Wilba's .fpd file for his Schaeffer alluminium front panel for the Control Surface at any point?

    For MB Quad Genesis, I was going to consult Saurean's .fpd file for his existing aluminium panel (C, and try to translate it for use with a Ponoko case.

    i.e.the size and placement of the holes for leds, buttons, and the engravings, but not the holes for the screws obviously.

    Would that be a stupid way of doing it, and should I only reference the control surface PCB?

    Or maybe I could reference both?

    Thats my interrogation over, i have no experience with creating cases.




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