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Posts posted by Smithy

  1. On 14/1/2017 at 8:19 PM, cuca said:

    tassadar , i see that you have the version 2.044 , is a stable version ? i have the version 1.9g . can you please tell me the steps to update ?  what software do you use to update ? the mios studio ?  is easy to do ?  thanks you very appreciate a guide

    Yes its the most recent stable version.

    Upload instrcutions are explained in this post:


  2. Using a second chip sounds like the easiest solution, I dont want my request to distract from the important features you're working on.

    I would definitely be interested in a front panel board! Thanks.

    Really appreciate all the hard work youre putting into this!

  3. Hi Sauren,
    I have a simple feauture request.
    I would love to be able to play my favourite VGM files live on keyboard, like a lead melody on one channel or whatever.

    Would it be possible to be able to press a button that mutes the sequence data for a channel during VGM playback, but not muting the channel itself, thus allowing you to play it with a keyboard yourself?

    I hope this is clear!
    How is the development going on with this project? Do you have free time in the new year to work on it?
    I'd love to see this get finished, its an awesome device. Was talking to Dya / Aaron about your device earlier and he would love to build one also!

  4. 17 minutes ago, latigid on said:


    Hmm, well that's what @Hawkeye's LoopA is supposed to do, but then there's already the MidiREX 




    Yeah, i cant seem to find any demo videos of the MIDIRex to see exactly how it works though.

    I'm going to have start my own thread on a dream looper / sequencer. I'm thinking of something like the Kaoss Pad 3 style interface, but for MIDI instead of audio.

    Essentially an encoder used to set the pattern length (which can be done live during playback)  and a numeric LED display, (or LCD Display) indicating the length of the pattern.

    There could also be an option to manually stop / end the pattern by pressing a button, like the Boss RC-505 and have it automatically trim the length based on the MIDI data.

    I seriously need to get this out of my head, even if no one develops it!

    I find the fact you have to pre-initialise tracks on the MB-SEQ a bit of a short coming, then again I don't have one to critique! Im sure it makes up for it in the amount of features packed in.

  5. 15 hours ago, ChinMuzik said:

    Alternatively, could I use a standard c64 tracker and then punch the values in the wavetable sequencer in MIOS?

    in MIOS Studio?

    MIOS Studio is for uploading the firmware to MIDIbox SID, asfaik it never had a wavetable sequencer built in to it! :)

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong!

    Your best bet is using Rutgers editor.

  6. On 24/11/2016 at 3:54 PM, ChinMuzik said:

    ^^^ so this doesn't edit wavetables?

    So the only way to program wavetable sequences is through the MIOS menu?

    Is there any non-Hex windows based application that can edit sequences? I hate to say it..but Mode Machines had a really nice way to do it. 

    Have a look at Rutger's Java based editor for MIDIbox SID. The wavetable implementation is complete:


  7. There was a SID sound extractor created for the older HardSID PCI Cards by a guy called Ted Nilsen, called HardSID Ripper.

    You can download an .avi clip of it in action from his site, but you cannot download the tool itself:

    I actually contacted the guy on facebook a good while back asking if he would be interested in sharing the source code for the SID communities,

    which would not just benefit us, but users of HardSID4u and even the SIDStation.

    But he just replied with "let me get back to you on that" and havent heard from him since which is a shame!

    Also, theres no telling now how well it performs across all SID files, he only shows 2 Rob Hubbard SID which would have a similar routine, it may not perform so well with other artists routines.

    Still though, its a real shame the author of the hardware is going to let it die considering the effort that went into developing it.

  8. Excellent work Andy!

    I personally find the dark -> one bright colour  the most "readable" and logical for unipolar values i.e. 0% -> 100%

    For bipolar values I think:

    Left bright colour -> centre dark <- right birght colour

    would be the most readable and logical.

    Its great that we can change the script to suit our individual needs.

  9. As far as I can see the LPC 17 Core PCB is not available to buy anymore from Smash TV's and Mikes Midibox shops but you can still buy the newer CORE STM32F4 PCB and kit from SmashTV.


    Keep in mind you would need to purchase the STM32F407G-DISC1 evaluation board externally.

    That would be the easiest way to proceed. 

    You should always make sure all components are available to buy  (such as the PCB) before ordering anything, it can save cost in the long run. :)

    • Like 1
  10. On 5/15/2016 at 5:26 PM, latigid on said:

    Very nice! Next time with a headmounted GoPro!

    What's that you're tweaking just underneath the mixer?



    He's playing with his "red knob", hehehehe.



  11. Thanks Hawkeye! U R GOOD FRIEND!

    Rutgers Editor confused my understanding of the Wavetable Sequence:


    I thought the knobs "Start Pos" and "End Pos" related to the Steps of the sequence.

    But as Hawkeye explained they are Memory Addresses hence the $ sign.

    U R BAD FRIEND! ;) 


    Just kidding, you are awesome friend.

    • Like 1
  12. So in the Wavetable Sounds Tutorial #1 Page for MIDIbox SID V1, there is this jsynthlib screenshot:




    This makes sense to me, it shows 2 different Parameters starting at Step 00.

    However if I try to do it on MBSID V2, it duplicates the values for both parameters:


    If I increase the value for Parameter one (Column 2) it also increases the value for parameter 2 (Column 3).

    Rutgers Editor also only allows one value to be entered.

    This seems to be the same in both the Lead and Multi Engine.

    Is there a way of entering seperate values for each parameter, when they both start at step 00?




  13. Hi TK,
    I'm having a lot of fun with wavetables recently, and ripping them from SID Tunes.

    Do you have upcoming plans to add the Wavetable Editor to Ctrl?

    I'm particularly interested in using the Multi Engine for wavetables.

    I know you have a hectic schedule but it would be nice to see the Ctrl panel finalized. 

    It would be nice to have a full editor you can use fully offline (without connecting to the MIDIbox SID)

    A lot of the time Rutger's Editor Crashes and dumps a log file when I close the patch editor window and click Yes to Save.

    Kind Regards.

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