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Posts posted by Antix

  1. Hi,

    Usually I use isopropilic or ethilic alchools wiyhout any problems.

    A good product ( I often use on job ) is Electrolube FRC ( RS code 508-6582 ).

    It is not very cheap but the sticky traces of solder wire flux will really disappears.



  2. Hi all,

    Waiting for 18F4685 I had lot of time for give a look to the setup_8580.asm of midiboxsidV2_0-rc37.

    Seppoman and Nils helped me to understand many things and I am very grateful.

    I have some questions yet ( seems that the asks are not enough )

    1-In the setup , may I am wrong because my eyes are not the same of years ago, I do not see a define for stereo sid.

    Is it an "already implemented " feature?

    2-Has sense in setup disable unused Shift Registers for save computing power assumed that I will not use a complete control surface?

    3-I already realized a MB-LTC for midi message LED , is in the MBSID_V2 the midi-msg led on ShiftReg availability?

    Thank You for any help

    Best regards


  3. OK,

    It is not a problem for me use toolchain :thumbsup:

    If I have understood

    I can connect 5 potentiometers to J5

    The wiper to RAn and the extremes to GND/+5V

    set in the application code "#define DEFAULT_J5_FUNCTION 1" to enable knob function

    in MBSID V2 menu I can configure and assign the pot and these assigns can control A-OUT too

    so it is true that every single patch may have different knob function configuration

    Am I right?

    If it works like I am imaging it is simply awesome!!! :w00t:

    I'm only waiting for 18F4685 from supplyer to see SID V2

    Thanks and regards

  4. Hi Nils,

    ASM as I know ( Z80 ASM compiler aged 20 years )isn't so reach of

    "no properly ASM words".

    Modern MPU's ASM seems to me more reach so I was wrong but i was convinced that MBSid applications was wrote in C then compiled.

    Anyway I know Z80 ASM but I have more to learn about new microcontrollers assembler.

    Thank You for help and regards


  5. Hi Nils,

    It'me again

    lookin in the code is there for example


    ENC_ENTRY 5, 6, MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED2 ; Filter Resonance

    Can I change SR


    ENC_ENTRY 2, 6, MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED2 ; Filter Resonance

    to readdress and define the SR that controls these parameters in according to my hardware?

    can I set to "0" the SR that I do not need?

    Please be patiented but I have no C programming skills so that for You is simple for me

    may be a wall

    I'm tryng to learn to use MIOS.

    Best regards


  6. Hi,

    Is it possible use two or three encoders to control parameters with SID synth?

    To be clear I'm not interested to a complete ( step C )control surface but I want control

    only cutoff and resonance.

    So I would realize a step A surface with a couple of encoders controlling for example VCF parameters or pulse width or

    external VCF ( SSM2044 with A_OUT )

    Is it a realizable stuff ?

    Thank You and regards

  7. Hi Shuriken,

    Thank You for the answer but unfortunately I have not a contact problem.

    Key Contact and dynamic works fine .

    The problem is the aftertouch.

    I am start to thinking that maibe useful a D50 schematic to see the zone of

    aftertouch and make some measures.

    Effectively if I push very hard on keys a very minimal sound variation exist.

    At the end in my town is there a Roland service center but I'm sure they will

    ask me a lot of money....so first I wont to try myself.



    P.S. the site You indicate is fine

  8. Hi ,

    After years of sleep I powered on my Roland D50 .

    It works fine...very fine but aftertouch ( from its keyboard ) do not responds. :no:

    From MIDI aftertouch works normally so it is a keyboard sensors problem.

    In the net i read that it is a common problem on some Roland products ( JD800,D50 )

    and it is caused from resistor in the pressure sensor amplifier that change its value

    in the years.

    Is anybody experienced of this or knows a link useful for solving this problem? :console:

    Best Regards


  9. Hi Monokinetic,

    It is an idea to evaluate seriously and I never think about it.

    But You only have to ignore SID refearing on LCD ( only an aesthetic question )

    About core 32 I'm hope/waiting for European bulkorder .

    Smash PCB are very well done .



  10. Hi Everyone,

    When I use Eagle for my ( and MIDIBOX PCBs )I ecountered many problems, :frantics:

    in etching pad and drilling holes because standard holes diameter is too big for a correct manual drilling and copper of pad is too tiny.

    Effectively they are right for industrial use and metalized holes but creates some problems in home made PCB etching.

    Tryng to solve this problem i found on the WEB a guy that wrote about a script that solve the problem. :sorcerer:

    This script create an intermediate layer tha modify drill hole and pads diameters. :)

    Maibe You already know of this script or use another way but for those like me that dont knew about it I decided to post a link where You can find the file to download:


    The file is:


    Everyway I hope You found it useful. :console:

    Best regards

  11. Hi,

    I'm going to build a Midibox CV but I have some questions. :question:

    The control volt only drive VCOs or I can drive in real time ( envelope driving ) other parameters like VCF or VCA envelope?

    I mean is it possible use MBCV to emulate ADSR?

    It seems to me it is possible in MidiBox SID application.

    But in stand alone congiguration?

    Thank You for any answer.



  12. Hi,

    Some guys asked to me how I mounted LCD without using screws on panel.

    So , for those who interest , I post these pictures that explain how with

    a drilled bar an two 90° squares you can mount your surface using no screws on panel.

    The bar will be screwed on chassis box.







  13. Hi Seppoman,

    it is the second time that I take part for a buy and I am not so experienced.

    Where do I have to compile the form for SSM2164 PCB bulk order?

    I have not a Paypal account but often I buy through Paypal with my card, is it the same?

    Thank You for any answer


  14. Ok I say 6581 but I am looking for 6582 and 8580.

    I am looking for chips in every electronic parts shop I able to discover.

    So i found three 8580 and four 6581 (new, never used)

    A couple of C64 from my friends and last summer I found a C64 in waste container ( some people put C64 in waste ) and I was crazy enough to carry it home to pick its sound chip.

    But day after day it become very hard to find.

    So I asked Wilba for 6581 but I'm looking for other chips too.


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