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Posts posted by Antix

  1. Hi psxc,

    Giving a look to the pictures it seems to me you have cold soldering and some other are poor of solder tin.

    My suggestion is to resolder them and an enrichment of tin.

    Bad soldering can give strange things on power too as you say about the 5v



  2. Hi,

    Yes ... probably about 30 USD for shipping may seems crazy... but it not depends from SmashTV.

    here in Italy there is not a " reliable " postal service ( and it not depends from SmashTV ) so I cant have access to a small parcel service ( cheaper ).

    Here ( Italy ) the shipping cost for a parcel ( trackable ) is about 10 euro ( so about 20 euro from USA probably is reasonable )

    If the shipping cost seems to high my suggestion is to plan the midibox building activity and buy more than one PCB ( depending of what you want to build ) and I normally do this .

    Anyway this is only my opinion .

    Best regards



    I am waiting for a postal " bullet " from OKLAHOMA :smile:

  3. Hi,

    May I am wrong but it seems to me that a single USB port can power 500mA at least, no matter if the hub is 2 Amp.

    I think it may be a current consumption problem.

    Why dont you try with an external power?



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