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latigid on

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Everything posted by latigid on

  1. I'm dreaming again, sorry, but I'm thinking about a function where divisions of the clock (e.g.4/2/1/0.5/0.25, triplets etc.) will always be output to a dedicated "gate" socket, kind-of like on the MBCV but smaller divisions. I realise the "J5 gates" or additional gates from the SRIO could be used and cascaded, but a track would have to be set up for each division. I think it would add a dimension to the analog out area. Regards,
  2. Automated C/TK compiler: Your new feature requests made in plain english/german are automatically uploaded to the main file. :)
  3. Was the rectifier correctly oriented? If not, that's a fair bit of current to sink (backwards across a diode).
  4. And besides, the STM Core will use an updated chip with parallel CAN/USB that hasn't been released yet (?)
  5. I say orange knobs/buttons: ;)
  6. Yay? Edit: Might want to change your sig?
  7. I guess the question is, what would 32-bit do for SID? The obvious: Faster C programming is easier (what else would you add? More sequencers?) "unlimited" memory using external cards The negative: Can't use CAN buss and USB simultaneously, so any multi SID setup couldn't be controlled over USB etc. It's a tricky one. Does the PIC SID V2/MB-6582 do enough for you? If so, go for it!
  8. Yep, that's it. Note there are some additional optional "V3" features, namely: Extra buttons (Track Group A/B/C/D, Trigger Layer A/B/C, Stepview 16-32) Extra LEDs (As for the switches above, plus Play/Pause/Stop) You'll notice there aren't enough DOUT pins for those extra LEDs, so you'll either need another DOUTX4 module (doesn't need to be fully stuffed) or your own solution (etch a PCB, protoboard etc.). You'll need to slightly modify the asm code (easy, just assign pins) if you want any of these. There's also a 64 button LED/button matrix which is "not recommended for beginners", but will require more shift registers.
  10. Look at the post 9 down from yours: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,11802.0.html (Speaking for Wilba) It won't be going ahead until Doug's panels are ready, and Doug is sick (?) at the moment, so it's hard to tell when this will happen. Yes, all hardware will be supported by V4 (Check out TK's demo on http://ucapps.de, that's a V4 on Wilba's control surface). If you want to start yourself, you can buy the kits, but you will still need to do some "manual" soldering/layout on a Vero board or similar for the encoders/LCDs/switches etc.
  11. I'm by no means an expert, but do all of the PICs have the correct ID header?
  12. Or, could you find out the spec of the LEDs from Smash and buy a few more?
  13. I guess that's what happens when you matrix the outs to save on board real estate and 595s... :(
  14. So you need the board diagrams, right? http://www.mb6582.org/plans/MB-6582_CS_PCB_R2_Color.pdf http://www.mb6582.org/plans/MB-6582_Base_PCB_R2_Color.pdf
  15. I was quite impressed with :) I might just buy a couple of 82s and hook 'em up to try when I have a bit more time (MB-SEQ first!). It does look like a complex beast, especially when you consider the pretty extensive modulation section! Thanks Team/TK Edit, the SID Design Page has some great samples also, couldn't get some of them to load?
  16. Hmmm, I'm asking because I want to make a decision. But I think I understand what you're saying. You wouldn't embark on a journey of SID unless you had: Found out what what an SID was Listened to some samples Analysed the parts list/cost Considered the construction details etc. I guess I lean more on the side of playing instruments than building them, to be honest. I'm just trying to decide on whether it would be right for me and whether it would fit with/add to what I have already. I also realise this is more of a DIY forum/community. I'm certainly not bagging the 303-ness; the super resonant/fedback/distorted basslines sound great. I was only asking if it could do more, and how effective it was at this (already answered in part). Any experiences you'd like to share would be appreciated. Andy P.S. Sorry, Andromeda not for swap! ;)
  17. Isn't it funny how obsoletism brings about desire? (I'm talking about Wilba's final offer for 6582 chips.) I already own more synths (Voyager, SH-101, MS20, Prophet '08, Andromeda etc.) than I play regularly, so I am wondering what the SID project offers above these commercial units. Of course, one gets the "joy" of a DIY project, but is it a unique addition to the sound pallet? Most of the demos I have seen are of the "squelchy 303" sound (obviously optimised in the design). To be honest, I can get something very similar with the 101 and a Sherman Filterbank. Just interested in others' opinions of the SID in the context of analog(ue) synthesis. Regards, Andy
  18. Don't forget, if you want LEDs for V3 Track Group, Parameter Layer, Play, Stop, Pause, Stepview etc., you'll want up to an additional 11 DOUT pins, which equates to 2 shift registers (or DOUTX2). I'm also wondering on the state of the STM Core, as I'm not going to machine my case/start screwing the boards down until I've fit everything in. But, I can be patient... :)
  19. Excellent job, very tidy! Very blue! :) How about a video?
  20. Okay, I thought I heard more than 16 tracks somewhere, maybe it was for extra drum tracks. 16 is still plenty, though! ;) If that's the case, I might just keep mine to the same format. Maybe it might be interesting to add displays later. TK, do you have any ideas on how the trigger/parameter layers will be selected? I realise a V2 panel will need to use the function keys anyway; I'm thinking along the lines of a Wilba/V3 panel, where you have Trigger/Parameter A/B/C. What about holding a "trigger button" (or Function key) then pressing one of the 16 panel buttons? Vielen Dank.
  21. Hi At the moment, the SEQ has the current track indicated by the matrix (Group A, B, C, D x Track 1, 2, 3, 4). With the advent of SEQ V4, more tracks and layers will be available, and so I think it might make more sense to display the track parameter layer and trigger layer on 2x 7-segment LED displays. The track could then be incremented or decremented with an encoder or pair of switches. I am happy to give the hardware a go, and will even try the programming myself, but I was wondering if there is any fundamental problem I should be aware of before I get too far into it. Or perhaps you could share your opinions? Also, how is the duo LED matrix handled by >16 tracks? Thanks again
  22. Wow, this is looking great! I've got my V3 all ready to go, but I thought I'd wait for V4. For those of us who haven't put one together yet, are there any ideas for hardware differences? E.g. track groups and trigger layers were selected with buttons, but would it now be more sensible to scroll through with up/down buttons (or an encoder)? Could they be displayed on an additional LCD or 8-segment LED? And forgive me if this has already been implemented, but are 14-bit NRPNs supported? Or 12-bit for AOUT_NG? Some multi-track-analog-pseudo-sample-and-hold CV would be awesome! Edit: of course I mean 7-segment :P (well, 8 still kinda works if you include the decimal point!) Now, this might be going over the top of the architecture a bit, but do four groups of four tracks make sense anymore? One place where the groups are useful is the 16x4 matrix. If the tracks were not arranged in groups, but just "Track X", could you assign individual tracks to the matrix?
  23. Couldn't you just use the MIDIMON project? :o http://ucapps.de/midimon.html
  24. FYI http://www.pennyandgiles.com/docGallery/85.PDF Could be interesting to someone. Haven't looked at prices or availability yet, sorry.
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