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latigid on

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Everything posted by latigid on

  1. Already "available"; hopefully at SmashTVs shop soon. Greets,
  2. When I was looking at the CORE32 board all those years ago, I copypastad the parts list into a Mouser order. For a one off, Smash's price was cheaper! Same for the AOUT_NG. Thanks Smash! And don't get me started about postage :wink:
  3. HB to everyone again :wink: And a happy new year!
  4. latigid on


    IT'S....................................ALIVE! :D
  5. ? Faster update rate for the trigger pulses ??
  6. Hmmm, thoughts about the chasing step LEDs of the new Sequentix Cirklon? http://www.sequentix.com/cirklon.htm Am I allowed to speak its name? :blink:
  7. eciton yeht fi ess dna ,drow rof drow ,sutats s'esle enoemos ypoc ot tnaw tsuj I semitemoS

  8. Hmm, sammichFM Troll is successful? :getlost: :thumbsup:
  9. wonders whether Wilba actually speaks German or has found GoogleTranslate :P

  10. finds analog hardware synths are warm and cuddly

  11. I have a Mackie LM-3204, sixteen stereo channels in 5U rackspace. Great for when you need lots of channels in a small amount of space and don't need 50 dB mic preamps. I also have a couple of Samson line mixers (PL-2404, 1602) which aren't as "loud" as the Mackie, but are good for proper +4 dBu line level signals. And have faders for each subgroup.
  12. I made a DIY patchbay with cables soldered directly to sockets and plugged into my synths. I then soldered cables to the switching (normalling) contacts on the sockets and plugged those into my mixer. This way I have an uninterrupted signal going into the mixer, but if I want to "insert" an effect it is easily accessible and breaks the normalled connection. The returns go into more sockets on the patchbay. But what about a stereo instrument (Voyager, Andromeda) going into a mono effect? To accomplish this I added an extra DPDT switch, which provides a stereo signal on one throw and a passively mixed (2x 10k resistors) on the other. You do get 4 dB attenuation, but this can be compensated for on the effect or the instrument's master volume.
  13. [pout] Who needs an MBSEQ when you have an Alesis MMT-8 [/pout]

  14. Hi, you could put your name down here. 236 PCBs, that's getting up there! Considering a new avenue has now been sought for a fabricated case, perhaps we might see a run of PCBs sometime. Patience, of course :)
  15. I'm pretty sure man. The ones Wilba linked all look like they could fit a transformer inside. Your one doesn't. Seriously, pick it up, if it feels like nothing much more than a piece of plastic it's almost certainly a switching supply. A linear (transformer-based) supply will have some weight to it. Another clue is multi-voltage. Switching supplies can often use a wide input voltage (100-240 VAC) whereas linear usually will need a jumper/switch changed if this is even possible. One more clue is price. Transformers are usually more expensive than S/PSUs. I'm sure it's worth it for your little Sammich. :)
  16. No, that still looks like a switchmode one to me. You can tell because a transformer-based design will be heavy and square :ahappy: unless they use a toroid, in which case it will be heavy, flat and round. Keep searching would be my advice. Hopefully you can return some of these!
  17. Moogertron is my brother's and my project for unifying Moogerfoogers. At the moment, they represent great analog effects, but the case design is very bulky. Mk I (which is best explained by linking to another forum, sorry: link) was not bad, but very heavy. Also, the patchbay method of wiring CV has its problems because some of the sockets have normalled connections, making some unstable signals. So hopefully this is of interest to somebody. I know it's more of a hack than a design, but obviously my skills lie elsewhere :wink: It's a bloody big panel anyway. Edit: Sorry, pic links in the Gallery:
  18. 's web browser keeps autocompleting to /forum NOT /forums !! Bah!

    1. Twin-X


      What browser are you using?

    2. latigid on

      latigid on

      Google Chrome : )

  19. A 16x16 + x + y + shift spacer shouldn't be too hard to CNC/laser cut out of plastic or wood? Question: do the protruding LEDs help to align the rubber sheets?
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