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latigid on

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Posts posted by latigid on

  1. 10 hours ago, Antichambre said:


    For future case production, you can maybe open the metallic plates between the two left mounting hole and use this type of header:
    Just an idea, cheers!

    A good idea and one I had considered, but I think the cutout would weaken the plate too much there. Plus, the clearance to the I2C board will be quite close when the case is in rack mode.

    I had a look at headers mounted to a tiny PCB, but I think there's just not enough room, even with micromatch or "paddleboard" type. Consider 10mm spacing, 2.54mm plastic standoff on a straight-pin header, then a 1.6mm carrier PCB. I didn't find a header lower than that height difference. I would suggest to put a sliver of kapton tape on the components/IDC.

  2. BLM-MIDI_IN.thumb.JPG.da464c378b0fdabc00


    If you wish, it is possible to bridge the pairs of pins 4/4 and 5/5 as shown (viewed from the top of the board). It isn't done by default, as simultaneous use with a BLM would cause a conflict and perhaps an expectation of an "extra" MIDI port. If you and any future owner of the SEQ are aware of this it should be okay.

  3. Great that you found the solution!

    The mounting is very tight indeed, and insulation seems like a very good idea.

    I wonder if it's better to rather mount the IDC directly to the OLED, for instance using:

    (only 14 pins, but it would work, as the backlight is not required. HIF2E-16D-2.54RB(20) is not in stock at Mouser, but could be ordered. There's also the RA type (grey colour I think)




  4. Have fun! Keen to see a video of the jam/performance (if available) :). Are you using the Host port (USBA) of the v4+?

    Lots of people are asking for CV/gates for SEQ v4+, so I will work on a DIY solution using the intended Line Driver. I think I have a way of generating the +5V inside the Eurorack case that should avoid sending power down the DB-25. Will need to be tested of course!

    Not intended to discount the FH-1 solution in any way! It's great if it works for you.

  5. 3 hours ago, rbv2 said:

    those switch-caps and led-window looking great. also the color scheme is fresh.


    after the completion i realized how important it is to have the super flux leds exactly in the middle to achieve an even illumination. seems obvious, but i didn't think about it.

    Consider giving the leds another try. ...still have six left :)

    is there a special reason for the size of the cutouts for the super flux leds?

    maybe a good idea to make the cutouts a bit smaller in a future revision of the le mec pcbs?





    I would like to add that this is a very pedantic observation :P


    I will request that the fab cuts the next lot a bit smaller. We're at the lower limit of the corner radius for the router bit though, so there's not much to be gained. If you centre the superflux legs on the SMT pads, you can control the diagonal displacement to get it a bit more in the middle. Personally, I never noticed an issue with alignment, even with the LED at the side of the cutout.

    It is actually possible to increase the light transmission by wrapping the sides of the Matias switch with alu foil. Although the risk is low, I wouldn't recommend, just in case the foil falls off and shorts a component. Maybe there's some sort of foil tape? 

  6. For best brightness balance (and LED lifetime), use the latest specified values. The others will work though. You could also get creative with adding two 22R together if you happen to have spares.

    What is your colour scheme? Normal red-green or something else? Note that the firmware will allow to swap LED colours around. Obviously this only works with the connected LEDs. Peter did a "cyan-red" version for his first build. You can do this by doubling up green and blue for example and use the extra pad located on the RJ.


    Just now, rbv2 said:

    hi all,

    made good progress so far buidling the pcbs with the help of perters video. the core seems to work since i succefully uploaded seq v4, also the sd card loader is working. but when connecting the JA PCB i get random flickering on all its leds no matter which app is loaded.

    is there already a place to ask for help regarding the build?

    thank you


    Have you tried to flash with MB_NG, then "load seq_l.ngc"?


  8. Please post your troubleshooting issues here and we will do our best to get everything up and running!

    The more info you provide, the better the answer can be formulated.

    • What did you try so far?
    • What wasn't working?
    • Pictures, pictures, pictures!


  9. Hello, I updated the BOM tool for the caps (current stock 30k). Never heard of "flex termination" caps, but they sound useful!  Probably they'll also go out of stock at some point. 

    The LED is due to arrive in about two weeks, so I won't change that one for now. Essentially any common cathode 5mm RGB LED should work, or even a bicolour or single-colour version (only 2/3 dies are used in the case of an RGB). The Beat LED step is done almost last, so it shouldn't hold up the build.

    Here's the first link I found on eBay (recommended to get a diffused lens):

    Note that the delivery might come after the Mouser one comes back in stock, but it's certainly cheaper through eBay!


  10. 4 hours ago, pat_00 said:

    It seems Mouser only has 33 of the MEC switches left (you need 34) and they have a 30 week lead time on getting more!

    I found RS Components still has them.

    What about the DMOS chip? TBD62381AFWG,EL. This is also out of stock at Mouser. Can I substitute another IC in the same series?




    I just replied in the general out of stock parts thread:


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