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latigid on

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Posts posted by latigid on

  1. Quote

    It seems Mouser only has 33 of the MEC switches left (you need 34) and they have a 30 week lead time on getting more!

    I found RS Components still has them.

    What about the DMOS chip? TBD62381AFWG,EL. This is also out of stock at Mouser. Can I substitute another IC in the same series?

    MEC switches are available at Reichelt:

    or Conrad:


    TBD62381A is available at Digikey:

    an alternative part is TBD62083AFWG, with good amounts of stock listed at Mouser (the flyback diodes shouldn't affect the operation):





  2. Tayda is quite good really and usually has a 15% discount code once per month on F##book. The THT resistors are super tiny ones and the switches aren't great, but I've had fairly good luck with ICs and potentiometers.

    Just to clarify: we don't have any relationship with Mouser, it's just they have a decent selection and availability of less-common connectors and ICs. At least for the digital circuits there should be no difference using "cheaper" parts. 

  3. As far as I know, the differential input means that there is no need for each side to reference the others' power rail, and this could be used to reduce unwanted common-mode coupling/interference. Of course the chips will need their own power, but it seems as though they could be completely independent. I'm no expert on this though.

    0V and shield/ground/earth/common are very nebulous topics on the internet :). Audio cables are the bad guy here as they use the shield as the 0V.


  4. Interesting news! 

    FWIW, my rendition of the line driver also jumpers the +5V on both ends so you can easily disconnect the supply. I suppose if we were being super fastidious it would be smart to not keep the 0V common (differential driver/receiver) and probably only connect the shield at one end. Users with the TK version could also snip the DB-25 pins.

    Looking forward to the next tests!

  5. A few updates:

    We noticed a bug in the BOM ordering system. For lemec_RH board, there are SMT resistor networks:  652-4816P-1LF-10K, which is an isolated 10K resistor network. The link to the Mouser page was correct, but the part number was 652-4816P-T2LF-10K, this is incorrect for lemec_R. If you have ordered parts, please check that you have two pieces of the P-1 part. You still require the P-2 part (bussed resistor network) for JA. Sorry for any inconvenience.

    In more positive news, the case batch has been fabricated and is off for painting next week. Without trying to promise too much, we expect to have the cases very soon, and in combination with Peter's tutorial videos, maybe a release in November is feasible!


  6. New thread maybe? The thru is on all seven outputs (4 DIN and 3 3.5mm), but also on the second IDC header. So you could chain to another board in theory.

    The other parts are not necessary but just for extra soldering practice.

  7. Did you just read this thread or the concept one as well? :happy:

    Participation is simple, just buy the boards/kits and parts when they're available. No bulk order or pre-payment. When the first batch is sold, we'll reorder and so on.

    Hope that helps,


  8. Hello,

    The last things to make a BOM for are the sets of screws, washers, spacers. Although these can be bought from Mouser, I think the idea is to provide a set with the case. Especially standoffs (Abstandsbolzen) are super expensive from Mouser. We need to check what parts are supplied by Adrian and what we (or users) need to source themselves.

    At least there should be nothing more fancy required from Mouser. The M3 right-angle mounting brackets that are soldered into the MIDI8, I2C and USB PCBs are already associated with those PCBs. The DB-25 connector also has (I think imperial) screws for panel mounting. In the next case rev, the PCB mounting points will be used as well for extra stabilisation, hence we don't quite know the required number and type of standoffs required.


  9. 12 minutes ago, Phatline said:


    all other is unchanged? > means you just add this lines to the end of the Boom List?

    The only things I've added are basically ribbon cable and IDC headers. You don't need the USB-AB cable/SD card I'm sure. One of the pin headers was changed a week or so ago (now 929700-01-36-RK), if you bought the longer ones they'll still work but you'll probably have to trim them shorter.

    Also, there was a period where the multiple projects in a kit were not counted in the kit BOM, thus you might be missing Hirose headers (MDF7-10S-254DSA55).


    Just now, Phatline said:

    652-3306F-1-103 (for displays?)    can i substitue the 10K trimmers @ corekit with 20K ones? >

    Should work out fine. Actually, the OLEDs don't use a backlight, so you can even leave them off.

  10. Well :) 

    We're waiting on a batch of cases and Peter's tutorial videos, but apart from that...!

    You'll notice that practically all parts are listed in the midiphy BOM modules, especially the Core and SEQ UI kits. It should be safe to order, but Mouser normally ships within a few days so you can hold off there too.

    Note that there are things there you may already have, such as an SD card and USB cable. It's just for completeness and for "easiest ordering possible." Maybe you still have a stash of IDC headers and ribbon cable etc., so you can remove what you don't need from the Mouser cart. If you like midiphy projects, stock up on SOIC 74HC595 and 74HC165, 1206 100n capacitors etc. as these are used quite often :).


  11. Yeah, it's super difficult to keep track of what's current at Mouser. Often entire supplies of 20k parts just disappear or go end-of-life without much warning. I'll start a new thread and users can post when things are out of stock and Peter or I can update the backend. 

    You only need 16 pins x 2 pieces (2x8 right angle header for the displays) so if you can find a cheaper one, go for it! We'll use Mouser as a reference for parts, but many of them could be substituted for cheaper ones. It's just a question of time on your side, extra shipping, things you may have in stock already etc.

    EDIT: sorry, I got confused about parts. You need a 2x12 normal pin header; this is to connect the Activity Matrix to lemec_R shift registers. Maybe a shrouded header will fit too, but we'd need to check with the next case rev.

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