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latigid on

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Posts posted by latigid on

  1. Agreed with TK. on the one-handed edits.

    The layout looks nicely symmetrical, but I think the centre will be a bit too cramped. Should tracks and groups have some sort of indication, or is it okay to just read the display? If the idea is given the go ahead, users could choose how to mount the extra encoders. Perhaps a little PCB is even unnecessary; the DINs could be fly-wired to panel mount encoders. 

    Also agreed about proper labelling, and it's a crucial factor. A few points:

    • GPs might be labelled above the switches, the bottom row below -- would that look weird?
    • Due to the extra spacing required to match encoders, there's more room between columns of buttons. Some functions can be labelled vertically instead (if not too strange).
    • Some things are done with symbols already, we could consider more icons e.g. copy, paste etc.
    • For the BLM 16*16  used the recommended panel cutout. I think it would actually be okay to make the hole a few mm smaller = more room for labels.
  2. 34 minutes ago, u-link said:

    Do you think the encoders are actually necessary? I find pressing the Parameter layer C button and then selecting the layer with the GP buttons more intuitive (not least cause you get the overview of all 16 layers). I would be fine with a "track select" button, too.

    That's also a good possibility, my idea was that when turning the encoder the display is updated with the appropriate layer. Admittedly I'm guilty of under-utilising trigger and parameter layers, so I don't really have a feel for the work flows. EDIT: I see that there needs to be a distinction between selecting a layer to edit steps and accessing the "layer C" setup, although there's a separate GP menu for TRIGGER, and parameter layers are edited from EVENT.

    Or, an encoder+switch for the best of both worlds. Click to choose one of track/trigger/parameter layer, turn to select (or use GP buttons), click to exit. 3 encs + 3 switches is 9 DINs though...


  3. Sure, it's clear that the buttons select the "cursor step" which is adjusted with the encoder. 

    6 minutes ago, mongrol said:

    16x4 BLM mode

    Hey! I thought you wanted to save space ;). On second thought, BLMs are probably best for extensions. For a start, you kinda need two colours per step, which this matrix doesn't do.

    The GP buttons (top row) are also used to control gates, so how do you differentiate between editing a position and turning the step on and off?



  4. I for one would prefer the full set of encoders, as to me they connect the knobs and displays together nicely. I'm sure the SEQ can use the concept of a "cursor" on the LCDs to invoke the datawheel, although you'd have to think how that works with the remaining UI. Vertical height is another point of consideration but at the moment I'm thinking panel mounted LCDs/OLEDs (slimmer) that overlap with PCBs, depending on what else needs to fit, mounting holes etc.

  5. 6 hours ago, mongrol said:

    Looks good. My desire would be to shrink the CS considerably (at least by a 3rd) and reduce the amount of buttons as well. However, button reduction would be a massive talkfest as it would require analysis and refactor of workflows which would impact a lot of code. Not being a modular guy I haven't considered Euro but I agree it would have to be a requirement. Rather than clutter the thread I'll go back into my cage and think for a while then write something up in design concepts.

    Did you mean the horizontal should be 1/3 less? In my quick mock-up with boards pushed together, the total width is about  378mm (compared with 421.64mm for Wilba's). In reality the limiting factor are the LCDs (182mm each standard), so I don't think a 1/3rd reduction is possible.

    Personally I don't think fewer buttons are a good idea :). But for some ideas you might check out the v3. Note in the HW config file it's easy to assign most functions to custom mappings, so even in a generic form you could leave out some of the functions. The coding question boils down to whether TK. will support splitting the matrix into 2*8*4 and adding subtle extra encoder/"group" handling. If yes, the PCB routing will be so much easier, also smaller boards are much more convenient to ship.


    6 hours ago, mongrol said:

    Note: Sparkfun button pads have largers spacing and also come in 2x2 grids. The pcb pad footprint is also available.

    I did check these out, sadly the spacing is 25mm, which looks weird aligned with the buttons.. Also the cost is double the adafruit price.

    Fun fact: if all buttons were there with LEDs, a new performance mode of a 16*3 BLM would be doable.


    Let's keep talking, it's much more interesting than forum tumbleweeds. :)


  6. 18 minutes ago, mongrol said:

    I'd love to do some design work around a new CS. Is there an archive of previous discussions? I presume a lot of talking was done to arrive at the current layout.


    I think it was mainly a collaboration between Wilba and TK., heavily influenced from the v3.

    Here's what I came up with on a Sunday afternoon:


    The CS would be spilt over a few PCBs in order to save costs. Note the four extra buttons where the encoder wheel is, they wouldn't need to be installed and the whole thing could be tighter. The smaller boards are identical too. 

    I would wire each main board as an 8*4 matrix, using the spare 4 DOUTs for the beat LED and maybe three LEDs/one RGB LED (top left). This way the RGB hue could indicate the track group as in the current v4, or OFF/LED1/LED2/LED3 as groups A-D. Probably SMT with all registers on board. There could even be enough space to PCB mount the other panel hardware, i.e. built-in MIDI IO etc.

    I kept the 19mm spacing for encoders, sadly the adafruit illuminated pads have 15mm spacing, so it looks a bit weird connected together. I think separating them out is a good compromise (hopefully stable enough). The whole thing could be <110mm = Eurorackable. Every button gets an LED, even if they're not used.

    One issue is the lack of space between buttons makes panel labelling in the horizontal direction a bit hard. Need to check the resolution of Schaeffer's laser printing :). Or, the labels could be done vertically instead.

    Interested to hear your ideas. :) And probably more importantly TK.'s.



  7. A query, perhaps for v4+: would it be possible to handle track selection (1-16, not in Groups), trigger layers and parameter layers with 3 encoders rather than button/menus? If I was to design a new SEQ CS (just an idea for the moment) the left-hand buttons could be swapped out, reducing the overall PCB height = cheaper. 

    • Like 3
  8. We're getting quite philosophical here :).

    From the deep history of MIDIbox, there was a time when designs were much more open and it caused untold problems. Most of the old guys are no longer around, so it could be a chance to start something different. Nowadays, MCU projects are all over the place, with many different options of build complexity and price. A hardcore MIDI controller is less attractive to DIY when equivalents or "better" can be purchased for cheaper than parts cost. The advent of all-in-one PCBs has killed off a lot of creativity, e.g. MIDIbox of the week.

    Having organised a small but costly Bulk Order, I can understand why people choose not to open source everything. It's hard to explain, but you do feel like you have ownership over the IP due to all of the blood, sweat and tears put in.

    A different line of thought: by designing something, what's the obligation to keep a supply line running? Even big businesses sell "limited time only" products. I'm not advocating this approach, but as this is a volunteer community, you have to keep active and take the opportunity to buy PCBs/components when they're available, and support those who put the time in to design and organise orders. It's the responsibility of members to participate, otherwise the place turns into a ghost town. As a corollary, it's disheartening when something's promised and not delivered, more so when money has already been paid in. 

    At the very least, anyone selling PCBs or projects should seriously consider a succession plan when they might no longer be around. Even if they don't send a cache of gerbers to TK., something like having the files somewhere accessible and backed up, ready to send on or be quickly uploaded to the wiki. 

    Another concept I just noticed from a post on MW is "donation ware." The source files are open, which means anyone can simply upload to their favourite fab. They take responsibility of shipping, customs and quality, and can on-sell the remainder they don't need. It's essentially open source, but with a gentle reminder that it is somebody's work you're benefiting from. If you appreciate it and want more from the designer, you can send them a bit of cash to say so. While the price breaks get worse, and it's more energy and money for lots of small packets, this chops up the task into many small parts and relieves pressure from the designer. It also emphasises that this is a hobby community, not an evil profit-making business. 

    • Like 2
  9. What rev of PCBs do you have? The smashTV DOUT already connect the appropriate SI/SO signals, so in theory you can have any arrangement of DIN/DOUT. I can't say about the other modules you've got though.

    In old MIDIbox days, J8 and J9 were on separate "SIL headers." It's also possible to wire your ribbon cable with a third DIL connector and split DIN and DOUT Y-cable style (I understand this isn't your usecase).

    Have a read through the forum though: others have had problems unless the TPD is last in the chain because it has an unbalanced sequence of 165 and 595 chips. Reduction in signal transmission of (I assume) SC and maybe RC led to hang-ups. Again guessing, but adding yet another PCB, cable, connections doesn't sound good. Then again, the receiver side may give a decent drive that solves the issues.

    Try and see? And let us know?

  10. I like the refined concepts on chords and drum tracks!


    Considering my previous request:

    On 16/01/2016 at 5:21 PM, latigid on said:

    Idea: track length LIMIT parameter. Accessible on the length page either before or after LOOP.

    When programming in longer non-4/4 sequences I quickly get lost within the multiples of 16. What if the active 16 step view was limited to a selectable value (optional of course)? E.g. in "6/8" time with a length of 24, limited to 12 steps. Step view 1 gives 1-12, Step view 2 gives 13-24. To keep within the SEQ hierarchy, this would necessarily reduce the available number of steps of a track.


    I think this can be worked-around by using a SKIP trigger layer, so I will give this a go and see how easy the handling is.




    • Like 1
  11. It would be helpful to list the actual PICkit clone first (+ pictures). I use the DIAMEX one recommended here with flying connections (no external voltage) and simply buss powered from my computer. I also went for auto-detect Vdd level (choosing the correct family will ensure this).

    • Like 1
  12. This is still a bit of guesswork. Did you make a custom PCB for your panel? Or do you have separate boards for each component/panel-wired jacks? Is the DOUT shift register chain on a regular DOUTX4 board, or something different? 

    How have you tested the setup? If you have a breadboard/stripboard prototype then let's see a photo with all of the wiring, especially the transistor pinout. Are you certain that the gates are really firing on and off? With a SEQ or another way?


    shows the B-E resistor. It provides a current path to 0V/ground so the transistor can turn off rather than leaking through the junctions. It's not 100% necessary, but something to try. Another option is to use an octal transistor array e.g. ULN2803 (inverted) or UDN2981.


  13. Did you wire the transistor properly? The 547 and 3904 have opposite pinouts. You can also bias the transistor to get it triggering at different levels.

    This blind troubleshooting in an unrelated thread is a bit perplexing. Why not start a new thread and, post pictures/schem of what you're trying to achieve.

  14. I mentioned it in the "Build Thread," but the reason is more personal/bureaucratic than anything else. Basically, for me to set this up I will need to create a legal business entity. People trying it in the past without have got into difficulty, even with bank accounts being seized and money lost from those paid and signed up. Several incidents of this nature over the years have dented the credibility of MIDIbox and partially contributed to its decline. So it's best to be honest about timeframes and capabilities, and to have the framework in place before a big commitment.

    Of course, it would be an option to open source the files and everyone gets their own PCBs made. But if anybody's making a bit of profit, it should be the designer who's put the time and energy into it. IMHO, there's enough out there in terms of MCU projects and PCBs for sale/download+fab that the risk of mass-produced clones is far lower than it was a few years ago. Having (somewhat) closed source and limited PCB supply probably restrains the size of the community; whether that's a good or bad thing depends on your perspective.

    Anyway, it'd be great to see more in the way of ongoing projects. Certainly it's in the pipeline from my side :).

  15. 7 hours ago, Lamouette said:

    Hello, altitude, i am on the way to add leds to my gate outputs.

    Are you using BC547 as transistor ?

    i try to understand how it works, i checked shematics of the midi2CV of hexinverter, some yusynths pcbs, and yours , you all use a transistor, but no one use the same way to accomplish this (maybe it is the basics, sorry if it is THE noob question).



    Simplest way for you is to use a separate DOUT pin, which I'm sure can be assigned in the hardware config. 

    The reason for using a transistor (or CMOS pin as I have) is to provide extra current for the LED, so it doesn't load down the gate when used in parallel.

  16. Seems like a German has the same issue:


    I don't use any LPC Cores, nor do I run Win7. But it's a constant struggle with this OS; the invisible hand of constant updates borks everything from touchpad controllers to audio playback to MIDI drivers.

    My non-scientific solution was a mix of disabling/removing/reinstalling drivers until I got it to stick. 

    Sorry that I don't have more help to offer...





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