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latigid on

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Posts posted by latigid on

  1. Strange LCD issue. Anything to do with the voltage selector?

    On another note:
    If anyone has working/semi-working MBCV v2s, perhaps you'd like to contribute to the discussion of my prototype control surface here? We need more input on the best way to implement voice and menu structures. Thanks!



  2. I have a concept and PCBs for scaling CVs




    The circuit isn't exactly the same as it uses a rail to rail op amp instead of clamping diodes and the offset is a precision +5V source. I have it built up but I think it needs troubleshooting. Maybe I can have a go today.


    For your other points: I don;t think the zeroscope is not quite released yet, and I suppose it will be in the form of PCBs.

    Trouble with I2C chips is that these data lines are normally reserved for MIDI outputs, but it could work for a custom application. In other words, it would be great to have common modular blocks that are usable across several applications (like MBCV).

    For mounting OLEDs, you might be interested in this:




  3. This is for MBCV v2, which I'm working on with TK. (when he has time).

    What's happening is the digital waveforms are visualised on the scopes in parallel with the analogue output. 

    Audio inputs will need amplification, but modular levels need attenuation/limiting and offsetting. You can't feed over- or negative voltages into the Core IO pin. (3.0V nominal peak voltage btw.)

    This type of ADC is probably only useful for slow-ish waveforms. The accuracy (jitter) is reportedly better for AINSER, but at a cost of slower transfer rates as the digitised signal runs over SPI if I recall properly. I'm wondering if a proper ADC is a better solution, we can maybe look at some of Olivier's (Mutable Instruments) designs. 

    So at the moment, ADC for the Core is a concept rather than a proven solution. 


    Similar things are being developed elsewhere though






  4. What operating system are you using? The standard MIDI drivers of Win10 didn't work for me but some kludging with the GM5 MIDI driver seemed to help. 

    What MIDI interface are you using? It might be on the blacklist (check MIDIbox dokuwiki). DIN MIDI goes much slower compared to the USB version.

    It could be that the bootloader is corrupted?? Do you get a valid MIDI over USB connection when holding down the blue button at power on/reset?

    Both the Newbie and Expert info pages are useful:

    I'd suggest checking to see if the bootloader can be accessed, if not it can be re-flashed with ST-link. 

    You might play around with updated MIDI drivers:

    (assuming a 64-bit OS).


  5. This is a SEQ V3 owing to the PIC Core and banksticks. I would suggest that you start from the cost price of the parts and go down from there. It's also a good idea to list your location for currency/shipping estimates.

    Or, grab a new Core module and an AOUT and go nuts with your Eurorack. The SEQ kicks serious ass in modular land. 

  6. If you look at the schematic, the LEDs are arranged in a 16*16 matrix.

    • Anode columns are driven by DOUT pulses on SR3+4, while cathode rows are sunk by SR1+2.
    • All cathodes of each LED ring are connected to one DOUT pin (it's serving as a path to ground).
    • Similarly, all anodes of ring(n) LED(x) are connected, so every ring(n) LED1 is connected, every ring(n) LED2 etc.

    If there are any shorts to ground (e.g. if you scratch and bridge to the soldermask while installing an LED) then you can get unintended lighting. 

  7. If this only includes the silicone and FSR sheets that's still very expensive. If you don't need velocity sensing you could think about using adafruit (e.g. BLM) or Sparkfun (can be WS2812 enabled) pads which are much cheaper.

    Something I don't think you've considered yet is the sensor design. You need interleaved PCB traces (ENIG plating is best) to detect different resistances as velocity changes. Unless you can clone the AKAI PCB exactly you'll need lots of trial and error to get it right. Core STM32F4 has 8 ADCs but they're apparently not that good. There's a board called AINSER which runs over SPI (I think) and might do a better job, but transfers are slower. 

    If money and time are no problem, go for it of course. But if you want something that works for cheap I'd consider an existing solution e.g. Novation Launchpad Pro (8*8, illuminated, velocity/pressure sensitive) for <$300.

  8. Jumping in headfirst!

    I think I confused KiCAD with Diptrace, the latter has limits on size/number of pins unless you pay.

    All PCB software has very steep learning curves. My advice is to start with simple boards first, and if that works out go for larger ones. It's very likely that you will make an error (I know this from experience!) and it could waste some money if these are big PCBs.

    Some very basic things about design:

    • Scanning in vector objects to use as layers is not recommended. Boards are a complex stack up of copper, mask and silkscreen layers, and holes/milling.
    • When you connect a net in the schematic editor, this creates an "airwire" for you to join in the board editor. This guides you on how to layout the PCB. 
    • PCB fabricators accept gerber files, which are the different layers in an vector format, standardised. Few take layout files. I know the gerber generation in EAGLE is pretty good.

    Start small, dream big!

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