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latigid on

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Posts posted by latigid on

  1. Just a quick concept with not too much thought behind it:


    LED rings are great but seem very clunky to implement. You either need a single board (à la Fairlightii) with through hole LEDs or surface mount, which introduces panel problems (i.e. one needs a transparent case). Or you design stackable daughter boards like FantomXR, a good idea but adds to the cost.


    An alternative might be to light the encoders directly. For example, Sparkfun have these encoders with a switch button and two common cathode LEDs (e.g. red+green). Currently $2.66-$2.95 depending on quantity.








    I have to admit I don't have a lot to go on from the software side, but I imagine one could get some pretty intuitive colour mixing by changing the levels of each red and green LED. If we consider that there are usually 16 LEDs per ring, a possible 2 bit scheme could look like this.


    Green Red
    0     0       OFF
    1     0       green colours
    2     0
    3     0
    3     1       orange colours
    3     2
    1     1       
    2     1
    3     3
    1     2
    1     1
    1     2 
    1     3
    0     1       red colours
    0     2
    0     3


    Of course it might be swapped around somewhat, but it's a general idea to start.


    Interested to know how this might work from the software side because I think for bling factor and hardware implementation it could be quite worthwhile. The colours also enable other possibilities, like a VU meter scheme, LFO phase, simple on/off switch or 4-state parameters etc.





  2. Still relevant I feel. Mostly for the BLM, but also for older Cores, to gain 4 MIDI outs or if you don't need/want the MIDI ins.



    How 'relevant' is the quad IIC at this point in time? I thought it was pretty much replaced by the Midi IO module.
  3. Sure, but is there another relevant thread for the quad IIC? I just wish you'd stuck with the original footprint :). Personally I've already bought the wrong part several times; I think RS might have also 'replaced' their 3-2-3 with a 1-4-3. In any case it would be good if any future PCB runs could have a dual footprint.

  4. For anybody following, be careful on the pinout for the DIN8 socket. The 1-4-3 layout originally suggested is much more common now and Mouser's datasheet for 806-KCDX-8S-S2-PS is (at this time) incorrectly shown as 2-3-2 3-2-3. 


    RS #491-049 looks okay, one has to buy 5 at least where I'm looking.


    It seems that Reichelt no longer stock DIN8 PCB mount...

  5. Meanwhile, was there any progress with a new solution for gates? At some point I'd like to get a full SEQ breakout panel made and I wonder if I should implement space for 16 gate outs. (See previous page for a possible panel mock-up.)


    Best regards,




    More likely somebody will use the 64 gate/triggers and control them from one or more drum tracks (which can be nicely configured with the BLM) than sacrificing common tracks for this purpose.


    Please don't get me wrong: such an option could be easily implemented into the firmware, and the configuration could be well hidden into a configuration file (or in the UTIL->Options page) in the hope that somebody (aside from you) will ever use it.


    But somehow I haven't the feeling that this is a useful feature compared to existing possibilities. And actually I would prefer to spend some time to overwork the CV/gate channel assignment concept and come up with a more flexible solution instead of providing just another poorly conceived extension.


    The current CV related possibilities are already too confusing and especially not scalable, as it turned out in various forum postings.


    Best Regards, Thorsten.

  6. This part seems a bit off to me:



    Please understand, if you purchase this unit it is a hand built one off creation. It has been highly reliable for me and never skipped a beat. It is fully functional, however if it ever needs servicing you will need to rely on the Midibox community and your own investigations to find out more information. 



    This is the main gripe with selling to potential newbies: by writing this you're passing the buck onto the people who remain active in this forum. It would be better for you to say something like "if you ever have problems, please contact me and I'll do what I can to help. Failing this there's a dedicated community at midibox.org, but you should have experience with DIY electronics or be prepared to take the initiative and learn." 

  7. As far as I know it's not possible to mix up different display-types in an application.


    For sure, the mixed LCDs represent a special case for MBCV.


    Just to keep on topic: the main issue with the GLCDs is that there's no good way to panel mount them (AFAIK). Encoders could be panel mounted if needed but we might need to come up with a solution to have everything on the same PCB. If there was a long carrier board with 45 degree mounting for the GLCDs there would need to be a way to fix it at the bottom. This wouldn't be a problem with your 8x1 boards as you say.

  8. In my opinion, if you're not after the extra encoders/LED rings, CV inputs and scopes, then it would be better to design for the Core8 to fit in Eurorack. Of course you lose the USB connector... 



    Waking up the thread after a long time with a little poll... :hyper:


    Who would be interested by having a modified version of the MB CV V2 in order to fit in a Eurorack? I am currently trying to figure a way to make one based on the STM32 board, mounted on the back of a PCB holding the connectors, with those connectors:

    - MIDI IN


    - USB MIDI

    - 2x16 LCD with 4 buttons for menu browsing

    - 6 or 8 CV/Gate outputs (maybe using the CV outputs with mode selection to turn selected channels into 0V/+5V signals)


    This would fit in 16 or 20HP module






    Meanwhile, I've ordered some slightly modified jack boards that breakout the CV and gate connections, provide an LED for gate and additionally switch the CV input or output range (depending whether an AIN or AOUT is connected). I managed to get the size down to 50x100 mm, thus it could fit into a modular system, if people wanted to go that route. I will design a case housing the MBSEQ, MBCV and a complete IO panel for both however. This way I can get a decent 5V PSU and a separate bipolar 12V.


    But I'm also interested in sneakthief's progress; are the new carrier boards for the LCDs and buttons implemented yet? Is the case solution a clear acrylic like Hawkeye's Programma or an opaque panel with windows? How are the various components' distances?



  9. I was scratching my head a bit yesterday with this also: what would you like to do with the Programma? Is the idea definitely to use the LRE8x2 boards with the LCDs somehow stacked above? Or should the bullet be bitten, and a new encoder board designed (preferably one with better current sinks and perhaps SOIC chips and/or LEDs)? This way the LCDs could be mounted to the PCB which avoids all kinds of trouble.


    One thing is the fabs start to get quite pricey if you go over 300 mm board size. Could an option therefore be to design an LRE4x2 with integrated displays? The cost would then become quite a bit lower as the quantities increase.


    I certainly support your project but I don't think it's the MIDIbox I need right now batman.gif. What I am interested in is an MBCV 2 which would use the same LCDs. I wonder then if there's a solution that would be applicable to both projects. Already it's gonna be a bit of a nightmare to try and arrange the LRE8x2, 4xGLCDs, 20x2CLCD, buttons and an encoder to the same panel height. It may even call for a single PCB akin to the Wilba SEQ.


    Sorry for the semi-off topicness!

  10. Well, if the MD can send CCs from its control knobs which the SEQ records into a parameter layer... then we could be in business! But the implementation sounds very difficult, not to mention that this would quickly eat tracks, while the drum tracks have a limited number of parameter layers... Still it deserves further thought! Sorry for the thread hijack btw OP!

  11. The MBSEQ V4 clock is as good as they get, even under heavy load. I have a Machinedrum and Octatrack and they sync perfectly to the MBSEQ. The only disadvantage using Elektron boxes with it is that it's hard to choose if you use the internal Elektron sequencer or the MBSEQ to drive the Elektron sound engines ;)
    Also my dilemma; a big part of the Elektron sound is the parameter locks etc. I wonder if there's a way to somehow use the MD in record mode?
  12. Hello, welcome to MIDIbox! A main advantage of the SEQ is that you can use many (2/4/8 or even 12) outputs in parallel. You should have no problems this way. I don't know of any hard data, but TK was careful with coding the older models in ASM for the best performance.

  13. PCB: around $75 Silicone pads: $4 to $4.50 from ADAfruit. If there's enough interest I could ask for a bigger discount. Flikto.de has them for 5.20€ with free shipping after 50€. I designed the front panel for an M2 grub screw, not the sort of thing you normally buy so I could also provide these. And white square LEDs for the sliders as you have to buy 100 at a time from eBay.

  14. Thanks! For sure, I have all of the part numbers from Mouser which I will compile for you later. Let me get my case first, but after I've checked I can run a bulk order. For around 5 cases the cost will be less than $300 and closer to $260 for 10 pieces, this includes shipping direct to you. I will see if they are able to run it through their UK branch, then perhaps extra VAT can be avoided for EU folk.

  15. Can I just say that the implementation of the BLM works impressively well with the SEQ -- hats off to TK. It's really nice to scroll through the tracks and have every one update on the BLM. I can imagine the new step recording will also be great; hold any button and a MIDI key to quickly enter a pattern. Things really start to get wild when messing with the length and direction parameters :).

  16. Hello,

    I could do a big order from Mouser but being in CH everyone would have to pay extra VAT... there could be a possibility to go to the post if I'm visiting DE. It makes the most sense to bulk order LEDs and the silicone buttons. I have one extra set of 300 blue and 300 green LEDs that I can already let go for cheaper and there's discounts for over 99 pieces of the pads from adafruit. You need 18 sheets per BLM, plus 1/16. I could also provide some of these single buttons to save buying an extra sheet. The other components are readily available from Mouser but it's less effort from my side if everybody orders from them, plus the cost savings are insignificant.

    As for an update the basic concept is working well with a few tweaks. I am waiting for the case to be made, after that I will start to collect orders in the next few weeks.

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