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latigid on

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Posts posted by latigid on

  1. Winter is coming and it will soon be time for BLM builds. I'd like to start a thread for possible new modes and features.

    1. Remote update. This might be my limited understanding of MIOS Studio, but is it possible for the SEQ to route a sysex update to the BLM? Because the MIDI connector is non-standard one would have to open the case and either transplant the PIC into a standard Core or use odd cables connected to the 2x5 IDC or DIN8. It may also be interesting to have direct access to the 16x16+X matrix from apps on the computer/MIOS studio etc.

    2. Scale editor. Custom scales are really cool  but a little clunky to program in using drum mode. I'm wondering if scales could be set up using a new "mode" where the 4 sliders set note, octave (velocity, gate length?). Maybe the notes could be "built" from one of the many scale templates, choosing a root note, and then modified from there.




  2. It's been a little while since the forum upgrade and there are still issues. Hopefully they can be collated here for fixing. We're appreciative of this great place but it can be made better!

    1. Encoding support. Most characters with diacritics are complete gobbledegook, especially noticeable in the Greek/Russian forums.
    2. Formats. The gallery images are dated using the American system (MMDDYY) but enhanced quoted posts are in German. Is it just me?
    3. There's a problem with some gallery images displaying a black screen.
    4. Status updates are better if one person overwrites their old one, I have three at the moment, one being a spelling error fix.
    5. Do we really need line spacing in posts?
    6. Lack of smilies, old ones are not parsed correctly.


    Any others?

    Many thanks,

  3. I've chatted with TK about an LED driver chip running SPI, the benefits would be less CPU load and more RGB resolution at the expense of slower transfer rates.

    I've ordered a few encoders to test, I'll probably make up a small board with matrix routing and connections to a DOUT module. As always, things get a bit more complicated when you have to route up a control surface PCB with 16 of these on :).

  4. The question is how does one enable AIN's?  I guess that's the problem?


    Johannus OP240.

    If you are discussing mios8 and midio128, you are in the digital domain, not analog.  

    What are you attempting to do?

    If you go to the Ucaps website, and go to the link for  MIOS8 located in left panel, you will find some apps down at the bottom of the list dealing with J5.



  5. Hardware side: there is no AIN module (well, there is AINSER and the old AIN64), just the AIN pins. Can you explain or post a diagram of how you're trying to connect the pots?

    Software side: I don't have experience with these MIOS apps, but maybe you could try to upload MB64 to test?


  6. Once I've verified the PCBs I'll organise the shipping, upload the BOM and build guide and order the cases. At the moment we're still on track for "in time for Oktoberfest." 

    Looks like all of the PCBs are spoken for (will finalise orders next Monday), but I'll bump you to the top if you get a case as well because it makes it cheaper for me. Also, (as I've already said) you'll be hard pressed to get an enclosure for a better price because just the front panel will be dearer than the whole case and you still have to add shipping!

    Anyway! We move forwards and I'm glad for all of the interest. It's been a long run so far and it'll be great to see more BLMs in the wild.

  7. does it work?

    depends on price,16 up to 64


    The clear Waldorf? Not sure! Apparently they are exactly the same as Sparkfun's version. Bourns also make one which I have. EDIT: looking again these are T18 spline shaft, not what we want! 

    Here are the Bourns pots (not encoders) which I imagine would be fairly similar.









  8. I'm considering a bulk order of encoders from Top-up. I think I can do a much better price than the ~$5 most shops seem to charge! They have a common anode RGB LED inside and a switch with 5mm travel. 

    I think the 16 mm D-shaft with 24 detent/24 pulse would be best. They would probably work very well with the "Waldorf" clear knobs.



    If you're interested, please reply below with quantities desired.

  9. Your quickest option will be to hit up ilmenator for an SCS PCB:

    If you go for the STM32F4 Core it has an SD card onboard. And if you wanted smaller/non-standard MIDI connectors (e.g. miniDIN) it might be an idea to create a dedicated PCB for this. The MIDI in circuit requires an optocoupler but it's very simple.



    • Like 1
  10. Heh, again it's an 8-pin connector! 

    This is the one I've bought for my cable:

    Mouser: 523-T3504-001

    It's very nice, but a bit pricey. And with the above mentioned DIN-8  ;) socket, you have to remove the screw collar to get it to mate properly :roll:


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