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Status Replies posted by Lamouette

  1. Yay! :) Little Miss Hawkeye was born last Friday and already can't wait for her first noise-making and blinking MIDIbox! :)

  2. Merry Xmas, everybody! :-D

    1. Lamouette


      Yeah, you too ! Have fun guyz, some rest, and champagne !

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Now building a wilba seq v4 with onboard synth

  4. My girlfirend started soldering her first LCP17 !!!!!!! Coooooooool !

    1. Lamouette


      naaaa, she's doing this just perfectly ! and she also cook as well ! it's fun to see how she imagine the comtrolleur :"no maybe i will use velvet, it will feel better ! "

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. My girlfirend started soldering her first LCP17 !!!!!!! Coooooooool !

  6. About all schools in the district is closed, I have 80cm snow in my garden. No chance of digging out the car at all. It's only a coincidence that I had to stay home with sick kid today, but I would never make it to work today anyway. I hit the snowy streets with my backpack and actually walked to the grocerystore. Took tons of pictures - super nice! - Snowfall 12.12.12 will never be forgotten!

    1. Lamouette


      i thought there was snow everywhere in norway ! 100cm is quite fun ! here in canada, we're waiting for more snow but nothing comes ! just 15cm... Enjoy !

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  7. All evening playing with Inventor does really make the laptop fan go crazy!

    1. Lamouette


      i working on catia V5 (it also my all day job...) but also worked on Spaceclaim (Just the most creative software for industry and really light software) and doing rendering on keyshot (the easy way ! ) I will try to do some render tonight ! Bye

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. All evening playing with Inventor does really make the laptop fan go crazy!

    1. Lamouette


      Are you trying the new flight simulator wit hthe powerfull airbus engine and massive sound ??? No non just watching some web page... :D

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. All evening playing with Inventor does really make the laptop fan go crazy!

    1. Lamouette


      Haha i remember my last job whem i used the laptop (a powerfull one) to some wallpaper rendering, the fan was crazy !(My boss asked if the new computer was not broken) It's quite better now with my new own computer !

      Some rendering of the GM5x5x5 19" case competion project soon !

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. There is a solution to have more than only one album on our gallery ? Can't find it .

  11. Hmm, 3 mm LEDs don't fit into SEQ front panel... :(

  12. After more than 10 years, http://www.uCApps.de got a new shiny frontpage - it's especially more touchpanel friendly, so that the layout should work for the next 10 years ;-)

    1. Lamouette


      loved the last and like that one ! Well done !

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hope not too many Republicans around, but I need to celebrate good Obama C'MON!!

  14. Phone back from repair. And those bastards managed to distroy my memory card! Backup.... hmmm I remember something of that name from way back.... Can't rememer what it is though...! C R 4 P!!

    1. Lamouette


      yeah, and your word are ''light'' against their... i'm qfraid the only thing they will purpose to you is a simply replacement of the card... and I know how much the ''pro'' company charges to recover data on damaged storage (i lost a full disk of personnal data last year...)

      Good luck !

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Phone back from repair. And those bastards managed to distroy my memory card! Backup.... hmmm I remember something of that name from way back.... Can't rememer what it is though...! C R 4 P!!

  16. Fears JB-Weld... How to get perfect blobs?

  17. these too little shruthi are taking all my time, building one, finish it, playing.... building the second, playing the first, not finished.... Damn...

  18. The focusrite interface is lying safely in my car. I don't know if I dare bring it inside when wife looks. Next she'll start asking questions about money and shit like that.... :D

    1. Lamouette


      Haha, secret agent mode !

      Hey, Wahat is this new keyboard on your desk ? hummmmmmm something a friend lend to me.... Who ? Hummmmmmmm you see that i washed all the house yesterday....

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Dudes, those google olympic games is just adictive!

  20. Just clicked "Submit" on Mouser. Already tred of waiting...

    1. Lamouette


      for me in canada, Mouser is so quick ! For example : order done on monday 13:00, received at home on tuesday 12:00 !!!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  21. Just clicked "Submit" on Mouser. Already tred of waiting...

    1. Lamouette


      worst for me, when you submit, and think about missed items... Order on another site and fail on choose the shipments, so normal shipment from europe to canada could take 2-3 weeks.... Grrr

      Good luck all ! but it's sunny actually, and i'm close to be in holidays, so maybe it's better to don't have a big amount of part to sold ^^

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  22. Got my parts from Reichelt, soldered the MBHP LPC17 core together. YESSS! It talks to me through MIOS32 Studio. Let the Games Commence!

    1. Lamouette


      the beggining of your trouble !! haha :) i hope no !

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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