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The Dub Master MIDIbox 64 -work in progress-


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Yes they are very close.

And yes i am able to turn them with less difficulty then i thought. ;D

My next MB64 will probably be a bit more "spacy", wich means bigger, just the way i like it.

BIG and HEAVY!  8)

Also the way i spaced these ones was due to the way i work.

I like being able to tweak 3-4 knobs with only one finger.

Might sound strange...and actually that makes stuff sound strange. :)

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I was not planning on doing any more updates untill my DubMaster was finished,

but i am so pleased with the latest stuff i did, so here i go again.

jum jum JUM!!!! Look at that CABLE people!!!

Power cord dressed in black with gold/yellow stripes JUUUUMMM!!!!!


I am so damned happy. I was soo worried i would have to use

som regular stuff that's been seen over and over again.

But noooo, not this time.


I needed dressed cable to get that old school feel for the PSU.

Look at that thing, she's beautyfull.

I could swallow her whole without cooking it first!!!


At least i didn't fall asleep during the "electronics" lectures.

"The ground is the last one to go, always", my teacher used to say.


If one go back in time of audio equipment, you would find that

they used alot of DIN connections on audio gear etc.

So iv'e used just that to get that "oldschool" feel, just the way i want it.

Gold plated to suit the colors of the cable.

mmmmmmmmmmmm, I am soo pleased with the result!!!  ;D


Iv'e been sitting here just staring at the finished cables for 20 minutes.

During this moment iv'e had 2 wow moments.

First one when i finally recieved my pot....no..i meant the pots.  8)

The second one after finishing these two cables.

I could probably write an essay about these two wonders.

Does that mean im damaged?   :-[

More updates to come shortly.


The cable you see are not one complete cable.

There are actually two cables.

One of them is meant to be used for primary, wall outlet - PSU.

The one with the DIN head, PSU - DubMasta 9v low voltage.


I repeat, this is not two ends of the same cable being seen in the photo people.

I had to clarify this, i got scolded at another forum.

They thought i was using a DIN head for feeding AC current to the DubMaster.

I would never do that. And to others thinking about it.

DONT DO THAT! It will probably kill you...no it will most likely kill you!!!

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I Foona,

Great looking box, if I haven't said it before.

I think you have broke Sasha record with the knobs  ;D

Thanx man! :)

Im not using that many pots  ;D

There's only 32 rotary pots and 25 slider pots,

wich means there are 57 analog controlling elements in my DubMaster.

I know i said i wasn't going to do anymore updates...but...i got the last stuff from my carpenter today...

I just have to share this with you people.

The wood didn't turn out as dark as i originally planned, though when looking at these magical things..

I cannot stop myself from feeling horny! There i said it...

Midiboxing is better than porn dammit!

Here's the last sneak peak before the BIG update, so enjoy people.

[glow=red,2,300]!!!WARNING FOR MIDIBOX PORN!!![/glow]


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Damn, that is nice!

I'm very glad you clarified the DIN != AC thing. I was a bit concerned as I read down the page.

I Foona,

Great looking box, if I haven't said it before.

I think you have broke Sasha record with the knobs  ;D

I think asafnetzer is referring to spacing here.

I may be wrong, but I think Sasha has made some quite compact boxes, with a lot of knobs in a small area.

Sasha's 'record' is for close-spaced knobs, not quantity.

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Nice cords, but they remind me too much of Stryper! 

hahahaha  Sorry, I had to share that terrible piece of history.  ::)

man...  i used to love stryper! ::)  Foona!  your stuff is looking better and better every time i check this thread!  great work man!  soon, hopefully, i'll have some new projects to post pictures of...

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This cord looks very nice and fits perfect to the old school design, but you should really take that picture different than you did. I also thought you are crazy doing it but I read what you said later on.  ;D Good work.

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Oh that's really coming together man!

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I'm rocking 'missile switch' (they're not really for firing missiles heh) covers on my boxes, they're good stuff... Although I think they might not match the 'earthy' look of this box, especially as they are generally rather glossy. You can get protective covers in metal which might look nicer though...

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Thanx guys! :)

Im not too familliar with "Stryper", and believe me, it was never my intention

to make you all puke from looking at my beautyfull powercord. 8)

..only one thing concerns me..

The MB64 runs on a bipolar powersupply right?  :-[

Please tell me iv'e gotten that down right..

Cuz this is what ive built anyway.

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Assumption really is the true mother of ALL f*ckups...

I read through this page: http://www.midibox.org/users/tor_arne/midibox64_walkthrough/everything.html

And assumed i needed a dual 7-9 volts PSU.....

Can i still use the power supply iv'e built?

It's soo nicely done, and it's giving me stable 9.20 VDC+ :)

It's giving out 9 volts, but the 5 volt regulator on the core will take care of that right?

Or will it get too hot?

Im like 2 days away from having this beast fully functional..i really don't want any big setbacks..

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I'm not sure what version of core (V1?) Tor was using, but that info is now outdated.

I don't blame you for missing it, but the parts list on Tor's guide has been removed with the following note:

The parts list has been removed since it isn't up-to-date anymore. Please find the new orderlist for each module on the appr. MBHP pages.

Check out the core module page:

Available Ports

    Following interfaces are provided by the core module:

    Name No. of pins Description

    J1 2 Connection to the powersupply. Either the output of a 7V-10V transformer, or a wall adapter can be used. 500 mA is recommented, especially if a backlit display is used, but MIDIfilter and MIDImerger work also with ca. 100 mA. AC or DC doesn't matter, since the rectifier behind J1 converts to DC anyhow. Also the polarity has not to be taken into account.

So, not knowing how your PSU is designed, I'd say you're in luck, just be sure that the core is fully stuffed with rectifier, regulator, caps etc... Or you could keep that PSU for your SID ;)

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