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Great Shows of electronic artists


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Letz talk here about great artists with amazing gigs etc....whats your favorite shows you ever seen ?

Ill start with an nice favorite of my endeless list :) ...I know there are more impressive shows like Pink Floyd-Pulse, Jean Michelle Jarre, Massive Attack etcetcetc...but enjoy this nice piece, this lamp-wall behind the band gives this song such a nice surreal atmosphere, I love it !


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if you are talking about audio+video then the best ever it s been for me Alva Noto with Ryuichi Sakamoto @ Roskilde 2006, footage to be found so it s impressed in my mind, forever.I ve never seen anything like that before..

Any random Meat Beat Manifesto show of the last years kicks ass.

(yes it is real time processing of on scene video cameras)

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Well, hmmh. I wonder why they called it "Live"? No crowd there, not really a show, not really electronic music... am I being hypercritical?  ;D

I'm picking they called it "Live" because it was done live.

OK I agree, not necessarily a "show", without an audience... unless you include the countless ghosts of old Pompeii.

Definitely electronic music.

Raises an interesting question though.

How many electronic instruments are required to make the music "electronic"?

Or is it a question of which instruments are electronic?

Is a band with electric guitar, electric bass, electric keys and acoustic drums inherently less electronic:

than a band with acoustic guitar, electric bass, electric keys and electric drums?

Or is it a question of sequencing?

In which case, what about a band with live drums/vocal, live guitar/vocal and everything else sequenced?

More or less electronic than a group with sequenced drums/guitar/sampled vocal, and live bass/strings/keys?

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Definitely electronic music.

Or is it a question of sequencing?

What?! Electronic?... the only thing that maybe comes close there is the organ..... The rest is just electrically amplified acoustic (drums/guitar) (that's electrically, not electronically)

As for "live" you've hit a common gripe of mine there.

Sequenced = not played at the time of the performance = not live.

Broadcast while actually being performed; not taped, filmed, or recorded
1. In broadcast, term used for a program that is presented as it is happening, in contrast to a prerecorded broadcast. A live broadcast is said to be happening in "real time."


Edit: there was an audience.... us!

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What?! Electronic?... the only thing that maybe comes close there is the organ..... The rest is just electrically amplified acoustic (drums/guitar) (that's electrically, not electronically)

Okie dokie then.

Click play on clip number 2 (ie "Echoes Part II").

Listen to the first 20 seconds. I think this is electronic music.

I'll put it this way: could Pink Floyd play anything even approaching this without echo effects, filter boxes, the several synthesizers set up beside Mr Wright and Mr Waters...

An amplifer is electrical.

A fuzz box is electronic.

They both amplify.

Edit: and what about the old Roland GR series Analog guitar synths?

They are ultimately just rather complex effect pedals. Or are they synthesisers?

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Ryuichi Sakamoto !!  What a blast from the past!

I have a couple of his albums (vinyl) from the 80's, a time when his only competition was Tomita or Clause Schultz.

thanx Cimo.


funny enough i don t know any other "solo" work of Sakamoto, but i consider his co-work with Alva Noto among my favorite electronic productions

Pink Floyd - Live at Pompeii - Echoes


oh well, now going offtopic but

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Yeh or just stupid. I've heard the music, I'm going with stupid. ;D

really you have to see these people live, the stuff they released isn t so good, but everybody who s seen them had told me that they give their best in concerts.I m gonna tell you friday night..

Oh well now i go and see Radiohead..

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Apparat's record release in a big theater in Berlin 2007. I stepped back to the seats and recorded it with my cam. It really couldn't capture the atmosphere. But that was my best concert ever.

This one I haven't been at, but I like the part of the music and the way he seems to grab his cigar in sync as if it was part of his MIDI controller.

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really you have to see these people live, the stuff they released isn t so good, but everybody who s seen them had told me that they give their best in concerts.I m gonna tell you friday night..

Oh well now i go and see Radiohead..

Once again, Cimo proves that he knows what he's talking about.  :)

Edit: * /tilted/ is afraid of men in tight white pants  ::)

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Once again, Cimo proves that he knows what he's talking about.  :)

Edit: * /tilted/ is afraid of men in tight white pants  ::)

Battles rock! if i may use only one word to describe their act is synchronization, a real pleasure to look at for the hardware geeks out there. Drum player sitting in the front line, keeping up with a DL4 of a guitar player.

I was late but i got also 30 minutes of Mogwai and their excellent sound.

Tonight My Bloody Valentine, don t really know what to expect.


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yeah!!! My Bloody Valentine ended the concert and the possibility to hear any other concert with a 22 minutes rumble/noise wall powered by the excellent Arena s sound system and a mulitstack of marshalls and godknowswhat..

the band was as in good shape as 20 years ago AAAA+++, after more than 12 hours my earing sytem is still shocked (no S1, i didn t use earplugs, i am masochist)

after that and a needed pause i went, just out of curiosity to see the Chemical Brothers, they were as lame as usual so really nothing to say. . .  oh well i could say &%#/&% you!


i d like to mention DJ Scotch Egg and his crazy bunch of Gameboys

and, i ve just arrived from Supersilent, a noise/jazz experimental band from Norway, thumbs for them

... oh fuck, my ears!

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