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MIDIBox as a solid state relay controller


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At last, my project is in working order.  Let me share it with you all.

I thought it would be interesting to use the MIDIBox as a Christmas light show controller.  Normally such systems are connected to the computer through a parallel port, but I figured, why not try it with MIDI?  I mean, programming the lights could be done easily in any sequencing software like Fruity Loops and could be easily used on any computer with a USB port.


My setup is pretty simple- just a core and a DOUT.  It doesn't even have a case yet.  D:

The pins of the DOUT are connected to RJ45 network outlets, so they give me seven channels and one ground.

The software is pretty simple, too.  A Note-On message on the first channel will cause the first output pin to go high, and a Note-Off on the first channel will bring the pin back down to zero.  This gives me sixteen channels to work with, but it would be simple enough to have it done in some less non-restricting way.

The next part of the system is pretty dang dangerous; it plugs directly into the wall.  I often see disclaimers associated with projects like this, so here's mine:  DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!!  THE HIGH VOLTAGES CAN KILL YOU!!!  Seek Help!  Be cautious!


Here's the Solid State Relay box.  Six of these things are mashed together on this board.  All the triacs are isolated so they could be heatsinked together.  The SSRs are optically isolated from the MIDIBox so as not to destroy my precious electronics.  D:


I determined that the most current this particular board could hold up against was 7.8 amps, so it's fused at 7 amps.  Since then, I've built another board which can handle 12 amps.  Future versions will be able to handle about that much at best - 12 amps is insane enough!

There's nothing too exciting about the software.  I used Fruity Loops to create sequences that would flash the lights.

All in all, the project was a success, and a big hit around Christmas time for the neighbors.


And finally, here's a diagram of the whole setup.


Comments and suggestions are greatly welcomed.  Even if you want to say that I'm nuts for doing this, I welcome those too!  Extra special thanks to all those involved in making MIDIBox the best DIY MIDI interface out there.  I couldn't have done it without it.

Some ideas were pulled from http://www.computerchristmas.com

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Good work. I like the way you use network cable for DOUTx4 to relay connection.

Don't attempt this!!!!  The high voltages can kill you!

I always hated seeing this message. It exists mostly to protect the manufacturers if some retard want to get them in court. I don`t believe there are retards here on forum. Parents should teach children not to put wire in the outlet when they are very young.

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Messiahtallica - Xmas in F# minor

from the album

Jesus Rocks Vol II

OK I had to take the mickey out of the christmas music but that is one awesome project :) Thanks for all the details :)

I always hated seeing this message. It exists mostly to protect the manufacturers if some retard want to get them in court.

I know where you're coming from sasha but I don't agree. It *exists* because people care about each other, and don't want to see people get fried if they make a mistake. Sadly yeh, if you see it on anything a business owns trademarks for, then chances are that it's there for legal purposes.

I don't think you have to be a 'retard' to stuff up and zap yourself. I know some of the people around here have done some dumb shit, like shorting large 240V caps with metal screwdrivers in their hand (that was me in case you missed that one) or kissing soldering irons while they're on (we won't say who that was ;) ).

If you say something like that, and next week I electrocute myself, you might regret using that term to describe me when I'm dead ;)

So yeh, point is, I think it's a good idea to warn the reader (it could be some 10 yr old kid for all you know), and it's a nice thing to do, if the intention is nice. If the poster is saying it just to cover their ass from stupid laws, well, maybe that's a different story.

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I know where you're coming from sasha but I don't agree. It *exists* because people care about each other, and don't want to see people get fried if they make a mistake. Sadly yeh, if you see it on anything a business owns trademarks for, then chances are that it's there for legal purposes.

I don't think you have to be a 'retard' to stuff up and zap yourself. I know some of the people around here have done some dumb shit, like shorting large 240V caps with metal screwdrivers in their hand (that was me in case you missed that one) or kissing soldering irons while they're on (we won't say who that was ;) ).

Hey, accidents happens and accident is not same as stupidity. I was zapped many times myself, mostly because of MY lack of cautious. Same happens to you and so much other people here, but it still don`t make much sense for me to say Don't attempt this!!!!  :D I would rather say... "be cautious"  ;)

Anyway, it is OK to warn people.

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Don't attempt this!!!!  :D I would rather say... "be cautious"  ;)

Well said!! :D

I think the original post was not really meant literally, but hey... you never know who will read it ;) We wouldn't want to scare away the next nik tesla would we?

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Points taken on disclaimers guys.  I know there's a lot of extremely intelligent people on this forum, but you never know who's going to read this.  Perhaps they will be someone who's inexperienced or doesn't have the slightest clue of how dangerous this is.  I can say personally that I've been extremely cautious- the boxes are duck taped down when being used and the area is blocked off, and I'd hope that anyone attempting this as a result of my project would do the same.  I'll alter the disclaimer a little.

Tell me you put big speakers outside within during December !

Haha, I don't think that's such a good idea.  Thank you for pointing that out - I completely forgot to talk about audio.  I'm using a small radio transmitter, so everyone would either have to bring a radio with them or use the one that's in their car.

A problem I've had is that on the DOUT module, there are 8 outputs and two grounds, so ten in total on each group of pins.  But the network cable has only 8 contacts, so I lose a channel for each grouping - 124 in total.  Currently my program doesn't compensate for this, but I'd rather get those pins back.

Just a warning this time.  Bright flashing lights!


Here's another video of it in action when I was first testing it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't suppose you might be willing to share the code? Your setup is very close to what I was thinking about doing, except I was thinking about more fine grained control using MIDI - notes and CC's instead of channels, which should offer plenty of combinations. You could then extend it using CC events to, say, control fade, strobe, etc. Also, does your approach allow for fading? That seemed like that might be possible, but I wasn't sure how well that would work using the DOUT board.

Looks really awesome, by the way! I *really* like the idea of using MIDI to control lights. As a musician, that means I could easily write my own Christmas and Holiday mixes and easily convert them into MIDI to control lights. Heck, you could even "play" the lights in realtime :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sure, I'll share the code as soon as I can get at it.  It'll be over the weekend.

You seem to be on the right track with what flips on what.  I was thinking about making the lights work real-time, but I ran into the problem of mapping.  If you figure something out, let me know.

Dimming's a tough subject.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that yet.  I do know that because my optoisolators are zero crossing they can't be used for dimming, since they can only be switched on or off when the AC voltage is at zero.  To do dimming, your circuitry has to be able to switch in different parts of the wave.

At least, this is what I know now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Absolutely Great!  8)

Really, I laughed my head off.  :D

And yeh, you have to get fried once to know to be more careful. I got fried putting a TL in its socket while the power was on. I thought it was save since the starter on the life wire had been removed (which would have been safe). but while I put in the tube my mate put in the starter. We never found the screwdriver I had in my hand again.

Don't try this yourself. I guess I was lucky.

Gio.  :-[

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A problem I've had is that on the DOUT module, there are 8 outputs and two grounds, so ten in total on each group of pins.  But the network cable has only 8 contacts, so I lose a channel for each grouping - 124 in total.  Currently my program doesn't compensate for this, but I'd rather get those pins back.

Perhaps you could exchange the RJ-45s for DE-9s?

9 pins = 8 + GND...

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