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It seems that some people would prefer to automate MIDIbox SID V2 parameters with CCs instead of NRPNs due to DAW limitations.

Although CCs are limited in the number (only 128) and resolution (only 7bit), they could still cover your usecase...

...so, just list the parameters you would like to control and I will add a CC mode which will fit your needs.

Here a list of all parameters:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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It seems that some people would prefer to automate MIDIbox SID V2 parameters with CCs instead of NRPNs due to DAW limitations.

Although CCs are limited in the number (only 128) and resolution (only 7bit), they could still cover your usecase...

...so, just list the parameters you would like to control and I will add a CC mode which will fit your needs.

Here a list of all parameters:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

Thats great to see.

I think it would be really worth putting a link to that on the Midibox Sid V2 Manual page.

Just like each synth manual has a CC table before the appendix.

Edit: Just spotted theres a link to it in the Lead Engine:


I wonder would it be worth giving its own section on the manual too though.

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I deleted the .txt file on uCApps, as it isn't guaranteed that it will be updated.

The SVN link is the only one which is almost up-to-date

Probably some of you already noticed, that this file is in the doc/ directory of the release package as well.

Some words to the Wiki page: it's somehow unsorted (MBSID V1 mixed with MBSID V2)

And sometimes you are writing it wrong - it's neither called "Midibox Sid", nor "mbSID", it's either "MIDIbox SID" or "MBSID"

However, it seems that nobody is interested on an alternative CC map to access a selection of parameters directly?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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IAnd sometimes you are writing it wrong - it's neither called "Midibox Sid", nor "mbSID", it's either "MIDIbox SID" or "MBSID"

Ooops, sorry about that, must knock that habit.

However, it seems that nobody is interested on an alternative CC map to access a selection of parameters directly?

I dont understand what you mean by an alternative CC map, i was just suggesting linking the main parameter map on the main manual page.

Maybe i confused you when i said I changed the name from "Parameter Chart" to "CC Parameter Chart",

so it would be recognised as a CC chart easier?

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i was just suggesting linking the main parameter map on the main manual page.

I already added it, just press the refresh button of your browser

Maybe i confused you when i said I changed the name from "Parameter Chart" to "CC Parameter Chart",

But this is no CC parameter chart, because the parameters are accessible via NRPN, and via various modulation sources.

Again - this was the initial question:

It seems that some people would prefer to automate MIDIbox SID V2 parameters with CCs instead of NRPNs due to DAW limitations.

Although CCs are limited in the number (only 128) and resolution (only 7bit), they could still cover your usecase...

...so, just list the parameters you would like to control and I will add a CC mode which will fit your needs.


currently following CCs are allocated

CC#00: select Bank

CC#01: Knob#1

CC#06: NRPN MSB Value

CC#16: Knob#2

CC#17: Knob#3

CC#18: Knob#4

CC#19: Knob#5

CC#38: NRPN LSB Value

CC#64: Sustain



I will add this to a new text file later, and release it in the SVN (no need to write a second documentation in the Wiki, which will be inconsistent whenever I'm doing changes)

So - which parameters would you like to control directly via 7bit CCs?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Ah, my humblest apologies for confusing it for a CC chart TK.

In future ill just make suggestions if they could be useful to me (i.e when i have an mbsid finished)

instead of just wasting the time of others, when it can be put to so much more important things MB-related!

I guess people with the minimal control surface, or no control surface at all would benefit the most from direct CC's,

so i guess they would be the best people to suggest them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What we want is controllers that will do more-or-less the same thing in the Lead, Bassline, and SuperPoly engines (the Drum engine is a maybe not such an obvious contender for CC control), so my vote is for

Main Volume

Osc. 1/2/3 Wavform

Filter Cutoff

Filter Res

Filter Type

Filter Env. Depth

Filter Env. Decay

Portamento On/Off

Portamento Time

As the basics.


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the Drum engine is a maybe not such an obvious contender for CC control

You don't play drums very often do you? ;)

I'd think that things like env (attack times especially), LFO rates, PWM width, and WT params would be handy...

Perhaps a CC to select which voice you are controlling with the other CCs?

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