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i'm trying to sync the drum engine or the bassline with my sequencer but the mb 6582 don' t recieve the midi clock

In the sync menu i put all the 4 sid in slave mod and when i push play button of my sequencer my mb6582 don't start

what's happend?


my sequencer

Which sequencer? If it's a MB sequencer, make sure that you are using the midi out that comes from the core and Sync out is enabled, NOT the IIC modules as these can't spit out sync..




OK i was so stupid my dr 660 was in THRU on

now the sync work but not fine

the rythm doesn't play in the same time

the both BD doesn't play together

i made the pattern in the both machine

this one

*---*---*--- and there is a little gap

do you know if i can take off this gap


Yes this is documented at uCapps.de read the manual on the drum engine and you will see there are limitations in the timing of the sequencer.

There are workarounds but i think you only choice with a DR660 if i remember right (Many years since i oened one) will be to use the delay method.

That is feeding the DR660 through a delay first so that it is perfectly out of time and perfectly in sync with the mb6582.

Your best bet is to read uCapps.de it is much clearer there ;)



Actually there are two options, which are documented here, search for "ABW"

Either you disable the ABW (ADSR Bug Workaround) flag in the configuration menu so that drum sounds will be played immediately. But this can lead to envelope hickups or even more random timings (only if AD and R = 0 the gate will open immediately, in all other cases they have a random lag between 0..25 mS)

Or you enable it, which has the advantage of completely working ADSRs and a defined delay of 30 mS, which can be easily compensated in a DAW - even for live sessions (e.g. in Logic Audio, all tracks which don't use the ABW are routed to a bus which inserts a +30 mS sample delay).

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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