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Newbie needs an advice


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Recently i decided to put all my affords in a sequencer project which will be my very first DIY. But things get a little bit confusing since the new SEQ4 is introduced and according to some posts allready in state of "nearly finished". I am not quite sure if it is better for me starting with the SEQ3 or waiting till the moment when the SEQ4 is officialy released.

As far as i understood the only difference on the hardware is the new core-board with the chip - right?

On the other side - thinking about my skills in soldering (i did some exercise) - it will take me a long, maybe a very long time soldering parts together. Starting with the DIN-, DOUT- and IIC-Midi-Modules seems to be the correct way for me.

This leads me to another question. The new coreboard has allready two Midi-IN/OUT´s. Further Midi-Outs (i need in sum four) requires at last two more IIC-Midi-Modules which means completing a MB_SEQ4 needs following modules:

3x DIN


2x IIC-MIDI (with two Pic16F88)

1x STM32

Oh, beside all this i´d like to say "hello" to the community. I am watching this page since two years always thinking about a DIY-project but the time is now critical (i don´t like setting steps in my DAW everytime and in some case i´d like to be complete independent from my computer)



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I've personally built 2 sequencers, and helped two friends build theirs, and certainly rate it as a sequencer (The real time recording needs a bit of work, but this apparently is fixed up in V4)

I'd just build a V3 sequencer, and wait until the new core is available and then replace it with the newer core when that comes out.. could be tomorrow, could be in 6 months..

Shopping list

3 x DIN - yep

1 x DOUT - Yep

2 x IIC-MIDI (If you want.. this gives you extra outs, useful if you have heaps of stuff that responds only in Midi OMNI mode [old midi stuff].. like a JX3p or a SCI Prophet 600 etc..)

1 x Core

Then, don't forget the other hardware like LCD's , Buttons, LED's & the case etc..



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Don't forget, if you want LEDs for V3 Track Group, Parameter Layer, Play, Stop, Pause, Stepview etc., you'll want up to an additional 11 DOUT pins, which equates to 2 shift registers (or DOUTX2).

I'm also wondering on the state of the STM Core, as I'm not going to machine my case/start screwing the boards down until I've fit everything in.

But, I can be patient...  :)

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Thx for the reply.. :)

Yes i know ... there are many things to consider when i start with the project. I think it is usefull creating a detailed requirements specification and a step-by-step-plan because i don´t want to get lost and loosing my head.

By the way, Mike´s Electronic-Store seems to have most of the parts i will need for the MB_SEQ3 (the modules and chips). For the other parts i will go trough the list which Thorsten provided on the ucapps-site.

The case and the frontpanel is not high-priority-rated. I thought about a wooden case.



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Bla bla bla bla bla

Sorry, were you saying something? I wasn't paying attention..I was too busy playing with my SID synth..  ;]

Nah, it's all good.. it's documented... honest... would i lie to you?






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