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midibox.org website has been attacked (don't panic)


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a script kiddie has attacked the midibox.org server through a security hole.

Some files have been modified (links to a phishing site have been added), but I've a complete log so that all changes are documented.

I quickly repaired the most important pages with default files or personal backups, and waiting for Twin-X to get access to the latest backup files.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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It will work again once I get access to the backup.

Most pages (58 .html files) are repaired now based on my private backups or new package releases.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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sorry to hear this thorsten.

its a real shame that some idiot has to get his kicks this way, and try and disrupt or ruin a site that serves only to educate people in electronics.

since i have been here i have succesfully built my first kit and now im doing the casework, all through the information and help from yourself and members of this site.

unfortunately there isnt much you can do about the people who have done this but you now can safeguard yourself against it happening again.

thanks for getting the site back up as quickly as you did!

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Damn :( Thanks for taking care of it guys.

Few more bugs:

Can't delete or add tags (it jumps to the forum index)

ucapps.de and wiki links missing up top of page

No pressure, just letting you know :)

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Please wait until Twin-X restores some forum files from the backup. It's totally clear which features are missing (all modifications have been logged), and it isn't required that you start to list them here.

I just don't want to spend time for something which can be solved in 1 minute by copying files from the backup.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint

      Oh look, the paypal link is back in the corner

hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint hint


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