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AOUT_NG in a nice fancy box


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I built a Paia +/-12VDC power supply kit and an AOUT_NG to hook up to my MB-6582 and needed an enclosure.  (I have a bird sharing the room and she has great fun chewing through wires on electronics projects...)

I recalled I had a small plastic box from some Rocher chocolates in it at one point, so I decided to make it into a case.  The two PCBs just barely fit, so with a little milling and drilling I made up a nice little case.

First pic is the original box + the 2 PCBs.  I drilled holes in the bottom and used leftover standoffs from my MB-6582 project to mount them.

Second pic is the box set up to mill ventilation slits like I did for my MB-6582 case.  Making vent slits is a breeze with a small milling machine and a 1/8" end mill.

Third pic is the base of the box with its vent slits all cut.

Fourth pic is me setting up to drill holes for all the 1/4" jacks and the wall-wart connector.  [EDIT: Please ignore the completely unsafe mounting of the milling machine onto cement blocks (don't try this at home!).  At least I have my safety glasses!]

IMG_4352-AOUT_NG plasic box + boards.JPG

IMG_4354-AOUT_NG milling vent slits.JPG

IMG_4356-AOUT_NG slits milled.JPG

IMG_4378-AOUT_NG drilling holes.JPG

IMG_4352-AOUT_NG plasic box + boards.JPG

IMG_4354-AOUT_NG milling vent slits.JPG

IMG_4356-AOUT_NG slits milled.JPG

IMG_4378-AOUT_NG drilling holes.JPG

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BTW there is some more info on cutting vent slits with a milling machine at http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,13502.0.html

First pic here is the rear holes drilled.  Unfortunately I didn't support the thin plastic enough so my holes didn't come out lined up nicely and the box cracked a bit.  So much for perfection...

Second pic is the final result awaiting its MIDIBox.org sticker.  I ended up using a DB-9 connector to the box and making DB-9 to DB-25 cable to connect it to the MB-6582 expansion port.

Third pic is everything hooked up.  The clear plastic reflects the power LEDs nicely though it is not very visible in the picture.  The two rear jacks of the AOUT_NG is going to a Moogerfooger lowpass filter.  Pity the Moogerfooger doesn't have an amplitude envelope on it.

Anyway, it worked out pretty well, and with a nice long ribbon cable I can just sit it at the back of my desk out of the way...

Now if I can just finish up an MIDIBox FM project (and maybe a MIDIBox Seq?) I can get back to actually *making* music instead of making things that make music. :-)

IMG_4379-AOUT_NG rear holes drilled.JPG

IMG_4388-AOUT_NG done.JPG

IMG_4395-AOUT_NG connected in box.JPG

IMG_4379-AOUT_NG rear holes drilled.JPG

IMG_4388-AOUT_NG done.JPG

IMG_4395-AOUT_NG connected in box.JPG

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How unsafe can mounting things on cinder blocks be :) People build houses with it. At least you have it clamped down :)

Anyways that case looks awesome! Boards fit really well too! My only recommendation is that having a clear box means you should mount some LEDs in there and make it glow :)

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Nice work  :D :D!

I'm gonna put an NG module on my 6582 (once I get the parts).

If you are building the MB-6582 in a PAC-10 case, I'm not sure where you would fit an AOUT module.  There's a bit of space by the voltage regulators, but you still have to supply +/- 12VDC.  I suppose you could add an external power supply and use the expansion port to get the voltages in.  Also don't forget about space for the jacks, though again you could make use of the expansion port.  For me I just figured I needed a box to hold the 1/4" jacks and the power supply, so it made sense to put everything in that.

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Anyways that case looks awesome! Boards fit really well too! My only recommendation is that having a clear box means you should mount some LEDs in there and make it glow :)

The box is very flimsy plastic but it keeps the bird off the wires and keeps things safely tucked away.  IIRC the Paia power supply has two LEDs and the AOUG_NG has one, so I already have some LED action going on which gets reflected many different ways by the clear box.

LED goodness: check!

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Really cool. The plastic box is a great reuse of materials from around the house. What else have you used the milling machine for?

I wanted to get an XY table for my drill press so I can cut some nice clean vents, as well as other more woodworking type things.

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Really cool. The plastic box is a great reuse of materials from around the house. What else have you used the milling machine for?

I wanted to get an XY table for my drill press so I can cut some nice clean vents, as well as other more woodworking type things.

Yeah, I was glad to reuse it.  I'm a total pack rat so it was nice to get to use something for once. :-)

Having an X/Y table is incredible.  Drilling precision holes is a breeze since, unlike with a regular drill press, you don't have to clamp, reposition, and reclamp the work every time.  I mostly use the mini-mill like a drill press so I've not done much else of interest with it other than the vent slits.  I've seen two types of X/Y tables- ones with a vise and ones with slots for a clamping kit like on a milling machine.  I'd recommend you get the version with slots and buy a clamping kit since it will be way more flexible.  I think I got my clamping kit (and my mini mill) from Grizzly (www.grizzly.com).

One word of warning on an X/Y table- they tend to be very tall, so if you don't have a lot of vertical travel on your drill press it can limit the height of the workpiece you can work with.  (I think I also got an X/Y table from Grizzly before I switched to a mini-mill.)

BTW I also have a 7x12 mini lathe that I've done quite a bit more with, mostly making threaded adapters and such out of aluminum and delrin (plastic) for a telescope.  Loads of fun.  I'm thinking about trying to make some nice knurled knobs for my MIDIBox projects, but I've been busy w/ other stuff.

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