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MIDIbox SEQ V4 Release + Feedback


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Are you using the loop points while editing a sequence?

In this case, Fx->Loop is the right function.

E.g. "Loop in Step View" automatically plays the steps which are displayed on screen.

The loop function can be activated under Fx-Loop, or with the shortcut "MENU+Scrub"

Or do you want to use different loop zones during a performance?

Then just wait for the "Sections" feature, which will work similar to the way how I realized it for MB-808 (see TODO List in the ChangeLog). For A/B/C/D it will be possible to define different step offsets and lengths.

And this should be done in the Length page - therefore I'm not happy with your suggestion to put new items into this page (items which have to be removed later)!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Alright still don't understand properly setting the tracks to 64 steps,128 steps ect.

I think I found a bug with the "all" function. When I have some notes laid down and I have them set to a low velocity then I add some more notes which are by default much higher, then I use the all function to lower the velocity and it lowers every notes velocity on the track. So far so good. BUT..... the note gates go away and when I try to turn up the velocity I only get it on one step and not "ALL" steps. I was making hit hat vel variations and turned down the velocity a little too much and it makes your tracks drop out without an easy way to turn them back up. I hope i am clearly explaining myself.



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Alright still don't understand properly setting the tracks to 64 steps,128 steps ect.

Press MENU->EVENT (GP button #2), ensure that a configuration with 64, 128 or 256 steps partitioning is selected (as desired)

Press MENU->LENGTH (GP button #6), and either select the length with GP encoder 2/3, or use GP button 14, 15, 16 for quick selection

By pressing the "Step View" button you can verify, which step is currently played.

The layout of this view depends on the max. number of steps...

I think I found a bug with the "all" function. When I have some notes laid down and I have them set to a low velocity then I add some more notes which are by default much higher, then I use the all function to lower the velocity and it lowers every notes velocity on the track. So far so good. BUT..... the note gates go away and when I try to turn up the velocity I only get it on one step and not "ALL" steps. I was making hit hat vel variations and turned down the velocity a little too much and it makes your tracks drop out without an easy way to turn them back up. I hope i am clearly explaining myself.

Thats due to a programming problem (we have to remember which gates were inactive before), but I will try to find a proper solution. I guess that MBSEQ V3 showed the same behaviour?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I was only using the length function and not the event page setting.

I will replace the 128 and 256 steps items by "---" in the length page if not supported by the selected partitioning.

(on a graphical screen, we would gray out the items ;))

/Edit: + a warning message will be displayed if 128 or 256 steps selected.

As far as the "all" problem, should I reload v3 to verify that this already was occurring?

No, since the code is implemented in a different way meanwhile.

For MBSEQ V3 the available RAM was the limitation, for V4 such limitations are a bit more relaxed, so that such special cases can be covered. It's just only a question of time (and code complexity) to program it properly so that it works under all conditions (e.g. I have to differentiate between "normal" and "drum" tracks...)

News: today I implemented a generic list browser - I really like the implementation, it allows to browse through directories (or other lists) very quickly by using the whole screen + GP buttons/encoders and/or Datawheel/SELECT button. Once the SysEx librarian is completely available, I will continue with MIDI file import and export.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Still having issues with track lengths. I would look into event page and see that 64 steps is what is enabled with 16 par layers and 8 trig layers. Then go to menu + length and change it to 64/64 and then go to my stepview page and still see the track only cycling thru 1-16 and not 1-64. Loop is at one. A Lot of tracks also go thru 18-22 steps one cycle then the normal 16 steps the next time. Like I.E its going 36 steps and never passing  the 1-16 mark. what else am i missing?

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To comment further on my last post. Right now I have a track that is 64/64 steps in length in 16T triplet time and looking at step view it is cycling 1-24. Is this normal and why? I have an external master clock coming from my tr-707 and slaving the MBSEQ. I know on my roland drum machine the old manual tells you if you have a triplet pattern you should set the loop to only 12 steps instead of 16 steps to get a "proper loop". I always kept the roland on 16 steps in triplet time. and put the clap on 5 and 13 like the beastie boys tell me to do so  ;) Still confused here.

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Could you please store the pattern which doesn't play the steps correctly into 1:A1, and thereafter send me following files in a .zip package: MBSEQ_B1.V4, MBSEQ_C.V4 and MBSEQ_G.V4

Before sending, please check if the issue can be reproduced after power-on when pattern 1:A1 is selected again.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I will try to get this done tonight. At work right now 8)

As a side note. When I power the seq on the pattern in 1:A1 is the default "c-3 every 4 steps". I have to hit the pattern button to select what I had assigned to 1:A1 last. Just thought I'd mention this. Going off memory I am sure the default "c-3 every 4 steps" pattern at boot will play patterns normally but I will find out later tonight.

Thanks again for taking so much time with this. By now I'm hoping its not human error so I won't get whacked with the stupid stick!

And back to the fx echo reapeats not working correctly I have not been able to reproduce the lag I was previously talking about. It was probably my usb driver and lag on the pc  or something as far as I can tell.

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I checked  track length 64 at my box, here etherything OK, 64 steps playing with divider 16 or 16T.

I also checked other track lengths.

But I have an Issue with the chaselight on the LED MATRIX when the length of one Track is longer than16:

When the selected Track is the one with more than 16 steps the chaselights of the other three Tracks

freeze when the Chaselight of the selected (> 16steps) Track reaches step 17, and they stay frozen untill the chaselight of the selected (> 16steps) Track reaches step 1 again.

When the selected Track is one with Steplength < or = 16 everything is OK.

This is reproduceable.


here is a link to a videoclip showing this Bug:


(Track 1=Length8, Track 2=Length32, Track 3&4=Length16)

Best Regards Gridracer

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I will try to get this done tonight. At work right now 8)

I've included some really useful reporting functions into beta5 which will help to find out the root cause.

More in the next mail.

If you send me the System, Globals, Tracks and TrackInfo report (TrackInfo only for the track which isn't stepped correctly), I probably don't need the files.

As a side note. When I power the seq on the pattern in 1:A1 is the default "c-3 every 4 steps". I have to hit the pattern button to select what I had assigned to 1:A1 last. Just thought I'd mention this.

Thats the intended behaviour. Patterns are not automatically loaded after startup - we always start with the default setup like known from Canon Cameras. ;)

And back to the fx echo reapeats not working correctly I have not been able to reproduce the lag I was previously talking about. It was probably my usb driver and lag on the pc  or something as far as I can tell.

The possible USB data rate which can be handled by STM32 is pretty high. It could happen that your host application causes the problem if it receives so many events.

E.g., I've a similar issue with MIOS Studio under MacOS when a lot of debugging messages are received. It can take minutes until MIOS Studio displayed everything what MIOS32 has sent within one second.

No issue with host applications like Logic Studio... they can handle the data rate without failures.

But I have an Issue with the chaselight on the LED MATRIX when the length of one Track is longer than16

Ok, will be checked, but this can take a bit longer, since I have to open my MBSEQ V3 case to test the BLM with V4 firmware. Maybe a code review helps to find the root cause earlier...

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Beta5 is available, ChangeLog:


 o overworked menu page selection (now uses new list browser)

 o added new info page "About this MIDIbox" (at the end of menu list) to

   simplify support.

   A lot of additional informations are sent to the MIOS Terminal when

   an item (displayed at left page) is selected with a GP or the SELECT

   button. Use the datawheel or a GP encoder to browse through the list.

   MIOS Terminal is part of MIOS Studio, a command line tool for MacOS

   available as well.

 o Length 128/256 quick selection won't be displayed anymore if track

   partition doesn't allow this number of steps

 o fixed various minor bugs


Here some tips how you can help me to understand/reproduce your reported issues in future by using the new debugging functions.

  • press EXIT, browse to the "About this MIDIbox" item at the end of the list with the datawheel or GP encoder
  • select this item to enter the "About this MIDIbox" page
  • now you can select additional "information" items, this time only with the left GPs (or datawheel...). The right side shows informations about the selected item.
  • copy&paste at least following reports: System and SD Card (if not already done before), Globals and Tracks
  • In addition, send TrackInfo/ParLayers/TrgLayers/Mixer Map/Song/Groove reports depending on the issue you found

Here an example of the System Report:

00000000295358 ms | System Informations:
00000000295359 ms | ====================
00000000295359 ms | MIDIbox SEQ V4.0Beta5  (C) 2009 T. Klose
00000000295359 ms | Operating System: MIOS32
00000000295359 ms | Board: MBHP_CORE_STM32
00000000295359 ms | Chip Family: STM32F10x
00000000295359 ms | Serial Number: 35FFFFFF5836393633322443
00000000295360 ms | Flash Memory Size: 524288 bytes
00000000295360 ms | RAM Size: 65536 bytes
00000000295360 ms | Systime: 00:20:13
00000000295360 ms | CPU Load: 58%
00000000295361 ms | MIDI Scheduler: Alloc   0/ 16 Drops:   0
00000000295361 ms | Stopwatch: 54/651 uS
[/code] SD Card Report:
00000000005596 ms | SD Card Informations
00000000005596 ms | ====================
00000000005596 ms | --------------------
00000000005596 ms | CID:
00000000005596 ms | - ManufacturerID:
00000000005596 ms | - OEM AppliID:
00000000005596 ms | - ProdName: SD01G
00000000005596 ms | - ProdRev: 128
00000000005596 ms | - ProdSN: 0x6067a202
00000000005596 ms | - Reserved1: 0
00000000005596 ms | - ManufactDate: 123
00000000005596 ms | - msd_CRC: 0x0d
00000000005596 ms | - Reserved2: 1
00000000005596 ms | --------------------
00000000005596 ms | --------------------
00000000005596 ms | - CSDStruct: 0
00000000005596 ms | - SysSpecVersion: 0
00000000005596 ms | - Reserved1: 0
00000000005596 ms | - TAAC: 38
00000000005596 ms | - NSAC: 0
00000000005596 ms | - MaxBusClkFrec: 50
00000000005598 ms | - CardComdClasses: 1525
00000000005598 ms | - RdBlockLen: 9
00000000005598 ms | - PartBlockRead: 1
00000000005598 ms | - WrBlockMisalign: 0
00000000005598 ms | - RdBlockMisalign: 0
00000000005598 ms | - DSRImpl: 0
00000000005598 ms | - Reserved2: 0
00000000005598 ms | - DeviceSize: 3874
00000000005598 ms | - MaxRdCurrentVDDMin: 7
00000000005598 ms | - MaxRdCurrentVDDMax: 6
00000000005598 ms | - MaxWrCurrentVDDMin: 7
00000000005599 ms | - MaxWrCurrentVDDMax: 6
00000000005599 ms | - DeviceSizeMul: 7
00000000005599 ms | - EraseGrSize: 19
00000000005599 ms | - EraseGrMul: 31
00000000005599 ms | - WrProtectGrSize: 31
00000000005599 ms | - WrProtectGrEnable: 1
00000000005600 ms | - ManDeflECC: 0
00000000005600 ms | - WrSpeedFact: 4
00000000005600 ms | - MaxWrBlockLen: 9
00000000005600 ms | - WriteBlockPaPartial: 0
00000000005600 ms | - Reserved3: 0
00000000005600 ms | - ContentProtectAppli: 0
00000000005600 ms | - FileFormatGrouop: 0
00000000005600 ms | - CopyFlag: 1
00000000005600 ms | - PermWrProtect: 0
00000000005600 ms | - TempWrProtect: 0
00000000005600 ms | - FileFormat: 0
00000000005600 ms | - ECC: 0
00000000005600 ms | - msd_CRC: 0x6b
00000000005600 ms | - Reserved4: 1
00000000005600 ms | --------------------
00000000005603 ms | --------------------
00000000005603 ms | Partition 0 start sector 63 active 0x00 type 0x0b size 1983933
00000000005603 ms | Volume label 'MBSEQ TK   '
00000000005603 ms | 8 sector/s per cluster, 32 reserved sector/s, volume total 1983933 sectors.
00000000005603 ms | 1934 sectors per FAT, first FAT at sector #95, root dir at #2.
00000000005603 ms | (For FAT32, the root dir is a CLUSTER number, FAT12/16 it is a SECTOR number)
00000000005604 ms | 0 root dir entries, data area commences at sector #3963.
00000000005604 ms | 247496 clusters (1013743616 bytes) in data area, filesystem IDd as FAT32
00000000005606 ms | Content of root directory:
00000000005606 ms | - MBSEQ
00000000005606 ms | - _~1.TRA
00000000005606 ms | - MBSEQ_B1
00000000005606 ms | - TRASHE~1
00000000005606 ms | - MBSEQ_C
00000000005606 ms | - SPOTLI~1
00000000005606 ms | - MBSEQ_B2
00000000005606 ms | - MBSEQ_B3
00000000005606 ms | - MBSEQ_B4
00000000005606 ms | - MBSEQ_B5
00000000005606 ms | - MBSEQ_B6
00000000005607 ms | - MBSEQ_B7
00000000005607 ms | - MBSEQ_B8
00000000005608 ms | - MBSEQ_G
00000000005608 ms | - MBSEQ_HW
00000000005608 ms | - MBSEQ_M
00000000005608 ms | - MBSEQ_S
00000000005608 ms | - SYSEX
00000000005608 ms | - SYSEX2
00000000005617 ms | Found 19 directory entries.
00000000005617 ms | --------------------
00000000005617 ms |
00000000005617 ms | Checking SD Card at application layer
00000000005617 ms | =====================================
00000000005617 ms | Deriving SD Card informations - please wait!
00000000009489 ms | SD Card: 'MBSEQ TK   ': 1008 of 1013 MB free
00000000009489 ms | File MBSEQ_B1.V4: valid (64 patterns)
00000000009489 ms | File MBSEQ_B2.V4: valid (64 patterns)
00000000009489 ms | File MBSEQ_B3.V4: valid (64 patterns)
00000000009490 ms | File MBSEQ_B4.V4: valid (64 patterns)
00000000009490 ms | File MBSEQ_B5.V4: valid (64 patterns)
00000000009490 ms | File MBSEQ_B6.V4: valid (64 patterns)
00000000009490 ms | File MBSEQ_B7.V4: valid (64 patterns)
00000000009490 ms | File MBSEQ_B8.V4: valid (64 patterns)
00000000009490 ms | File MBSEQ_M.V4: valid (64 mixer maps)
00000000009490 ms | File MBSEQ_S.V4: valid (64 songs)
00000000009490 ms | File MBSEQ_G.V4: valid
00000000009492 ms | File MBSEQ_C.V4: valid
00000000009492 ms | File MBSEQ_HW.V4: valid
00000000009492 ms | done.
A Track Report:

00000000336346 ms | Track Overview:
00000000336346 ms | ===============
00000000336346 ms | | Track | Mode  | Layer P/T/I | Steps P/T | Length | Port  | Chn. | Muted |
00000000336346 ms | +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------+-------+------+-------+
00000000336346 ms | | G1T1  | Note  |    4/ 8/ 1  |  256/256  |    16  | Def.  |   9  |  no   |
00000000336346 ms | | G1T2  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |   9  |  no   |
00000000336348 ms | | G1T3  | Note  |    4/ 8/ 1  |  256/256  |    16  | Def.  |  12  |  no   |
00000000336349 ms | | G1T4  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  12  |  no   |
00000000336349 ms | | G2T1  | Drum  |    1/ 2/16  |   64/ 64  |    32  | Def.  |  10  |  no   |
00000000336349 ms | | G2T2  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  10  |  no   |
00000000336350 ms | | G2T3  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  10  |  no   |
00000000336351 ms | | G2T4  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  10  |  no   |
00000000336351 ms | | G3T1  | Note  |    4/ 8/ 1  |  256/256  |    16  | Def.  |  11  |  no   |
00000000336351 ms | | G3T2  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  10  |  no   |
00000000336351 ms | | G3T3  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  11  |  no   |
00000000336351 ms | | G3T4  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  12  |  no   |
00000000336353 ms | | G4T1  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  13  |  no   |
00000000336354 ms | | G4T2  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  14  |  no   |
00000000336354 ms | | G4T3  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  15  |  no   |
00000000336354 ms | | G4T4  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  16  |  no   |
00000000336354 ms | +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------+-------+------+-------+
00000000336354 ms | done.
[/code] A Track Info Report:
00000000092685 ms | Track Parameters of G1T1
00000000092686 ms | ========================
00000000092686 ms | Name: '                                                                                '
00000000092686 ms | Track Mode: 1 (Normal)
00000000092686 ms | Track Mode Flags: 3 (Unsorted: on, Hold: on, Restart: off, Force Scale: off, Sustain: off)
00000000092686 ms | Event Mode: 0 (Note )
00000000092686 ms | MIDI Port: 0x00 (Def. )
00000000092686 ms | MIDI Channel: 8 (#9)
00000000092686 ms | Direction Mode: 0 (Forward)
00000000092686 ms | Steps Forward: 0 (1 Steps)
00000000092686 ms | Steps Jump Back: 0 (0 Steps)
00000000092686 ms | Steps Replay: 0
00000000092686 ms | Steps Repeat: 0 (0 times)
00000000092686 ms | Steps Skip: 0 (0 Steps)
00000000092687 ms | Steps Repeat/Skip Interval: 3 (4 Steps)
00000000092687 ms | Clockdivider: 15 (16/384 ppqn)
00000000092687 ms | Triplets: no
00000000092688 ms | Synch-To-Measure: no
00000000092688 ms | Length: 15 (16 Steps)
00000000092688 ms | Loop: 0 (Step 1)
00000000092688 ms | Transpose Semitones: 0 (+0)
00000000092688 ms | Transpose Octaves: 0 (+0)
00000000092688 ms | Morph Mode: 0 (off)
00000000092688 ms | Morph Destination Range: 0 (1..16)
00000000092689 ms | Humanize Mode: 0 (Note: off, Velocity: off, Length: off)
00000000092689 ms | Humanize Intensity: 0
00000000092689 ms | Groove Style: 0
00000000092689 ms | Groove Intensity: 0
00000000092689 ms | Trigger Assignment Gate: 1 (A)
00000000092689 ms | Trigger Assignment Accent: 2 (B)
00000000092689 ms | Trigger Assignment Roll: 3 (C)
00000000092690 ms | Trigger Assignment Glide: 4 (D)
00000000092690 ms | Trigger Assignment Skip: 5 (E)
00000000092691 ms | Trigger Assignment Random Gate: 6 (F)
00000000092691 ms | Trigger Assignment Random Value: 7 (G)
00000000092691 ms | Trigger Assignment No Fx: 8 (H)
00000000092691 ms | Drum Parameter Assignment A: 0 (None )
00000000092691 ms | Drum Parameter Assignment B: 0 (None )
00000000092691 ms | Echo Repeats: 0
00000000092691 ms | Echo Delay: 5 ( 16 )
00000000092691 ms | Echo Velocity: 15
00000000092691 ms | Echo Feedback Velocity: 15 (75%)
00000000092691 ms | Echo Feedback Note: 24 (+0)
00000000092691 ms | Echo Feedback Gatelength: 20 (100%)
00000000092691 ms | Echo Feedback Ticks: 20 (100%)
00000000092691 ms | LFO Waveform: 0 ( off )
00000000092691 ms | LFO Amplitude: 192 (64)
00000000092693 ms | LFO Phase: 0 (0%)
00000000092693 ms | LFO Interval: 15 (16 Steps)
00000000092693 ms | LFO Reset Interval: 15 (16 Steps)
00000000092693 ms | LFO Flags: 0 (Oneshot: off, Note: off, Velocity: off, Length: off, CC: off)
00000000092693 ms | LFO Extra CC: 0
00000000092693 ms | LFO Extra CC Offset: 64
00000000092693 ms | LFO Extra CC PPQN: 96
00000000092693 ms | Note Limit Lower: 0
00000000092693 ms | Note Limit Upper: 0
00000000092693 ms | Parameter Layer Assignments:
00000000092694 ms | 00000000  01 03 04 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
00000000092695 ms | CC Assignments:
00000000092695 ms | 00000000  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F  ................
00000000092695 ms | Constant Array C:
00000000092695 ms | 00000000  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
00000000092695 ms | done.
A mixer map:

00000000114314 ms | Mixer Map #  1
00000000114315 ms | ==============
00000000114315 ms | |Num|Port|Chn|Prg|Vol|Pan|Rev|Cho|Mod|CC1|CC2|CC3|CC4|C1A|C2A|C3A|C4A|
00000000114315 ms | +---+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
00000000114315 ms | |  0|Def.|  1| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114316 ms | |  1|Def.|  2| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114316 ms | |  2|Def.|  3| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114317 ms | |  3|Def.|  4| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114326 ms | |  4|Def.|  5| 54| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114326 ms | |  5|Def.|  6| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114326 ms | |  6|Def.|  7| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114326 ms | |  7|Def.|  8| 33| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114326 ms | |  8|Def.|  9| 38| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114326 ms | |  9|Def.| 10| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114326 ms | | 10|Def.| 11| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114326 ms | | 11|Def.| 12| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114326 ms | | 12|Def.| 13|  3| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114326 ms | | 13|Def.| 14| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114326 ms | | 14|Def.| 15| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114326 ms | | 15|Def.| 16| - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | 16| 17| 18| 19|
00000000114326 ms | +---+----+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
00000000114326 ms | done.
[/code] Note that such reports could also help you to analyse an issue. However, there is no support from my side for more detailed informations on the values which are displayed, especially for these hex dumps:
00000000472020 ms | Song # 1
00000000472020 ms | ========
00000000472020 ms | Name: '                    '
00000000472020 ms | 00000000  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 11 08 0A 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472021 ms | 00000010  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472021 ms | 00000020  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472021 ms | 00000030  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472022 ms | 00000040  04 00 11 11 11 10 54 76 11 10 80 80 80 80 10 32  ......Tv.......2
00000000472023 ms | 00000050  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472023 ms | 00000060  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472024 ms | 00000070  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472024 ms | 00000080  04 00 11 11 12 10 54 76 11 18 80 80 80 80 10 32  ......Tv.......2
00000000472024 ms | 00000090  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472024 ms | 000000A0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472025 ms | 000000B0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472025 ms | 000000C0  04 00 11 13 15 10 54 76 11 18 80 80 80 80 10 32  ......Tv.......2
00000000472026 ms | 000000D0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472027 ms | 000000E0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472027 ms | 000000F0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472030 ms | 00000100  01 00 08 08 08 09 54 76 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  ......Tv.......2
00000000472030 ms | 00000110  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472030 ms | 00000120  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472030 ms | 00000130  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472030 ms | 00000140  01 00 0B 09 09 08 54 76 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  ......Tv.......2
00000000472030 ms | 00000150  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472030 ms | 00000160  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472030 ms | 00000170  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472032 ms | 00000180  01 00 09 0A 09 09 54 76 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  ......Tv.......2
00000000472032 ms | 00000190  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472032 ms | 000001A0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472032 ms | 000001B0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472032 ms | 000001C0  01 00 0A 0A 09 09 54 76 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  ......Tv.......2
00000000472032 ms | 000001D0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472036 ms | 000001E0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472036 ms | 000001F0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472036 ms | 00000200  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472036 ms | 00000210  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472036 ms | 00000220  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472036 ms | 00000230  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472036 ms | 00000240  01 00 00 00 01 01 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472036 ms | 00000250  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472036 ms | 00000260  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472037 ms | 00000270  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472038 ms | 00000280  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472038 ms | 00000290  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472038 ms | 000002A0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472040 ms | 000002B0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472040 ms | 000002C0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472040 ms | 000002D0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472040 ms | 000002E0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472041 ms | 000002F0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472041 ms | 00000300  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472041 ms | 00000310  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472042 ms | 00000320  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472042 ms | 00000330  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472043 ms | 00000340  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472043 ms | 00000350  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472045 ms | 00000360  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472045 ms | 00000370  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472045 ms | 00000380  13 01 80 80 80 80 10 32 01 00 08 0A 08 0B 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472045 ms | 00000390  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472051 ms | 000003A0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472051 ms | 000003B0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472051 ms | 000003C0  13 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 01 00 0A 0A 09 0A 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472051 ms | 000003D0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472051 ms | 000003E0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472051 ms | 000003F0  00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32 00 00 80 80 80 80 10 32  .......2.......2
00000000472051 ms | done.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Beta6 is available; ChangeLog:


  o now it's possible to send SysEx dumps stored on SD Card to MIDI devices.

    Preparation: create a directory called "sysex" on your SD Card, thereafter

    create subdirectories for each MIDI Device you want to use.

    For example:




    Now copy .syx files into these directories which should be sent to the

    devices later.

    Thats all! On your MIDIbox SEQ, change to the MENU->SYSEX menu, the

    devices will be displayed on screen. Select a device to browse through

    the file list. Select a file to send the dump.

    Note: currently .syx files are only sent to the Default port (selected in

    MIDI page). A "store .syx dump" function is planned for later releases.

  o Menu page shows the current sequencer position in measure.step.microstep


  o "About this MIDIbox": separated SD Card Info

  o fixed various minor bugs


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Ok I hope I am doing this right. I included only two trackinfos. Hopefully this will help show me what I am doing wrong.

00000000050397 ms | 
00000000050397 ms | System Informations:
00000000050397 ms | ====================
00000000050397 ms | MIDIbox SEQ V4.0Beta6  (C) 2009 T. Klose
00000000050397 ms | Operating System: MIOS32
00000000050397 ms | Board: MBHP_CORE_STM32
00000000050397 ms | Chip Family: STM32F10x
00000000050397 ms | Serial Number: 35FFFFFF5836393644562543
00000000050397 ms | Flash Memory Size: 524288 bytes
00000000050398 ms | RAM Size: 65536 bytes
00000000050398 ms | Systime: 00:12:47
00000000050398 ms | CPU Load: 59%
00000000050398 ms | MIDI Scheduler: Alloc   0/ 29 Drops:   0
00000000050398 ms | Stopwatch: 54/1122 uS
00000000050398 ms | done.
00000000304375 ms | 
00000000304375 ms | Global Settings:
00000000304375 ms | ================
00000000304375 ms | BPMx10_P 0 740 0
00000000304375 ms | BPMx10_P 1 800 0
00000000304375 ms | BPMx10_P 2 850 0
00000000304375 ms | BPMx10_P 3 740 0
00000000304375 ms | BPMx10_P 4 950 0
00000000304375 ms | BPMx10_P 5 1000 0
00000000304375 ms | BPMx10_P 6 1050 0
00000000304375 ms | BPMx10_P 7 1100 0
00000000304375 ms | BPMx10_P 8 1150 0
00000000304375 ms | BPMx10_P 9 1200 0
00000000304377 ms | BPMx10_P 10 1250 0
00000000304377 ms | BPMx10_P 11 1300 0
00000000304377 ms | BPMx10_P 12 1350 0
00000000304377 ms | BPMx10_P 13 981 0
00000000304377 ms | BPMx10_P 14 1450 0
00000000304377 ms | BPMx10_P 15 1500 0
00000000304377 ms | BPM_Preset 0
00000000304377 ms | BPM_Mode 0
00000000304377 ms | BPM_DINSyncDiv 384
00000000304377 ms | SynchedPatternChange 0
00000000304377 ms | StepsPerMeasure 15
00000000304377 ms | GlobalScale 0
00000000304377 ms | GlobalScaleCtrl 0
00000000304377 ms | GlobalScaleRoot 0
00000000304377 ms | LoopMode 1
00000000304377 ms | LoopOffset 1
00000000304379 ms | LoopSteps 32
00000000304379 ms | MIDI_DefaultPort 16
00000000304379 ms | MIDI_IN_Channel 1
00000000304379 ms | MIDI_IN_Port 0
00000000304379 ms | MIDI_IN_MClock_Ports 0x000f0f01
00000000304379 ms | MIDI_IN_TA_Split 0
00000000304379 ms | MIDI_IN_TA_SplitNote 60
00000000304379 ms | MIDI_OUT_MClock_Ports 0x7fffffff
00000000304379 ms | MIDI_RouterNode 0 32 0 32 0
00000000304379 ms | MIDI_RouterNode 1 0 0 32 0
00000000304381 ms | MIDI_RouterNode 2 0 0 32 0
00000000304381 ms | MIDI_RouterNode 3 0 0 32 0
00000000304381 ms | MIDI_RouterNode 4 0 0 32 0
00000000304381 ms | MIDI_RouterNode 5 0 0 32 0
00000000304381 ms | MIDI_RouterNode 6 0 0 32 0
00000000304381 ms | MIDI_RouterNode 7 0 0 32 0
00000000304381 ms | MetronomePort 0
00000000304381 ms | MetronomeChannel 10
00000000304381 ms | MetronomeNoteM 37
00000000304381 ms | MetronomeNoteB 37
00000000304381 ms | RemoteMode 0
00000000304381 ms | RemotePort 0
00000000304381 ms | RemoteID 0
00000000304381 ms | done.
00000000387517 ms | 
00000000387517 ms | Track Overview:
00000000387517 ms | ===============
00000000387517 ms | | Track | Mode  | Layer P/T/I | Steps P/T | Length | Port  | Chn. | Muted |
00000000387517 ms | +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------+-------+------+-------+
00000000387518 ms | | G1T1  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    64  | Def.  |   5  |  no   |
00000000387518 ms | | G1T2  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    32  | Def.  |   6  |  no   |
00000000387520 ms | | G1T3  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    32  | Def.  |   7  |  no   |
00000000387520 ms | | G1T4  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    64  | Def.  |   8  |  no   |
00000000387520 ms | | G2T1  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    64  | Def.  |   5  |  yes  |
00000000387520 ms | | G2T2  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    32  | Def.  |   6  |  yes  |
00000000387520 ms | | G2T3  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    32  | Def.  |   7  |  yes  |
00000000387522 ms | | G2T4  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    32  | Def.  |   8  |  yes  |
00000000387522 ms | | G3T1  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    32  | Def.  |   9  |  no   |
00000000387522 ms | | G3T2  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  10  |  no   |
00000000387524 ms | | G3T3  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  11  |  no   |
00000000387524 ms | | G3T4  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  12  |  no   |
00000000387524 ms | | G4T1  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  13  |  no   |
00000000387524 ms | | G4T2  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  14  |  no   |
00000000387524 ms | | G4T3  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  15  |  no   |
00000000387526 ms | | G4T4  | Note  |   16/ 8/ 1  |   64/ 64  |    16  | Def.  |  16  |  no   |
00000000387526 ms | +-------+-------+-------------+-----------+--------+-------+------+-------+
00000000387526 ms | done.
00000000481245 ms | 
00000000481245 ms | Track Parameters of G1T1
00000000481245 ms | ========================
00000000481245 ms | Name: '                                                                                '
00000000481245 ms | Track Mode: 1 (Normal)
00000000481245 ms | Track Mode Flags: 3 (Unsorted: on, Hold: on, Restart: off, Force Scale: off, Sustain: off)
00000000481246 ms | Event Mode: 0 (Note )
00000000481246 ms | MIDI Port: 0x00 (Def. )
00000000481246 ms | MIDI Channel: 4 (#5)
00000000481246 ms | Direction Mode: 0 (Forward)
00000000481246 ms | Steps Forward: 0 (1 Steps)
00000000481246 ms | Steps Jump Back: 0 (0 Steps)
00000000481247 ms | Steps Replay: 0
00000000481247 ms | Steps Repeat: 0 (0 times)
00000000481247 ms | Steps Skip: 0 (0 Steps)
00000000481247 ms | Steps Repeat/Skip Interval: 3 (4 Steps)
00000000481247 ms | Clockdivider: 15 (16/384 ppqn)
00000000481247 ms | Triplets: no
00000000481247 ms | Synch-To-Measure: yes
00000000481247 ms | Length: 63 (64 Steps)
00000000481247 ms | Loop: 0 (Step 1)
00000000481248 ms | Transpose Semitones: 0 (+0)
00000000481248 ms | Transpose Octaves: 0 (+0)
00000000481248 ms | Morph Mode: 0 (off)
00000000481248 ms | Morph Destination Range: 0 (1..64)
00000000481249 ms | Humanize Mode: 0 (Note: off, Velocity: off, Length: off)
00000000481249 ms | Humanize Intensity: 0
00000000481249 ms | Groove Style: 0
00000000481249 ms | Groove Intensity: 0
00000000481249 ms | Trigger Assignment Gate: 1 (A)
00000000481249 ms | Trigger Assignment Accent: 2 (B)
00000000481249 ms | Trigger Assignment Roll: 3 (C)
00000000481249 ms | Trigger Assignment Glide: 4 (D)
00000000481250 ms | Trigger Assignment Skip: 5 (E)
00000000481250 ms | Trigger Assignment Random Gate: 6 (F)
00000000481250 ms | Trigger Assignment Random Value: 7 (G)
00000000481250 ms | Trigger Assignment No Fx: 8 (H)
00000000481251 ms | Drum Parameter Assignment A: 0 (None )
00000000481251 ms | Drum Parameter Assignment B: 0 (None )
00000000481251 ms | Echo Repeats: 0
00000000481251 ms | Echo Delay: 7 (  8 )
00000000481251 ms | Echo Velocity: 15
00000000481251 ms | Echo Feedback Velocity: 15 (75%)
00000000481251 ms | Echo Feedback Note: 24 (+0)
00000000481251 ms | Echo Feedback Gatelength: 20 (100%)
00000000481252 ms | Echo Feedback Ticks: 20 (100%)
00000000481252 ms | LFO Waveform: 0 ( off )
00000000481252 ms | LFO Amplitude: 192 (64)
00000000481252 ms | LFO Phase: 0 (0%)
00000000481252 ms | LFO Interval: 15 (16 Steps)
00000000481253 ms | LFO Reset Interval: 15 (16 Steps)
00000000481253 ms | LFO Flags: 0 (Oneshot: off, Note: off, Velocity: off, Length: off, CC: off)
00000000481253 ms | LFO Extra CC: 0
00000000481253 ms | LFO Extra CC Offset: 64
00000000481253 ms | LFO Extra CC PPQN: 96
00000000481253 ms | Note Limit Lower: 0
00000000481254 ms | Note Limit Upper: 0
00000000481254 ms | Parameter Layer Assignments:
00000000481254 ms | 00000000  01 03 04 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
00000000481254 ms | CC Assignments:
00000000481255 ms | 00000000  01 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E  ................
00000000481255 ms | Constant Array C:
00000000481255 ms | 00000000  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
00000000481255 ms | done.
00000000543055 ms | 
00000000543055 ms | Track Parameters of G1T2
00000000543055 ms | ========================
00000000543055 ms | Name: '                                                                                '
00000000543055 ms | Track Mode: 1 (Normal)
00000000543056 ms | Track Mode Flags: 3 (Unsorted: on, Hold: on, Restart: off, Force Scale: off, Sustain: off)
00000000543056 ms | Event Mode: 0 (Note )
00000000543056 ms | MIDI Port: 0x00 (Def. )
00000000543056 ms | MIDI Channel: 5 (#6)
00000000543056 ms | Direction Mode: 0 (Forward)
00000000543057 ms | Steps Forward: 0 (1 Steps)
00000000543057 ms | Steps Jump Back: 0 (0 Steps)
00000000543057 ms | Steps Replay: 0
00000000543057 ms | Steps Repeat: 0 (0 times)
00000000543057 ms | Steps Skip: 0 (0 Steps)
00000000543057 ms | Steps Repeat/Skip Interval: 3 (4 Steps)
00000000543058 ms | Clockdivider: 15 (16/384 ppqn)
00000000543058 ms | Triplets: no
00000000543058 ms | Synch-To-Measure: yes
00000000543058 ms | Length: 31 (32 Steps)
00000000543058 ms | Loop: 0 (Step 1)
00000000543058 ms | Transpose Semitones: 0 (+0)
00000000543058 ms | Transpose Octaves: 0 (+0)
00000000543059 ms | Morph Mode: 0 (off)
00000000543059 ms | Morph Destination Range: 0 (1..32)
00000000543059 ms | Humanize Mode: 0 (Note: off, Velocity: off, Length: off)
00000000543059 ms | Humanize Intensity: 0
00000000543059 ms | Groove Style: 0
00000000543059 ms | Groove Intensity: 0
00000000543060 ms | Trigger Assignment Gate: 1 (A)
00000000543060 ms | Trigger Assignment Accent: 2 (B)
00000000543060 ms | Trigger Assignment Roll: 3 (C)
00000000543060 ms | Trigger Assignment Glide: 4 (D)
00000000543060 ms | Trigger Assignment Skip: 5 (E)
00000000543061 ms | Trigger Assignment Random Gate: 6 (F)
00000000543061 ms | Trigger Assignment Random Value: 7 (G)
00000000543061 ms | Trigger Assignment No Fx: 8 (H)
00000000543061 ms | Drum Parameter Assignment A: 0 (None )
00000000543061 ms | Drum Parameter Assignment B: 0 (None )
00000000543061 ms | Echo Repeats: 0
00000000543062 ms | Echo Delay: 7 (  8 )
00000000543062 ms | Echo Velocity: 15
00000000543062 ms | Echo Feedback Velocity: 15 (75%)
00000000543062 ms | Echo Feedback Note: 24 (+0)
00000000543062 ms | Echo Feedback Gatelength: 20 (100%)
00000000543062 ms | Echo Feedback Ticks: 20 (100%)
00000000543062 ms | LFO Waveform: 0 ( off )
00000000543063 ms | LFO Amplitude: 192 (64)
00000000543063 ms | LFO Phase: 0 (0%)
00000000543063 ms | LFO Interval: 15 (16 Steps)
00000000543063 ms | LFO Reset Interval: 15 (16 Steps)
00000000543063 ms | LFO Flags: 0 (Oneshot: off, Note: off, Velocity: off, Length: off, CC: off)
00000000543064 ms | LFO Extra CC: 0
00000000543064 ms | LFO Extra CC Offset: 64
00000000543064 ms | LFO Extra CC PPQN: 96
00000000543064 ms | Note Limit Lower: 0
00000000543064 ms | Note Limit Upper: 0
00000000543064 ms | Parameter Layer Assignments:
00000000543064 ms | 00000000  01 03 04 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
00000000543064 ms | CC Assignments:
00000000543066 ms | 00000000  01 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E  ................
00000000543066 ms | Constant Array C:
00000000543066 ms | 00000000  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  ................
00000000543066 ms | done.

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00000000481245 ms | Track Parameters of G1T1
00000000481247 ms | Synch-To-Measure: yes
00000000543055 ms | Track Parameters of G1T2
00000000543058 ms | Synch-To-Measure: yes

00000000304375 ms | Global Settings:
00000000304377 ms | StepsPerMeasure 15

(StepsPerMeasure counted from 0)

Options page right under the word change it was set to 16 and I set that to 256.

Yes, of course - so, you've proven that Synch-to-Measure works correctly ;)

Why would someone set this to 16? When looking at the code under global settings it is the steps per measure correct?

yes... and 16 is a good choice for common 4/4 style songs, I don't see a reason why I should change this default value.

Also what does sync pat change (on/off) do exactly? (in options)

It's explained in the user manual - basically it has the same purpose as known from V3

But I just remembered, that I haven't implemented the synched pattern change yet (who really needs this?)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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But I just remembered, that I haven't implemented the synched pattern change yet (who really needs this?)

I use this all the time. Much of my other equipment changes patterns at the end of loop.

I'm getting new core soon so ill try to give some feedback after upgrade.



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Hi, I am not sure if I am doing something wrong, but I can not get my SEQ (Beta6) to

execute the action defined at song position when I am in phrase mode.

I use encoder #2 to change the song position but the new position will only flash in the

display and nothing will happen.

Am I missing something? Do I have to do something to execute the action defined at the

new song position?

Best regards


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Am I missing something? Do I have to do something to execute the action defined at the

new song position?

You have to "fire" the song position by using one of the 16 GP buttons.

Each GP button selects another song position (accordingly 16 "phrases" can be selected).

This change was required, as users requested to combine multiple steps to a phrase (e.g. selecting the tempo, mixer map and mutes in addition)

I'm sorry about this complicated usage --- but this is just the result when I have to try to find a feasible solution to cover your requests.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Btw. Gridracer: please let me know when you are ready to test a modified firmware for debugging the chaselight issue you reported (I already wrote you a PM, but haven't got an answer).

I copied an updated "mbseq_tmp" version based on beta6 to the server.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Related to this comment a question to users:

I use encoder #2 to change the song position but the new position will only flash in the

display and nothing will happen.

I'm planning to improve the CC number entry in Event Track and LFO Configuration page this way: selection of CC with rotary encoder, confirmation with GP button, so that CC doesn't change immediately (resp. "random CCs" will be sent while a sequence is playing)

I already feared that this way of number entry could be confusing, as all other values are usually modified directly with the encoder. Gridracers "trouble posting" confirms, that this is an unexpected behaviour.

So, I will probably get rid of this idea.

I could alternatively add a delay of (for example) 3 seconds until the CC number change takes place (counted from last encoder move), so that there is enough time to find the correct value. But this would slow down the usage.

Are there other proposals?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Btw. Gridracer: please let me know when you are ready to test a modified firmware for debugging the chaselight issue you reported (I already wrote you a PM, but haven't got an answer).

Dearful sorry, I did not notice the PM.

But now I uploaded the new file and everything works perfect!!

Thank you very much!

Best regards


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I'm planning to improve the CC number entry in Event Track and LFO Configuration page this way: selection of CC with rotary encoder, confirmation with GP button, so that CC doesn't change immediately (resp. "random CCs" will be sent while a sequence is playing)

Funny, just two hours ago I managed to completely confuse one of my synths by scrolling through the CCs so that only powering off and on could bring it back to life.

How about this:

Couldn't you display a message in Event Track page when changing the CCs like:

"Confirm with SELECT" like in a way when saving a pattern on SEQV3?

But I think it is not a big issue as you can mute the parameter layer in advance.

And in the LFO Configuration page you can set the LFO to off for CCs while selecting.

But non the less, the 3s waiting time wolud be an additional help.


Another Idea:

How about to mark parameters that should not be automatically updated by turning the encoder

with e.g. a "!" sign ahead of their name to indicate that their change has to be confirmed by pressing the

GP Button below. I think that would be easy to learn and keep in mind if it would be possible to keep

that consistant within all menu pages.

Best Regards


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You have to "fire" the song position by using one of the 16 GP buttons.

Each GP button selects another song position (accordingly 16 "phrases" can be selected).

Ah, now it is clear, i was missing "Each GP button selects another song position" as the manual says

"By pushing a GP button, the sequencer will execute the action defined at song position A1, B1, C1..P1"

Now that I know i think it is quiet easy and comfortable.

Anyway I just wasn't trying hard enough in advance.

Best Regards


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