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I want to build a "console"-like controller


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compared to what you want to do its much easier, and you get a mass of already tried and tested information. if you search through all the posts here at the amount of people who join up get all hopeful on building a cheap and amazing console, then after reading up and pricing things never re-appear it would surprise you. and after the guys here answer the same questions a few hundred times yep it gets tiring, thats why most wait and see if you are serious and have taken the time to read up on the subject.

to be honest your not going to get real definative replies until you do, im not being funny with you its just a simple way of things here, if you put the effort in they do, even i had to learn that. another good thing is to come into the chat channel, speak with a few of us and get more info that way.

a basic 16 fader controller is simple, one core, one ainx4,two dinx4, one 2x16 lcd, 16 faders(non motorised), 32 buttons, 16 encoders.

ok, core connects to the ainx4, on this you can attatch the 16 non motor faders, 10k linear. the last two ain banks can be turned off in the asm file or you can link them to gnd as explained in the ain section of the ucapps.de site. you then cnx the din to the core, first shift register is for the 8 menu buttons for the mb64e itself. then the next 7 sr's are assignable, use the next 3 sr's for buttons and then the next 4 for encoders add another dinx4 for the last sr's for buttons leaving you 3 sr spare. the 16x2 lcd cnx to the core. you need the lcd for debugging checking things etc and for using the built in menu.

there you have a perfectly useable basic 16 fader control console with an encoder per fader and solo mute buttons also.

start small, get used to the midibox system then plan upwards from there. i dont know what else to offer in advice other than what you have already have here from everyone, so im going to sit back and see how things progress, i have my own console to start shortly.

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I'm not completely sure about the mixer-core. - Is it existing or do you plan to program your own PC based Core?

Because this is very decisitive of what your possibilities are regarding MIDIBox.

If you plan to design your own core, your possibilities are nearly unrestrainedly, if not, your limits are basically bound to your host's/core's possibilities on how the controller-protocol is implemented.

Greets, Roger

PS: ... and please forget about POTS (unmotorized) if your looking forward to design a Central Control Section. - You wouldn't like it :blink:

EDIT: Typos

Edited by Screaming_Rabbit
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a basic 16 fader controller is simple, one core, one ainx4,two dinx4, one 2x16 lcd, 16 faders(non motorised), 32 buttons, 16 encoders.

ok, core connects to the ainx4, on this you can attatch the 16 non motor faders, 10k linear. the last two ain banks can be turned off in the asm file or you can link them to gnd as explained in the ain section of the ucapps.de site. you then cnx the din to the core, first shift register is for the 8 menu buttons for the mb64e itself. then the next 7 sr's are assignable, use the next 3 sr's for buttons and then the next 4 for encoders add another dinx4 for the last sr's for buttons leaving you 3 sr spare. the 16x2 lcd cnx to the core. you need the lcd for debugging checking things etc and for using the built in menu.

Ok, now that was easier to understand :ahappy:

One question. If I'd stick to 8 motor faders, could I still have 45 Encoders and 64 buttons all together?

This because I really want to have the strip channel in front of me, and then a modifying button to then assign the same encoders to control the main send and returns, that would be labeled under the encoders... Like a "shift" button.

Somth like this:

(pink is encoders and yellow is buttons, plus the transport and modifiers)


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look i have made it easy for you to understand, i cant be any simpler, if you look at the cnx description which you did, goto ucapps.de, look at the info for the dinx4 boards and how they cnx in the pdf files in that page, you will learn how many buttons per nix4 you can connect or how many encoders per dinx4 you can conncet, for reference, 64 buttons per dinx4 or 16 encoders per dinx4, you can mix buttons and encoders, you just have to remember that an encoder uses two pins, the one its assigned to in the asm file and the one next to that assignment. buttons use 1 cnx and the other to gnd.

once again the golden rule, read read read, and then read some more.

you go and read up, make some drawings, get some buttons and encoder specs, then do another linked drawing, it doesnt have to be amazing, do that, post it here, show that you are reading and taking the time to learn and then we will give you as much help as we can, because at the moment its all one way. i have a project to finish, and another one to start and i will help as much as i can while im building my control surface, but you really do need to learn this stuff becasue you will have a time where no one else is around here or in chat ( about time you joined in that too) and you have to figure it out yourself.

dont mean to sound harsh but the whole point of this place is for you to build and learn as you do.

i wish you all the best with this and i will see how you go from here.

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  • 1 year later...

64... 32 excuse typo..

The typo wasn't really the point - everybody on this forum knows how many DINs and AINs etc that can go on each particular board. 15 mins of reading on the site would reward you with that answer. No-one cares that you got it wrong, cause we all forget specs like that sometimes (and it looks like ssp was concentrating more on describing a whole midibox in 1 paragraph! :)). I am a n00b also (been looking at midiboxes for 3 days) and the all this info is in the first tenth of what you will end up reading if you really do want to build a box (maybe even first hundredth).

I never asked any questions when I started, I just read. All of my initial questions were answered, although the answers to some of these questions brought up other questions (some of which ended up on the forum). I feel that the level of enthusiasm that I have for the midibox is the sort of dedication you are going to need (although I worry that I still may not have enough for those times when I have spent over 3 days trying to solve a particular problem (yes... I did clamp the unused pins on AIN J1, 2, 3 & 4 to ground!)). If you can't be arsed to read the website, I would suggest that the midibox is not for you.

Sorry if I am ranting, I am not trying to... it's just that the internet is over 25 years old, and people really should know what RTFM means by now. The internet isn't about getting other people to do stuff for you (unless it involves a webcam and an exchange of money), it's about doing it yourself.




Edited by escapemcp
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  • 5 months later...

Hooray for that. Sorry to resurect this, but after reading I could not withstand the temptation to say a few words.

I've been around here long enough to see people come and go, and that seems to have happened here too.

Just encourageing you (everyone) not to go all bossy and complain on other people. @ escapemcp if you're still around. Even though u have been around for 3 days and read the basics it does not give u any authority at all to go all ranting like that, I'm not sure if anyone get that kinda authority ever.

The number one rule on forums in my head, is to not join and act like u own. Be realistic and polite. A bad day ain't an excuse at all imho.

I don't know if time or rudeness killed the activity of the main person in this post, or if it was simply the fact that he saw that there was a completely new approach needed for his project, but comments like that is enough to make a new member feel not welcome, and especially u as a fresh noob should be more careful. Not a threat, I'm in no position to threat, but its just common sense and also normal politeness!

It's important to rtfm yes. But not all understand everything from rtfm so what people then normally do, is to ask, and there should be room for that. But what there isn't room for is impolite rude comments designed to make the other party feel bad and to show off yourself.


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