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haloo.. all buddy.. i am back

i have using few day to test the circuit.. change the pc, etc.. but still no luck...

today , i am re doing 1 serial connector cable.. only have 5 pin connect( previous 1 is from pc shop).. this one seem like better... but still cannot burn programme..

when i am testing it with a simple Led circuit.. i notice, that my serial cable and ic-prg function well... just like when i click programme.. the led will bright and flirk... ( the starnge is led will bright also, when i click hardware check--no click other box, and data-in show on...but i dun check enable data box .. and data in box keeping check, althrough i am check and uncheck the box)...

i guess that the problem is on serial connectin?? someone can give a idea to solve?? or a possible cause from this??

thanks for help ^_^

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Dear Ryan,

i have try the suggestion that you give,, but the problem now is like this

i have do a simple test.. i conect pin 40 to 1K resistor --> LED --> ground<------ pin Vss

1. when the hardware check pop up, the data in box is check already, and the led is bright..

2. when i check enable data out box, then the data in box become uncheck, and led is not llight..

3. when i click  enable clock, the data in box will check also.. when i uncheck the enable clock box.. the data in box will uncheck alos

4. when i click programme all( without the chip in socket), the led is bright.. so it is okay..

5. when i place the chip inside socket, and click the programme all... i measure the voltage.. all is ok... unless pin 40.. it is look like have -Ve value sometimes...

so the result still same.. verify failed at 0000h

have you all have any ideas???


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2. when i check enable data out box, then the data in box become uncheck, and led is not llight..

---> what happens when u check the data out again? If the data in becomes checked, I think your JDM is working perfectly! play around with the I/O delay, start at 10 then increase it until you get burn the PIC.


Hope that helps!


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by the way cck,

If u get the "vefy failed at 0000h" message again, check also the voltages.

note: verify failed at 000h usually appears when burning fails due to incorrect voltage or defective interface

good luck!


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2. when i check enable data out box, then the data in box become uncheck, and led is not llight..

---> what happens when u check the data out again? If the data in becomes checked, I think your JDM is working perfectly! play around with the I/O delay, start at 10 then increase it until you get burn the PIC.


Hope that helps!


No.. when i check the enable data out again,  the data in box is still uncheck,  whatever i do. But, the data in box checked again , wen i check enable clock. when i toggle enable clock, the data in box will toggle also..

between this happen when i connect the 1k resistor from Vss to RB7

Is this correct ???

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  • 1 month later...


I tried to test my JDM on a breadboard based on schematic from http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_jdm_v2_sm.gif.

I didn't use the layout image cause its to complex for me as i'm not a electronics person. Do design for a living you see.

When testing the voltages with the PIC in, everything is ok except the MCLR ones. It was reading 8.0+V. So i tried the external power suply with a 20V PSU. It then read 10.5V +. I wasn't able to reach the 13.7V .

Is there a reason? Am really fustrated that it can't start to work.

Another thing is all i have to programm in is the Boot straploader? Am i correct to say that the rest is loaded when i connect the Core module with the pic in? Or do i have to connect the JDM to the Core module with the PIC in the Core? If so, how do i do so cause base on the schematic, there isn't a way stated to connect to the Core.

Any help is really really appreciated.


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Another thing is all i have to programm in is the Boot straploader? Am i correct to say that the rest is loaded when i connect the Core module with the pic in? Or do i have to connect the JDM to the Core module with the PIC in the Core? If so, how do i do so cause base on the schematic, there isn't a way stated to connect to the Core.

You are correct, the only part you program with the JDM is the bootloader.  Then you load MIOS and your app via Midiox.



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Thanks Smash. So do i still need to connect the JDM to the Core to program the rest?

BTW I finnaly managed to get my JDM working!! YEah... after fustrating 3 mths, i was just so tempted to get a PCB from you. Sorry bout that.

Though the voltage across VSS and MCLR was only 12.6V+-


Can't wait to start on the Core module.

Thanks for the help

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Thanks Smash. So do i still need to connect the JDM to the Core to program the rest?

No.  You send MIOS and your app via MIDI, from Midiox.

The JDM to Core connection is leftover from the days before the bootloader, so you would not have to pull the PIC from the Core to write a new app to the PIC.

Have fun!


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Guest psytron

After lots of hair pulling and cursing i managed to get my jdm working. all the soldering was A ok. i had to reassemble my old dinosaur a p2 400 after it had failed on many (6+) newer computers. this all happened abut a year ago.

So when i go to program some more pics (bring on mbseq 8)) i dust off the dinosaur it boots up first go (amazing lol). however using the same settings as last time i have no luck i try many new settings still no luck.

recheck with the multi meter some of the voltages are a little low but no different to last time.

i replace the 5.1v zener with an 8.2v zener plug the pic in ( i know dont go above 5v with your pic or it will fry) somehow this works on one pic but all the others do not work.

here is the solution

connect a 10k pot (you should have few lying around hehe) using one outside pin and the middle pin with one pin going to one side of the 8.2v zener(ex 5.1v) and the other on the other side of the zener. twist the pot to middle setting. plug in pic open up icprog click on the read all(after you have setup like tk says) twist the pot untill you get 5.1v. now have a go at programing the pic. it worked for me. 8) 8) 8)

Note: the adjustments on the pot are VERY fine perhaps a smaller value would be better or use a large knob.

Note2: voltage increases as resistance increases

Note3: if you do not have the pot  set at a middle value when you plug it in to the comp there is a risk you have it set to minimum i.e. 0Ohms and this will create a short that your comp may not like(i think)

Note4: i guess this could be applied to the mclr zener(original 8.2/8.7v zener). i did not get the 13.7 (only 12.8 i think) but it still worked.

Note5: perhaps this mod will get it to work on all PCs i dont know i havnt tried it yet.

Note6: if you get smoke dont blame me for the fire :P

Note7: if you think this is irresponsable info that will lead to unnessesary pic frying i will edit this out.(tk you champ). on the other hand put this mod on the website if you like ;D  

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  • 6 months later...

i've been using the JDM without problems, using the 5.1v zener and the 8.2 zener too.

i've use it in 4 diferent computers, but only in 2 OS's...

2 computers with Win2000 SP4 and the other 2 with XP pro sp1. All of them are in english. The voltages are correct on the JDM. the configuration are as shown in the JDM page but with the delay set to 0.

by steps:

first select pic, then erase to be sure that nothig stays there inside ;) , then load the bootloader and finally send it to PIC.

one thing i've noticed is that it can only program 18f452 and not 18LF452 (it give an error).

if anyone needs pic's programmed i'm able to do it for you. of course SmashTV also does it and its more reliable!!! (and you can always buy the excelent pcb's kits from him!)

best regards all!

p.s. this was only to give my positive vote on the JDM. i'm going to still use it until this project changes to another PIC model :P

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  • 2 months later...
Guest krixtofer

Victory is at hand!

After trying almost every tip here and the rest of the internet I changed from 16F877 to 16F877a and it went as smooth as pie.

Device successfully verified!

Horray! First I'm gonna build me a drumtrigger, then a midibox, then a spaceshuttle, then a.....................

Thanx all of you. I like this forum it has class.....


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After trying to burn some 18F452 with NO results since 1 year ....

I DID IT !!!!!!

I BURN A 452 !!!!!

And you know how i did ?

I change my motherboard !!!!!!!!!!  ;D

Incredible !!!!!!

For now my  JDM with the right zener and the right ext power supply WORKS WELL with my new MB !!!

Hope this can help !


PS : i 'm not payed by any Motherboard manufacturer Consortium ! ;)

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Hello people!

This is my first post, but i´ve been following this project and forum for a long tima (years). I'am slowly building a midibox 64 that´s already working, but still has a few pots and buttons.

I´ve programmed my pic with the JDM burner, the only available at the time I started. But I had to do it under Win 2000. Under win XP it was inpossible for me to do it.

I found this

"Link to a solution for WinXP" in this forum

and this

"Follow this link if you are a Windows XP user (thanks Rowan!)" in JDM page,

but these links don´t work.

Where can I find this info?

Thank you very much


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  • 2 months later...

After succesful burning of quite a few 18F452 with ICProg, I tried to burn 18F4685 today with PICPgm. Burning only takes a few seconds, and reports succesful burning, is that right? (ICProg always takes a minute or so with 18F452) When I read the 18F4685 the code memory is written until address 000408, after that only FFFF values are there.

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