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"Super red"/"Hyper red" LEDs for MB6582 control surface?


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Hi there,

is there any visible difference when using ultra-low-current LEDs for the control surface of the MB6582? They cost twice as much as normal LEDs.

I would not have asked, but I am intrigued by their description "super red" in the reichelt.de store (part number LS 336K).

Do they look more fancy than standard low-cost LEDs? Probably its just a marketing effort from OSRAM, but... I thought I´d ask here :).

And, is 28mcd brightness enough?

I also saw these: LH 3364 - 112mcd and marketed as "hyper red". WTF?!? I always thought classic LED red is as red as it gets :)



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As others will tell you,

Really bright LED's are not a good idea for really anything that you may look at in the dark.. it makes it pretty much impossible to see whats going on when 50 small torches are aimed at your eyes. Trust me.

personally, the best option is to go for diffused LED's with a wide viewing angle. Avoid Blue & purple like the a disease.



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"hyper" (greek) and "super" (latin) meaning "beyond", "above" I can only assume the red is beyond red on the spectrum (towards 750nm cause otherwise it would be orange), so it's most likely hemi-semi-hypo-infra-red. :frantics:

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