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Trouble re-burning 16f88


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Hello to all.

After successfully creating a couple of 16f84a projects I finally decided it was time to move on to the next level.

I started experimenting with the pic16f88.

I started by creating a really simple code that would toggle every port of the pic at a predefined rate.

My goal was to try and use as many pins as possible so I disabled MCLR pin to use it as an output and used the Internal clock Osc to get two more I/O pins;

I compiled and I burned with no problems!

Then I changed my code a little(changed the toggle rate time) and when I pressed "Identify pic in Programmer" in the "PbrennerNG" softwarethe PIC was allways recognized as a "16f84" wich lead me to believe that the pic wasn't getting reconized at all. If you try and press this button with no pic placed in the programmer, it will tell you there's a pic16f84 in it.

My first thoughts were: "$#!- I got a messed up pic". So I got a fresh new 16f88 out of the box and repeated the whole procedure. Everything went fine, the PIC got successfully burned and the program worked. Once again, when I tried to reburn this PIC I was unable to do it as the PBrennerNG software started recognizing it as a "PIC16F84".

So I realize it wasn't about the PIC, It's probably something about the configuration bits!

Does anyone out there knows how to resolve this?

I've already tried and checked the "Vpp before Vdd" box but that didn't doany good.

Any help is apreciated, thanks in advance.


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I am not familiar with the programmer you are using but I have had a similar problem with a Microchip ICD2 in MPLAB.

Make sure your source code correctly defines the pic as a 16F88, also if the programmer software allows a manual change of pic then select the 16F88.

I would then try to erase and rewrite the pic to see if the problem is solved.

Hope this helps.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Hi there!

I'm in the same shoes like Mo...

Can anybody help me???


Sounds like, since you're using the internal osc, that the PIC gets started. Once started, you can't burn to it anymore. Not sure how advanced the MBHP burner was, but it's based on JDM burner as far as I can remember.

The problem with the JDM burners is that it supplies a voltage to the PIC, which starts up the PIC software. There needs to be a small delay in applying a certain voltage, so that the PIC doesn't start up but does get into programming mode.

Try a different burner :) I got myself this one through ebay 2 years ago: Enhanced JDM PIC programmer

A couple of years ago I found a webpage with a mod on the JDM burner, to accomplish exactly that. Unfortunately, the page is dead. Managed to salvage things through archive.org and have it hosted here right now:



Edited by cavey
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  • 1 month later...

Thank you very much for your help !

You're a lifesaver I would never had figured this out by myself!

I'll probably buy a new programmer since my old one is falling to pieces, I would like to ask if anyone out there knows of a good USB programmer???



Edited by analogue_mo
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