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Upcoming MBHP_MF_NG module


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Hi and welcome,


just a few question to get a feeling for your situation:


1.Where did you get the PIC? From SmashTV, where you got the module pcbs?

2.Did you install the operation system mios1.9g before you uploaded the MF firmware?

3.How did you flash the bootloader? Via Midi or via PIC burner?

4. What LPC17 app did you use to upload the MF firmware?


Those are just a few preliminary question too what we are up against  :happy: .


I don´t think the device ID is an issue, it will be 0, if you didn´t change it yourself. You would need a special app to do so.


my regards

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Dear John,

Thank you the fast reply!


I get the PIC from a local shop, and I've built the PIC burner. The P18 software said everything OK. (Flashing green OK) I think the PIC is OK. I ordered the module PCBs from SmashTV, I think it's also OK. 

First I wanted to install the mios1.9g, but the MIOS Studio didn't recognize the MIOS8 OS. Is it necessary to build or buy a dedicated MIDI-USB module to upload the mios1.9g? I haven't got the USB GM5 module...  :sad:

The bootloader.. I answered this question already. I didn't know that it's possible flash via MIDI  :smile: .

I try with the MB NG V1.026 and the USB MIDI 2x2 apps with no success. I try to configure the MB NG router as Thorsten K. mentioned in an other topic. Just to be sure, I upload to the LPC1769 the bootloader again and I changed the ID to 1. It works perfectly, but now I noticed, if I want to make a MIDI loopback, it didn't work! (obviously with the MB NG app.) Or if I just touch the MI1 and the MO1 to each other, and I sent something to the MIDI OUT it didn't come back on the MIDI IN. 

Today I erased the PIC and flashed again the bootloader.  Maybe it will work... 


Thanks for the help!


Best regards,


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Hi Gergo,


sorry for the delay, I´ve been held up.


First, you can´t install the bootloader via midi, I´m sorry if I misguided you in any way.


You only need the LPC17 Core and the MIDI 2x2 app to upload mios1.9g. You have to connect the MF module to MIDI IN/OUT 2. If you connected it to MIDI 1, Mios Studio would have given an error message saying, that both MIOS8 and MIOS32 Core had been detected.

Of course you could use any other USB MIDI interface but this doesn´t work with all interfaces (There is a list somewhere, I have to search for it though).


If you tried to create Midi loopback and it didn´t work, there might be an issue with your midi in/out section on the LPC17 module.


If you are suffering from a hardware issue (bad soldering, misplaced parts maybe,....), then it would be a good idea to look at this document and go through the debugging steps.


Did reburning the PIC change anything?


my regards

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Hi John and novski!


Thank you, It seems the bootloader is up and running... But when I try to update to mios 1.9g, I get this message when I hit the start button.



Reading mios_v1_9g_pic18f452.hex
Trying to contact the core...
mios_v1_9g_pic18f452.hex contains 12826 bytes (52 blocks).
Range 0x00000000-0x00003fff (16384 bytes) - BL excluded
Range 0x00004000-0x000033ff (4294964224 bytes) - LPC17 Flash
Range 0x00007c00-0x00007fff (1024 bytes) - LPC17 Flash
Hex file contains invalid ranges for MIOS8!


What do you think about this? 


Solved! Thanks a lot!


Best regards:


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Hi Gergo,


this is a bit strange. Can you please check, if the MF module (I´m assuming, that the PIC already sits on the MF module) sends an upload request? You have to connect the MF module to the USB MIDI interface or to the LPC17 Core (Midi i/o 2) and power it up. If everything is alright, the PIC on the MF module sends an upload request that appears in the MIDI IN section in Mios Studio. It looks something like this:


[timestamp]  f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7


And can you tell me, what kind of PIC you are using?


my regards

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can someone suggest where to purchase a replacement resistor network, the one that sits next to the touch sensor pins. Discovered mine is faulty and need to replace it. Smash tv will not return any of my emails for weeks now and I don't know where else to find this exact piece. Anyone have any extra?

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Hi Thorsten and other midi boxers.

Not sure if this is the place to ask, I have a query. I want to build a device that can be mounted on the front of a guitar amp with a number of motors that can somehow attatch to the knobs to remote control them. It would be used in a studio environment to adjust tone and gain etc from the control room.

I'm thinking if I build the fader module and hook up some small motors they could be used for that. Will the fader module work to drive motors that are not connected to faders and no feedback?

If this was possible what type of motors would I need?


best regards to Thorsten

Greg Macmillan


P.S. it's been a long time since I've been here. I still have my original midi box 64 but it got serverly blackened in a bushfire here in Australia.

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i dont think your idea will works because the motors doesnt know where they are. the Faders tell the MF_module where they are..

so if you send a Velocity from 64 the motor will spinn until the fader is @ 64 and the MF_module turns of the motos..


the only solution i would know is to use Motorpots..

something like this  http://www.conrad.nl/ce/nl/product/442056/Motorpotmeter

and if you use a Stereo type of POT you can connect the Original wires to LEFT and the midi wires to RIGHT...

but im also not realy sure as i'm also no master in electroncs... its just a idea...


but maby you can also use a AOUT module...

but again i'm not sure as im not sure what a AOUT module does...


but if i think its like a Analoge out signal you can create a New front desing for the gitar amp.

add some Encoders with leds rings and if you rotate a Encoder the aout module will send the analoge signal to the gitar Amp..

and the led ring shows how Hard or low the Gain is set or volume...

this way you can also create a Foorswitch with differnt presets, and a Controller outside the recording booth and all can get feedback thru midi..

this would be the cheapest solution...



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Thanks for the reply.

The idea I have is not to modify an existing amp but to make a device that can attatch to  the front or top of any amp, then be removed and attastched to a different amp, any amp. So basically just need midi contolled motors not pots. The drive would be provided by temporarily conecting the motors, which would be mounted on some type of frame, to the pot knobs on the outside of the amp.

Or were you sugesting to use the motorpot as a motor as a way of providing the feedback to the circuit?


cheers  Greg



I guess for that mater I could just use a digital switch that turned the motor on and off and provide some sort of clutch so as it didn't over torque the motor at either end. Perhaps an adjustable stop so the pot didn't get stressed out.




cheers  Greg

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ahh yes i think the motorpots will be the trick then because the MF_module needs the feedback (Pot or fader) to know on which position its on..

but still you will need one with ALLOT!!! of "N" (Newton) because it also needs to rotate the pot you like to connect it on...

as some pots rotate realy easy and other are hard to rotate...



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Yes a lot of Newtons is right.

Actually I won't really need to know what setting it is on (though it would be helpful) as the idea is to be listening from a seperate room through microphones, as to what the best sound is. Once the sound is arrived at, one can go and look at the settings and make a note. I guess recallable settings would be good though and knowing what the setting is might avoid confusion. On the other hand not knowing the setting might lead to better results as one could only rely on the ear. Further it would be possible to tell when the controll had reached either extreme and I guess one could get a feel pretty quickly for the range of the particular control.


cheers  Greg

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Maybe it would be better to have a slightly stronger motor and also have a second  pot connected to the same motor with the same range of movement as the typical amp pot for feedback. Maybe with a stepper motor it would be easier to control precisely the number of degrees of movement?

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I am still trying to understand what the expected behavior of the touch sensor is. If I touch and remain touching the fader, should I see note on and note off events rapidly, or just a single note on event?

I would have thought just a single note on, but I get a constant stream of note on and note off.

I understand that a touch of the fader = note on and a release = note off. The reason I'm confused is that without releasing the fader I am getting note off too.

Can someone in detail please describe expected behavior?

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