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MIDI / USB Controller based on FL Studo's 3xOSC


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Hello everybody!

I'm new on this forum so excuse me if it's not in the good section :wacko:

I need your help: I want to build an Hardware controller for the

and I looked at uCApps.de for any MIDIbox, but I was lost, I didn't find exactly what I was looking for... I need more than 120 faders (120 analog channels) AND more than 100 switches ("push") (I don't need the keyboard that you can see at the bottom of the instrument).

The output can be USB or/and MIDI, but I didn't find what I'll need as Core and appropriate expansion...

Thank you very much! :wink:

PS: As you can notice my English is bad, but excuse me, I'm a French student :tongue:

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I am confused as well. The plugin that you want to control has like, what, 15 parameters? A midibox with 120+ faders is gonna be really big, really expensive and really hard to build. Maybe you can sketch something up, so we get a rough idea about what you actually want to build?

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I'm sorry, not faders but potentiometers (technically it's the same thing :whistle: )

But xOSC isn't as easier as it looks like, on the video you can see only 2 or 3 "widows" but in reality there are 12 "windows", look at the attached pictures (Functions 3xOSC, Potentiometer 3xOSC and Legend)

Because the problem is if I use only 20 potentiometers (exemple), if I turn Volume or another function on the same window at 70%, if I go to another window and I turn the same potentiometer to 25%, when I return on the first window, volume will be 25% and not 70% because the resistor value has changed, so I have not other choice that using 1 pot => 1 function... Perhaps rotary encoders will work, I don't know...

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You could build two MIDIbox64 and link the cores as shown in this picture: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_link/tunnel1.gif

This gives you up to 128 pot, 128 button and 128 LED functions (no need to add a LCD)

For USB just buy a cheap 10 EUR interface from EBay (or build a GM5 module)

But before you are starting this project it makes sense to ensure that all functions of 3xOSC can be controlled via MIDI.

Are you sure that "total control" is supported by the software?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Dont get me wrong i dont wanna discourage you but in my Opinion it doesnt

make any sense transferring a virtual gui like that into a 1:1 hardware equivalent. There is a reason because it is "only"

realized as a software. 120 pots and more than 100 switches is not only a big but a huge project, hardwarewise and most

notably costwise. (120 Pots, 100 Switches, 120 Pot-Knobs, a panel that is big enough to accomodate all these, a case, panel engravings for 120 Knobs, etc.) even though you can of course make a low cost box...

A possible solution I could imagine would be the use of a MB64 or MB64e (encoders). But i dont know how the midi implementation of the plugin works

and if it would allow you to switch between the windows.

You gotta find out. ;)

Uh..thorsten was faster..

Edited by phunk
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MIDI Implemantation on 3xOSC is fine. I can confirm. All parameters are MIDI-Controllabe due to it´s a native FL Studio plugin.

Just don´t expect some sort of Auto mapping from FL Studio :)

I used to play with 3xOSC few years ago. I like it even it was a simple FL plugin (in the FL´s sdk have a similar source stuff). A lot of stuff to tweak on that tabs that make you create unique sounds.

Encoders, yes, those will handle with all windows tabs from 3xOSC on the same control surface, also you could use your controller in other FL´s native VSTs that has the same tabs (Eg: FL Sampler, Granulizer, TS-404, etc)

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