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Did anyone here buy the auction of 29 x 8580R5's?


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I didn't post before as I was bidding myself and didn't want to end up in a bidding war with another MIDIbox user but there has just been an auction on Ebay of 29 NEW (old) 8580R5's.

The final price was £875.00 (998EUR) !!!

The guy says he found the tubes in his loft and thought that somebody might have a use for them.

Personally I think they have probably paid a bit over the odds as individual (tested) ones sell occasionally for about £25 each.

I was probably being a bit hopeful with my maximum of £350 :)



EDIT: Here is the link http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150539424415&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOIBUAA:GB:1123

Edited by philetaylor
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I can say that it was a close fight, but unfortunately I didn't win :-)

And actually I thought that is is a little bit strange that this item wasn't mentioned here before ... for a good reason I think, but it hasn't helped.



Edited by orange_hand
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I still want to get my hands on the masks and make exacting duplicates. It shouldn't be too terribly expensive to tool up for a 30-year-old design.

I am sure that the thought "if only someone would make new sids" crossed the minds of many of us. But to be honest to get a hold of the mask would be quite an achievement on it's own. Then having them produced in a fab at reasonable costs, well that would be nearly impossible. The market for sid chips isn't big, only us idiots are willing to buy them. And with releasing a couple of thousand chips on the market, prices would pummel.

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