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sammichSID Final Batch!


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sammichSID Final Batch!

No, seriously, I mean it this time!



Yes, I know I said this when I'd sold 350 kits, but I kept getting orders and kept making kits, because I hate saying no to people. Now the total is 500 550 kits sold, and I have got to the end of the waiting list, and I really, really must stop sometime and do something else!

There will be a final batch of 50 kits in January 2012 (or when I get 50 orders).

There are still plenty of kits available in the final batch, and any extra pre-orders I receive will go on the waiting list, just in case I change my mind and do another one-off batch next year.

Like last time, I fully agree this is some shameless self-promotion to boost sales so I can finish with my routine 50 kit batch and sell off all the PCBs and parts I have in stock.

If you're interested in getting a sammichSID, or want to find out WTF this thing is, all the information is here: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/sammichsid



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  • 2 months later...

I've been having a break for a few weeks, and will reply to the 30+ unread emails starting tomorrow :D

Excellent! Can't wait!

I understand the need for a break. You deserve it!

Edited by Roark
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

He sent out order confirmations on the 16th January and invoiced me on Jan 31st.

I'm all paid up and waiting with a pair of 8580R5s and a pair of 6581s to play with.

I got a confirmation email January 5, but have not heard anything since.

I'd love to be part of the batch, hope I'm not missing out :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been very busy lately and I have not replied to recent emails, sorry.

Batch #23/#24 will be posted this week.

Batch #25/#26 (potentially the absolute final batch ever) has 30 confirmed orders, and 20 empty places. It will be arranged soon.

If you've emailed a pre-order recently, I'll reply ASAP.

Sorry for the long delay.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've put a sale request in on the appropriate thread for anyone looking to get an un-built kit from batch #21/#22 and 2x 8580R5's quick and potentially cheaper (not to under-cut you Wilba! I've recently been made redundant @ work & neither have the time to put into building it).

Edited by TENMEN
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  • 3 months later...

First time caller, long time listener...

Has the sammichSID reached the end? I have put in an order for one and have not heard any word. Got a couple of SID's sittin, looking for a good home! Thanks for any info!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi all,

After receiving many emails about sammichSID since the "final batch" finished, I decided to do two more batches. One batch I am doing right now and trying hard to get in the post so they arrive before Christmas. There are still kits from this batch available.

The 2nd batch will probably happen next year sometime after I get close to 50 more pre-orders.

So if you read this message, just contact me via my email address (not PM) and I'll either a) have a kit to sell immediately or b) put you on a waiting list.

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