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As a workaround for the noisy 3.3V ADC of STM32 and LPC17, I developed a new solution with an external ADC.

I selected the MCP3208, since it's available for only 2.75 EUR at Reichelt. It offers a resolution of 12bit.

The driver development was straightforward, and I must say that I'm very satisfied with the results! :)


The ADC is accessed via SPI (e.g. J19 of the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 module).

A 74HC595 has been added and is accessed via SPI as well, so that no additional IO pins of the microcontroller have to be sacrificed for the MUX control.

By using a nice trick, only a single chip select line is required to access both serial devices.

This makes the solution scalable: multiple MBHP_AINSER64 modules can be accessed from a single core. The driver is prepared for 2 modules (= 128 pots), but scanning even more pots is no problem as long as dedicated uC outputs for chip selects are available.

Alternatively, a 3-to-8 MUX could be used for accessing 8 modules via 3 output pins! -> for scanning 512 pots/faders ;-)

Also the accuracy is quite nice: if directly powered from the MBHP_CORE_LPC17 module, values are jittering by only ca. +/-1..3 LSBs

For comparison: the ADCs of STM32 and LPC17 are jittering by +/- 16, which means that even if the conversion result is converted to 7bit resolution there is a risk for unstable values.

If the module is externally powered, the jitter is +/- 1 LSB!

Means: 64 pots can be sampled with ca. 11bit accuracy - with a DIY friendly design! :)

Here the first applications:

Tutorial (self-explaining): http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Ftutorials%2F012b_ainser_muxed%2F

Jitter Monitor (for testing purposes): http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Ftroubleshooting%2Fainser_jitter_mon%2F

Driver: http://svnmios.midibox.org/listing.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fmodules%2Fainser%2F

Schematic: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_ainser64.pdf

PCB: this time I will create the layout by myself, because I need some practice ;)

Update: PCB up & running -> new website http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_ainser64.html

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Schematic: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_ainser64.pdf

Layout (preliminary, because headers are too close together, this has to be fixed!)

/edit: removed old layout, new snapshot below

This was my first selfmade layout after more than 5 years, but it seems that I haven't lost the skills. ;)

First I tried it with Kicad, but quickly changed back to Eagle since I don't like the schematic entry - it slows down the process too much.

Using the freeware version of Eagle forced me to limit the size to 100x80, but the circuit still fits into this area! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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it looks as if spacing might be a little tight for Reichelt WSL type headers - have you checked that they fit? I would definitely prefer them over regular simple headers just because it is easier to get the cabling right again in case one ever has to remove cables.

Best, ilmenator

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi TK,

I haven't read the thread twice yet, but a couple of questions. I have a lpc core and the mcu at my desk now, but I ain't gonna do much about it for the next six months though, but my plan for the lpc was to build a cs for my daw, atm cubase.

Does this design replace the regular ain?

And will this be the way to go for future projects like the one I mentioned above?

Will it be compatible for a long time like the other ain design has been?

If this is the case and the design works good in your opinion, I will be joining a bulk order ;-)


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Does this design replace the regular ain?

Yes, but only for MIOS32 based cores.

The accuracy is much better, and the wiring is simpler than with the old MBHP_AIN modules (just a serial connection between J19 and the MBHP_AINSER64 module(s))

And will this be the way to go for future projects like the one I mentioned above?


Will it be compatible for a long time like the other ain design has been?


If this is the case and the design works good in your opinion, I will be joining a bulk order ;-)

Meanwhile I think it would be better if I just order two cheap prototype boards at Olimex.

When all checks passed, the PCB will be available in SmashTV's Shop (I'm sure ;))

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


I did a small PCB layout for a "ainser8" with only one 4051, since I only need 8 analog ins. Haven't etched it yet, but will do in the next few days...

I connected CH0 of the MCP3208 to Pin 3 of the 4051, and CH1-7 to ground.

Then I noticed in the AINSER64 schematic that CH0 is actually connected to the last one of the 4051s (IC11 / J13), not the first one.

Does this matter at all? Or is it better to use CH7 with a single 4051 setup?

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It means that analog inputs will be available at pin number #56..63 - thats ok

But please note: you don't need a 4051 multiplexer if only 8 channels are required.

You even don't need a 74HC595 for this minimal solution.

Instead you would only need the MCP3208, pots can be directly connected to the 8 ADC inputs!

+ J2, R1, C4, C5, C6 - done!

Normally it's faster to build such a circuit on verboard instead of doing the timeconsuming layout + etching.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I built my small "Ainser8" on breadboard today and it all works perfectly!

At first I wondered why a single pot would send 8 values at a time, but then I figured out that I had to disable all the pins which were on by default.

btw I bought my MCP3208 from Segor, and they have two different versions (C and B, which has slightly better specs) of the chip. In the store I was unsure what to buy so I just got the B version to be on the safe side, but maybe that's not necessary at all.

anyway, no more jitter!



Edited by rvlt
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