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Ctrlr based editor for MBSID V2


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Hi TK,
I'm having a lot of fun with wavetables recently, and ripping them from SID Tunes.

Do you have upcoming plans to add the Wavetable Editor to Ctrl?

I'm particularly interested in using the Multi Engine for wavetables.

I know you have a hectic schedule but it would be nice to see the Ctrl panel finalized. 

It would be nice to have a full editor you can use fully offline (without connecting to the MIDIbox SID)

A lot of the time Rutger's Editor Crashes and dumps a log file when I close the patch editor window and click Yes to Save.

Kind Regards.

Edited by Smithy
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  • 9 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 24/11/2016 at 3:54 PM, ChinMuzik said:

^^^ so this doesn't edit wavetables?

So the only way to program wavetable sequences is through the MIOS menu?

Is there any non-Hex windows based application that can edit sequences? I hate to say it..but Mode Machines had a really nice way to do it. 

Have a look at Rutger's Java based editor for MIDIbox SID. The wavetable implementation is complete:


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15 hours ago, ChinMuzik said:

Alternatively, could I use a standard c64 tracker and then punch the values in the wavetable sequencer in MIOS?

in MIOS Studio?

MIOS Studio is for uploading the firmware to MIDIbox SID, asfaik it never had a wavetable sequencer built in to it! :)

Someone correct me if I'm wrong!

Your best bet is using Rutgers editor.

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  • 8 months later...

I'm running recommended Ctrlr_ac6a3185.exe on Windows (it is now available from archive.org only).

Selection SID1 - SID4 does not work correctly. Only SID1 selection produces expected results.

E.g., I activate ENS tab. I can receive and modify patch # etc. for first core. When I switch cores (SID2-SID4), information seams to be received correctly, but when I modify any knob (e.g. patch#), it does not get stored to ENS buffer.

The only condition under which it get stored, as I noticed, is when that particular SID core I've selected in CTRLR is selected on control surface also.

From time to time I notice messages like "SIDx not available (No MBNet Response)" on LCD. Sometimes they last for a second, sometimes they stay.

MIOS studio reports a continuous flow of messages

F0 00 00 7E 40 00 0F 00 F7

from MIDI IN, when CTRLR is active.

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4 hours ago, ChinMuzik said:

How do I even use this?? I've downloaded it.....does it need to be compiled? Never ran a Java script this way. 

It's not Java Script, it's a Java executable. 

Just download and install Java on your machine and run the .jar file. 

Make sure the midi in and midi out of the MIDIbox SID is connected properly otherwise you won't be able to open the patch editor interface.

Edited by Smithy
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On 9/20/2017 at 4:23 AM, Smithy said:

It's not Java Script, it's a Java executable. 

Just download and install Java on your machine and run the .jar file. 

Make sure the midi in and midi out of the MIDIbox SID is connected properly otherwise you won't be able to open the patch editor interface.

Right, but in the link you posted there's no .jar files just CLASS files.

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  • 4 months later...

I don't know if we should upload  software made by others on here (even if it is free), but you can always try the wayback machine:


Then enter ctrlr.org as URL

Then click on the circa date the files should have been present in their download area

Then click on the download area - i just did this experimentally for 2013 and it works - but you have to search for your exact release by properly travelling in time, which is half of the fun :)


Many greets and good luck!


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  • 1 year later...

Hi all. I have sammichSID and today i opened this editor pannel for ctrlr after some years but it gets stucked and freezes when i try move some parameter in the editor or when i try to edit in the arpegiator page or when i click play buttomm and much more parameters. The editor Gets stucked and i dont know where is the problem? Maybe windows 10? My soundcard? sammichSID? Something wrong with The midi config in ctrlr ? Thanks a lot. Someone can help me?

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  • 6 months later...

today i download versions of Ctrlr_1655 & Ctrlr_262f2710 and they both work fine in standalone mode(not vst) on my Mac 10.13.16, i downloaded them from this archive http://web.archive.org/web/20140518080526/http://ctrlr.org:80/nightly/ 
maybe it will be useful for new users...

Thanks, this editor is excellent, i'm so tired of making an editor from my small screen :)

MDBX + CTRLR video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOix9ltw6vM&feature=emb_logo

Best W, Lunnar.

Edited by lunnar
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  • 11 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Anyone managed to get Ctrlr to run on an Apple-silicon based Mac?

Got a new MacBook Pro 14" recently. Would like to be able to edit my sammichSID from it.

Not much luck so far. Seemed like it imported the current patch from the Sammich once or twice randomly out of several tries, but it won't do it consistently. And I can't get it to send an edited patch back to the Sammich at all.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm trying to control a midibox sid v2 that i built years ago with ctrlr. My machine is a literal black box, it has no controls nor display, just a power switch and input/output connections. I would really like to be able to load ctrlr as a vst inside of my daw (reaper) and control the synth as any other virtual instrument, but, so far, no luck. Here's a list of what i've tried:


-Latest version of ctrlr, running standalone, load the panel, set midi input, control, output -> everything seems to work. Specifically, activating the midi monitor in ctrlr i can see that for any knob or parameter that i tweak in the panel, a correspondig amount of midi data is sent to the machine, and obviously changing parameters affect the sound.


-Latest version of ctrl loaded in reaper as either vst 86, vst 64 or vst 3, either allowing ctrlr to directly control midi in/out or routing them through the host -> no luck. Checking with the midi monitor, only the buttons on the left side of the panel, (init, receive, SID1-4, link osc, link stereo, play) generate a midi output, while all the knobs and buttons of the various engines generate nothing. I can play notes just fine, but no matter what i click or turn the sound doesn't change.

run the same thest with the Ctrlr_ac6a3185 version, got pretty much the same result. So I'm curious, has anyone managed to run the panel in ctrlr as a vst and got it to work?



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  • 1 month later...


in the last days I troubleshooted the MIDIbox SID panel with the latest CTRLR sources which are available on Github.

This resulted into:

I will do some testing in the next days to ensure that all parameters are working, and I have to find a way to build AUs

However, I will only be able to provide a MacOS version. PC users might be interested on the "fixed version" as well.
Therefore the question: has anybody the knowledge to build CTRLR with my source code changes on a PC?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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