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MB909 beta version PCB bulkorder


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Hi Jef

So am I correct in thinking that the sequencer Beta PCB's are reserved for people who already have a 9090/909 and
can contribute the the project? If so, I will leave that for now and hipefully come back it when it is finalised.

Secondly, I am on the list to receive the 9090 kit (without sequencer) - do you know if these have been sent already?

Many thanks.

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@ Schrodinger's cat: you do not need a 9090 or TR909 but at least some sort of drummodule to control with the MB909 CS. The 9090 kits will be sent in januari. I am currently making the kits and already have 90% of the kits. I will email everybody in december to give a status and request a payment.





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Hey everybody,

I have had time to update the design of the MB909 sequencer boards for professional manufacturing. I have ordered 20 board sets.

Once the testgroup is happy, I'll then organize a big bulkorder for the MB909 sequencer.

The betaversion for the testgroup will be sold as a kit (PCB, components). I do not have an exact price yet, but the kit will be around 95 Euro.

The list for signing up for the beta version is on: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Av9ZyDwCt04MdFB6cTZKaV9uMDF1cWY0X1pBOWxqNXc

A few pics, video and info on the sequencer on: http://www.synthage.com/Sequencer/default.html

If there are enough people (at least 20) interested I would prefer people that :
already have a 9090 and/or TR909
will be able to upload an update of the firmware to the mainboard (this is easy with Tk's MIOS terminal)
would like to test the software and hardware and give me tips to improve the design (again soft and hard)

So if you put your (nick)name on the list, I'dd like to ask you to send me an email if you have a 9090 or TR909, etc.


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I'm interested in this but cannot get in on this this close to the holidays. I'm still happy to look at the code if you still need someone with c/c++ experience. I remember  wanting one of Trevor's 9090 back when he first published it. I still want one and I'd love to build a MBSid and Oakley Sound Filtrex II. But I digress. let me know how I can help. 

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I don't know if I can afford one before the first of the year but where are the prices for the 9090 kit?



Also who did the original conversion of the MIOS for the MB909?  I'm curious what IDE was used. I was able to convert it to TASKING IDE very easy but it's not so easy to be a contributor that way.


also has anyone thought about making an adapter to use the STM429I Discovery board? I ask because it's only $24 and has a LCD touch screen onboard that could be useful.

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hey KB9YEN,


I am doing the MB909 firmware based on the SeqV4 firmware. it is only compatible with the MB909 CS.


As the MB909 is still in beta version the firmware can be found on the 9090 and MB909 forum for the beta testers. the one on the MIOS SVN an old version. I will upload the current version shortly.





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Ok.  What IDE do you use?  Since you are using the v4 you should be using the STM43F4Discovery as a brain correct?  I have both a STM32F4Disco and a STM32F429iDisco. Unfortunately the pinout of the 429 is different because it has has a nice LCD touch screen.


I use the Mac version of the tasking IDE (http://www.tasking.com/products/arm/) for a lot of my ham radio projects. I shuld be able to just use the brain for dev till I can afford the 9090 and mb909. My logic analyzer is only 8 lines. I need to get a 32 line analyzer at some point.

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  • 2 months later...

hey all,


I have the MB909 beta version 4 boards now (easier soldering and connection to the core). I have also tested the MB909 with the STM32F4 core, and all seems to work fine.


I am also finally in the last stage of having the case finished.



should you like to have one of these, please enter on the following list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Av9ZyDwCt04MdFB6cTZKaV9uMDF1cWY0X1pBOWxqNXc&usp=sharing





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