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MB909 beta version PCB bulkorder


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Thx Brathering,

As soon as I have a price for the beta version kit, I'll post that price here and on the synthage.com site.

People that are on the list can than decide if they are still interested in a beta version with an unfinished firmware.

I have ordered the boards and I'll put them in the kit for 27 Euro's (I have paid more as I only ordered a few pieces, but I know I can't ask the full price).



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I am still waiting for the PCB's but I know they have been produced, so not that long anymore until I have them at home.

Concerning the programming:

I have added the following to the hwcfg file:


# settings for the MB909 control surface




If the MB909 is enabled a few things are different on the display, a few buttons different and some settings for tracks will be set automatically to drum mode (still to program).

The Multimachine setting is there because some people would like to use the MB909 control surface/Seq V4 to control more than one drummachine. The sequencer will then keep using the 4 tracks of the patterns (for example 4 different drummachines). If I am not mistaking, I can leave song mode (more or less) like it is.

On the other hand if multimachine is set to 0 then, and this is the part that I am programming right now, the MB909 control surface will use the 4 tracks more like 4 patterns and the groups could be called the banks (more or less) like on the original 909. Nothing special up until now, but in song mode the sequencer will play track after track.

Of course in the pattern screen, you'll be able to load the Seq4 type patterns into the groups, nothing changed there.

I am also waiting for new keycaps, because the last ones did not work perfectly fine on the prototype frontpanel.

I hope with the two above settings, most people will be able to choose the mode they like using the most.

Brathering, like I said, your help will be most appreciated, because the programming is time consuming for me as I am not a C++ programmer at all.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

damn i already thought i missed out on the official run!

your whole design looks awesome.

are there plans to offer the (desktop) case? (you, or Julian?)

and CS components? i know i know spoiled by Wilba projects, but just to have an idea what's possible.


happy beta testing, guys!

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If and when the beta test is positive, I'll organize a bulkorder for the CS boards. If people want I can also organize a bulkorder for the components.

And yes I have been very busy designing the frontpanel and case. I hope to have the prototypes of both not later then mid September.

Lets hope that they are affordable and look nice. as soon as I have pics, I'll post them on my website.



Oh yes,

yesterday I was busy with the "multi drummachine" mode, using my 9090 and reason soft drummachines on my PC. I just could not stop playing with the sequencer. Again with a big thanks to Thorsten for the Seq V4 work!!



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  • 2 months later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey all,


I do not have enough time anymore to update the firmware on my own. That is why I will put the MidiBox Seq V4 firmware that I have changed already a bit, so it works on the MB909 PCB, on the MidiBox SVN. People that would like to help programming are more than welcome. To be able to test the firmware, you'll probable want a MB909 PCB to connect to your LPC17 MidiBox core. If there are enough people interested (but also not too many), that would like to help programming, I'll order a few MB909 PCB's.


if you would like to help programming and would like a MB909 PCB (with maybe the components), please put your nickname on https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Av9ZyDwCt04MdFB6cTZKaV9uMDF1cWY0X1pBOWxqNXc&usp=sharing and email me.





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I should need 5 people to make the PCB's affordable. I am now finishing up the current 9090 groupbuy and will get back to you guys. I've also found a way to upload the source to Thorstens SVN server. The files that you can find on the SVN today 20 SEP 2013 under sequencers/MB909 are not up to date!! I will try to update the firmware more when I'll have finished the current 9090 groupbuy.


Hopefully we can get this thing started again :-)





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Lamouette and Rosch,


Thx for your intrest in the MB909.


I would like to remind everybody that this is an unfinished project, the hardware seems to be working fine, but the firmware needs to be improved to make it more userfriendly.


if you would like to help programming and would like a MB909 PCB (with maybe the components), please put your nickname on https://docs.google....NXc&usp=sharing and email me.






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