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installing 6582 hex file


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I'm having some odd problems... still can't get a sound out of my mb6582. I'm still in the troubleshooting phase.

As opposed to going through my list of issues and questions, which I still want to research more before I annoy you further, I do want to pose this question:

Do I need to install the 6582 application individually for each of the four cores, moving the jumper at J11 for each installation?



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From the chapter 'Installation' in the MBSID manual (http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid_manual_in.html)

Thats easy: just upload the new midibox_sid_v2 release to the master core with MIOS Studio.

Once this firmware is booting, and the version number is displayed, press&hold the MENU button of your Control Surface to "clone" the new firmware to the slaves via CAN interface.

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Good morning.

When I try to clone the cores, it finishes core 01 saying "Address: 00", then on core 02 and 03 it says "Address: 0D !!!!" Then it says "!!!!!!!! Clone Failed !!!!!!"

I double checked, and I do have a 1K resistor at R80.

I tried this with SIDs in cores 00 and 01,(core 1 and 2 depending on your numbering scheme) and without them in core 01 (core 2) as well.

Any ideas of where I can test/troubleshoot next?


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From "Initial Installation of Slave Cores"

1) Burn the MIOS Bootloader into the microcontroller if this hasn't been done yet. If your burning software allows to change the PIC ID header, use:

0000000000000001 for the first slave

0000000000000002 for the second slave

0000000000000003 for the third slave

Don't worry if you don't find an appr. entry field - you can change the ID later once MIOS has been installed.

2) Install the latest MIOS version with MIOS Studio

3) if the MIOS device ID hasn't been adapted during bootloader installation, you have to do this now. Download the "change_id" application at the MIOS Download section, and upload following .hex files with MIOS Studio:

device_id_01.hex for the first slave

device_id_02.hex for the second slave

device_id_03.hex for the third slave

4) Install the latest midibox_sid_v2 version with MIOS Studio.

IMPORTANT: a bidirectional MIDI connection is required to upload code to a slave. Normaly the MIDI Out port of your MIDIbox SID V2 is only connected to the master core. There are two possibilities to connect this to your MIDI interface:

a) temporary plug the slave PIC into the socket of the master core. Thats the most simple solution, especially because you are using a "known-working infrastructure" if you already uploaded code to the master PIC successfully

(my emphasis) b) change the MIDI wiring within your MIDIbox. It heavily depends on how your hardware looks like. E.g., on the MB-6582 board you will find some jumpers which allow you to change the MIDI Out port routing.

Ok... making sure I understand this... (FYI I've already successfully --I think-- installed the MB6582 onto the master core)

so, the bootloader comes pre installed into my PIC chips I got from SmashTV, therefore I dont' need to worry about step 1 or step 3.

on steps 2 and step 4, I install onto all cores by moving J11 for each core, correct?

(on step 4 I use the mb6502 hex instead of the midibox_sid_v2 hex)

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From "Initial Installation of Slave Cores"

Ok... making sure I understand this... (FYI I've already successfully --I think-- installed the MB6582 onto the master core)

so, the bootloader comes pre installed into my PIC chips I got from SmashTV, therefore I dont' need to worry about step 1 or step 3.

on steps 2 and step 4, I install onto all cores by moving J11 for each core, correct?

(on step 4 I use the mb6502 hex instead of the midibox_sid_v2 hex)

Yes. Thats it.

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I installed MIOS and the 6582 hex on all cores (admittedly after a few drinks at the pub)

The box is behaving much more nicely now and even loaded the presets without a problem. (With the exception that I unwittingly attempted to install them into the ensemble bank at first.)

It always starts up with all sids pointing to channel 16 regardless what I did in the last session. There must be a way to adjust this, right?

Still not getting a sound... but I'm admittedly at home in my kitchen using a battery powered mini (mono) marshall amp. A real test can't happen till I'm on a working system I suppose. This being said, I could hear some noise when I sent notes to the box... but just faint white noise when notes changed, regardless patch.

Getting closer, but still no cigar. I want that Cuban stogie, you dig??!!??

Crazy the next few days... maybe not able to really test till Sunday. :( However, I do feel progress has been made...


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I'm still getting no sound. :sad:

Hooked it up to my studio. All connections are correct. I have 4 SIDs installed into the first two cores.

I selected a patch onto both cores from the presets that I had installed. Everything is communicating on the the same MIDI channel. My MIDI monitors show that transmission is happening correctly (is there a way to monitor midi signals on the MB6582?) I've tried a lot of different patches too...

Not a peep from it. :no:

I've also gone into "play" mode and not a sound there either.

I've been making some stupid mistakes, so I suppose I could be missing something huge and obvious here (again) but I'm stumped. Any ideas?


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A few questions for debugging:

Do you hear the "startup" sound, that is played when the MBSID is fired up?

Have you tried turning the "cutoff" encoder so that it displays FFF before playing any patch?

Do you hear "chip noise", i.e. noise from the SID, that is always present, even if nothing is played?

Have you populated your SIDs right to left (in case you have less than eight) ?

Have you selected the right voltages for the right type of SID?

Have you measured voltages while the MB6582 is powered on? (Between Pin 14 and 28, between Pin 14 and 25 on the sid chip sockets)?

Do you have the feedback mod installed? If so, you could just "pull the plugs" going to the feedback pots, for a test..

Have you tested individual sidpair outs vs the mix out?



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I had neglected to put the jumpers back on J1 and J2 after testing the voltages when I was building the base PCB. I knew it had to be something simple like that.

It's making beautiful sound now!

I'm still having issues getting my MIDI note on/off messages to it, but I'm sure I just need to toy with it more.

Thanks SO MUCH! I'll post more on me blog when I get a minute...


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I can already tell this will be my prized jewel of synths... I'm stoked to be getting some sounds!

I've been working with it for the last 4 hours, and I'm still a little flummoxed.

I have two very basic issues that I've not been able to solve. I feel like it might be I'm missing something I should do in the operating system, but I just can't seem to fix the issues.:

  1. Notes triggered via MIDI not playing on any SID. I can get sound (only from SID 1) using "play" button. I've run the midi monitor app and the note in/out commands are making it into the box. I have all four SIDs set to channel 1. I'm transmitting on channel 1. I've tried via my Logic setup and via the keyboard in MIOS Studio.
  2. No sound from SIDs 2, 3, and 4. I've run the test tone app, and I do get a sound that way from the other cores, so it seems everything on the hardware end is in order. However, when I set up the other SIDs with patches I get no sounds. This may be related to the first problem since I can't seem to get the box to react to MIDI notes. Does the PLAY button only work for SID 1? It would seem if I had other SID engine(s) selected it should play them, too. But I could be wrong here.

Sorry to keep bothering you over my noob issues.


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