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MIDIbox NG Release + Feedback


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A new version is available:


MIDIbox NG V1.024

   o bugfix for "single_usb" option

   o support for LED Digits (7-segment displays).
     Configuration examples can be found under cfg/tests/leddig*.ngc

   o the DIN_MATRIX and DOUT_MATRIX configuration command now allows to
     mirror the row pattern with "mirrored_row=1"

   o added EVENT_RECEIVER emu_enc_mode and emu_enc_hw_id parameters.
     See cfg/tests/emu_enc.ngc for an usage example

   o .NGR now allows to cast the ID type: (id) or (hw_id).
     E.g. (id)LED:1 will search for the EVENT specified with id=1, and
     (hw_id)LED:1 will search for the EVENT specified with hw_id=1

     if (hw_id) is used (default if no type specified), and no EVENT with
     a matching hw_id can be found, a virtual event will access the control
     element directly. This is currently only relevant for the SET command.

     This matches with the behaviour of the "EVENT ... fwd_id=<id>" function.

   o added RunStop meta event to stop the execution of a .NGR file

   o added "runstop" terminal command

   o new .NGR command: set_rgb <id> <r:g:b>
     E.g. "set_rgb (id)LED:1001 15:8:4"



Some user manual pages have been updated as well


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Well, the MAX72xx driver is implemented, but since I don't own exactly the same hardware like you, it will be difficult to find out a perfectly fitting integration into MBNG to cover your usecase.

How many MAX72xx chips are in your Tascam controller, and how many digits are connected?


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Yes, I still have the Stribe controller, but I got rid of the idea to support it in MBNG, because

- there is only a very limited number of people who got the first layout revision (like me), and it would require a special MAX72xx handling for which it's difficult to find a generic solution (and MBNG is a generic controller...)

- the PIC based firmware implementation is working perfectly

- I can't support newer Stribe layout revisions since I don't own the hardware for testing

- if somebody really wants to use Stribe with a LPC17, he could port the PIC based firmware (it's written in C)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hey Thorsten,


the LED digits are simply connected to DOUTs, no MAX7221 involved here. They should work once I find time to configure my NGC-file.


But there are lots of small buttons, each with a small LED above them. All these LEDs are connected to three MAX7221. They are configured in matrices, so each MAX7221 is connected to a 8x8 LED matrix (well, more like 8x7 and 8x5, since there are less  than 64 LEDs per matrix).


With my PIC-core I basically used your stribe-project (with a slight modification you told me) and  was able to address every single LED. The mapping was a bit "all over the place" but it all worked.


If you need more details, let me know.


Thank you,


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This is on my TODO list... 


However, meanwhile something else for you: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fcontrollers%2Fmidibox_ng_v1%2Fcfg%2Ftests%2Fmax72xx.ngc


Please try it with this pre-release: http://www.ucapps.de/mios32/midibox_ng_v1_025_pre3.zip


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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This is on my TODO list... 


Nice !



Woohoo  :hyper:

It's working! I tried it quickly with a "staircase sequence" sent from logic. Now I have to spend some time mapping all these LEDs (137 in my case)


I will post some pictures when the front panel is ready.


Thank you!!

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Common choices for these diodes are 1N914 and 1N4148, there are many others that will work.


The controller in this LCD is said to be compatible with the common HD44780 LCD controller, so yes it can be used.

Remember that this 40x4 display is organised as 2x(40x2) displays hence it requires 2 Enable (E) lines per module.

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@ Duggle

thnks for the Quick replay.

i did not see it uses the HD44780 Lcd Controller. only after i typed in KS0066 on google i got the results right away.

i also noticed it uses 2 E lines but thats no problem :smile:


@ Novski

the LCD you see on the link cost 51.32 Euro's means 51.32/160 = 0.32075 Per character.

on the mikes webshop i can get a 40x2 screen for 28,50/80 = 0.35625 Per character .

Means mine is a little bit cheaper.

And offcource i will also take a look at reichelt en Farnell because conrad is the most expansive one.


Kind regards, Spirit

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I've good experience with ebay on bulk LCDs (I bought 24 of 16x2LCDs) for a total of about $90 including postage).

I just got 10 of these:  through their web shop.

They were $10 each but the postage was $20 ( a lot for a 3 week delivery time), anyhow very nice displays, good value overall, I consider.

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  • 1 month later...

A new release is available - after more than 1 month, therefore with many bugfixes and enhancements reported/requested by the users :)


MIDIbox NG V1.025

   o new terminal commands:
     - ngc: allows to execute a .NGC command directly
     - ngr: allows to execute a .NGR command directly
     - ngr_section: sets the ^section for .NGR execution
     - ngr_value: sets the ^value for .NGR execution
     - run: can now also executed without specified <section> <value>
       (the previously set values will be taken in this case)

   o inofficial support for MAX72xx chains - see cfg/tests/max72xx.ngc for
     a configuration example (no schematic available yet)

   o .NGR: fixed "delay statements in if branches" issue

   o .NGR: added "set_lock" command. It allows to prevent, that received
     events will overwrite a value of an event.

   o .NGR: the "set" command now also allows to change variables, e.g.:
       set ^value 1
       set ^section 2
       set ^bank 3
     the last one (^bank) will also switch MBNG to the specified bank

   o .NGR: added variables ^dev, ^pat, ^bnk, ^ins, ^chn
     These are the same which can be used in SysEx strings, and which can
     be changed in a SCS page (e.g. the variables could also be used for
     different purposes)

   o added new SCS menu page to execute the .NGR file with given
     ^section and ^value

   o the AIN command now supports the "resolution" parameter

   o the AINSER command now supports the "muxed" parameter.
     Use muxed=1 for the AINSER64 module (default), and muxed=0 for the AINSER8 module.

   o AIN and AINSER events, which are assigned to Note events, send velocity 0
     before a new Note is sent with velocity > 0 to avoid hanging notes.

   o added "ain_filter_delay_ms" to support sensors (experimental stage)

   o EVENT_RECEIVER in conjunction with ^txt or ^txt56: if ^cursor is not specified
     in the SysEx stream, it will start at offset 0 from the specified lcd_pos=<device>:<x>:<y>

   o EVENT ... syxdumppos now supports the full receiver range 1..4095 (previously
     only 1..15)

   o the MIDI router forwards SysEx messages regardless if channels are filtered,
     or "All" is used. It's ensured that messages are only sent once if multiple
     router nodes forward to the same destination port.



Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hey TK,


 o AIN and AINSER events, which are assigned to Note events, send velocity 0 before a new Note is sent with velocity > 0 to avoid hanging notes.

Could it be somehow switchable? I would use it for StudioOne, wich accept only Note events for faders, but this behaviour confuses the DAW. The encoders with Note events are still working OK.



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Thanks a lot!


I confused myself also, so before somebody complain about this, yes StudioOne accepts CC-s for faders. I actually configured my box for 3 purposes Tractor, StudioOne and GMA controller. It is GrandMa that accepts only Note events for faders.

I made the selection via Bank select, holding down two buttons and select the current config with tree other buttons. In this way all the buttons available for the controllers also. I thought I couldn't been able to do this without NGR script! You are amazing TK, especially NG configuration freedom is my favourite.


Regards Norbert

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Norbert: hopefully this release will help to solve the issue :)


MIDIbox NG V1.026

   o support for nrpn_format=MsbOnly (e.g. for MBSEQ V4 NRPNs)

   o new EVENT parameter ain_sensor_mode:

     With ain_sensor_mode=NoteOnOff, AIN and AINSER events, which are 
     assigned to Note events, send velocity 0 before a new Note is sent
     with velocity > 0 to avoid hanging notes.

     With ain_sensor_mode=None (default if no sensor mode specified),
     Note events will be generated as a continuous stream like CCs



Best Regards, Thorsten.

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