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MB-6582 audio issue


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Hello everyone,


I'm currently working on my own MB-6582 (finally!)  I have everything soldered onto the board using a PSU option B build with some 6581/8580 chips.  I've checked (and recently double checked) all of the pins for the correct voltage and everything has checked out, however I think I may have a grounding issue in the 3rd SID set, but we can get to that later.


Right now my issue simple but confusing.  I have done the test tone for SID sets 1-3 (I dont have enough chips for the SID 4 module right now) they won't make a sound with a bit of wire like Wilba's guide mentioned, but they will produce the square wave when I put a SID chip in.  After that I load up the MB-6582 software and the issue starts.  The first and third SID sets will either produce a similar sound to the test tone, or sometimes nothing at all.  The second SID set works, however whenever I try out notes with MIOS studio, it reacts like one key is being held down sometimes really low pitched, sometimes really high pitched.  It'll play the note I select, then once i let go it starts the other pitch again.


I have the proper jumpers set for 12v, and I have jumpers on J3/J23 on each set to make sure that doesn't interfere.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!  




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Hi and welcome :)


Maybe some high quality pics (high-resolution, good lighting, not blurry) of the baseboard top and bottom will help others to locate the problem(s).

Best thing to do would be to isolate problems, e.g. swapping sids between the four integrated MBSIDs, e.g. to validate that the output stages are working correctly. Have you made sure, that the correct voltages are applied to the specific SID chip type (8580 = 9V, 6581 = 12V)?.


Many greets,


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I'm at work at the moment, but I will get some pictures posted by tomorrow.  I actually used 1 6581 to test each SID module (set to 12v of course) which is how I determined the info I posted originally.  I had the voltage jumpers set correctly.  I tested the voltage of my C64 PSU and I was getting the 5v from the DC pin, however one pin was giving ~10v (AC) and the other seemed to give out ~3v.  However the voltage tests on the board all return (pretty close to) the right amount.  (12v pins putting out ~11.59v.)


I'll do some extended testing of the power supply tonight (I have two others) and check the continuity again.  Just a quick question though.  My multi meter doesnt have its own 'continuity" setting or a beeper, but I've read online that you can just set it to the lowest ohms setting (mine is 200) and just look for the numbers to change.  Do you know if theres truth to that?  That could be whats throwing me off. 


Thanks for the help Peter!


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that you can just set it to the lowest ohms setting (mine is 200) and just look for the numbers to change

That's essentially what continuity mode does. Just faster. And with audible feedback, which is awesome :-) Make sure you measure continuity in the right direction though, otherwise you'll get plenty of false positives.


Also, I'd test one core + sid pair at a time. Remove the other SIDs and PICs. Get the first one working. Then continue.

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Have you measured the voltages while everything is connected, including the sids? If the power supply is bad, it might drop too much while heavily loaded.


And remember there are different capacitors for 6581 and 8580. I don't know what effect to expect by using wrong type.

Edited by Johey
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Hi everyone, and thank you for the tips.


So right now I'm focusing on just the first core/sid pair like Nils suggested (1 core, 2 SIDs, nothing else).  Plugged in my SIDs (6581 with the jumpets set to 12v) plugged everything in and turned it on.  I had the test tone noise coming through my speakers.  I thought it was uploaded with the mbSID software so I uploaded it again, it went through without errors, but still only produced the test tone.


So I took out the SIDs (left the PIC in) plugged it back up and tested the voltages.  Here's what I'm getting.  PIN 28 is putting out 11.64v  P25 is putting out 5.11v Then I decided to test some of the other pins.  8, 9 and 15 are each putting put 5.11v as well.  Pins 5, 6 and 26 are also putting out some small amounts of voltage.  


I power down, take out pic, power back up and test.  No more smaller amounts of voltage in 5, 6 or 26, but Pin 15 and 9 still put out 5.11v. 


Sorry I dont have pictures yet, but I will post them ASAP.


Thank you again for the help!



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Hey guys, I got some pictures finally.  All I have is my iphone, I did my best to get a clear shot.  I'll retake if necessary though.  








Top Whole http://i.imgur.com/pCqD3yv.jpg


Top half 1 http://i.imgur.com/ekc1Z4M.jpg


top half 2 http://i.imgur.com/fXbCmod.jpg


Back whole http://i.imgur.com/gImr98d.jpg


Back half 1 http://i.imgur.com/Jp4EJBE.jpg


Back half 2 http://i.imgur.com/fPvC1VM.jpg

Edited by Sim
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It is kinda hard to tell, but the soldering looks a bit dodgy in places - some pins seem to have too much solder other appear to have (next to) none. If you can borrow a camera from a friend and take some more good pictures (especially of the backside) or go right ahead and resolder the connections that aren't really pretty.


Again, focus on the first PIC/SID pairand try to get that working.

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Thanks Orange_Hand, I found those pictures from you in another post and checked them constantly.  I've actually put the board to the side for a few days and plan to go back to it tonight when I get my new soldering tips with a fresh mind.  As for the voltages though, I was getting around 11.64v and 5.12v on pins which should be 12v or 5v. I plan to do some resoldering tonight and double check a few of the monolithic capacitors.  I'll keep you guys updated.



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