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MIDIbox TIA - Atari 2600 Synth

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hi scrubber,


forget these ebay-pic-programmers! get the pickit2 http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/processor-microcontroller-development-kits/0381582/ along with the pic itself http://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/microcontrollers/4672126/ and just do it! they even offer an excellent next day delivery service, with the right preparation you can get it up and running by the end of the week and you could buy/program as many pics as you want as well...:-)



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  • 1 month later...

yo man! ended up getting the PIC kit and flashed my 18F452 with the new 1.2 bootloader then the 1.9 MIOS via MIDI, and this project is only for the 18F4685!!! crap!!!! I can't win :( spent bare time today debugging my CORE to get that far too ;)
It's all swish and layed out inside an Atari 2600 case with the MIDI IN/OUT where the controllers used to be, power socket, and screen under where the carts used to go! perfect fit! its pimped and ready

Is there no way of this working with 18F452? would mean changing hex tho i guess!

if I have to get another PIC chip, no problem, but will it work with my old skool MBHP CORE v2? as it was designed for 18F452?


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sweeet! best get the chip ordered and check the wiki for adapting the CORE using the resistor!
yeah man, I added the display with the hope of future developments, plus it came free off my friend who dumped the CORE, JDM burner and a half built SID module with the display at my house that he had in a drawer since 2003/4 ;)
already have a SID synth made so decided to use the parts for this! and the Atari was free (for parts or not working state) TIA was fine and harvested!
here's a couple of pics so far (i've since finished wiring the MIDI and audio ect)



thanks for the help!

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  • 2 months later...

OK! so....replaced the chip in the CORE v2 with 4685 and its up and running with MIOS! where do I add this resistor to allow the upload of the TIA hex? can't seem to find any info? also just to clear up, which hex do I want to upload cartridge or base? both?


I can smell the completion of this tasty project vsoon!

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Hi Srubber,

This modification is on the Mb SID V2 page.
Here the information you need:
For the hex, both is impossible ;) the 'base' is the one for you cause you follow the base schematic, 'cartridge' if for the cartridge version only...

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cheers for the info!
still doesn't seem to work for me? still getting "no response from the core after 16 retries"

added the resistor and diode, does it matter that I am not powering the core with the J2 pins? I am using J1? they are both tied together anyways..

I haven't got the TIA module connected to the core as of yet, does that matter, I assumed I can flash through MIOS without? then connect

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First layer: Bootloader

1 - flash the PIC with the bootloader. (another Hex file in the MIOS zip)`

Second layer: MIOS

2 - now ready to load the MIOS. in midi with mios studio.

Third layer: FW
3 - test register pinout, with http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=mbtia_interconnection_test.zip and without the TIA onboard.
4 - test the TIA with http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=mbtia_testtone.zip, you will hear it.
5 - load the mb TIA base FW.

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already had done layer 1 (bootloader)

it is layer 2 (Mios) I am having problems with! it's not letting me upload the base hex! even with the resistor and diode????

its loaded with bootloader and says 'Core up and running' when connect to MIOS

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just to be sure, you have already FLASH the pic with the bootloader flile "bootloader_v1_2b_pic18f4685.hex" ? (BURN!)


what does it say when you load "mios_v1_9g_pic18f4685.hex" via midi in mios studio? This hex is necessary before send all other firmware.


The base hex is a third layer!!!
And please just to be sure of your tia base circuit, follow the tests interconnection and testtone steps before the final base firmware load...


remember you've got to burn bootloader hex and send TWO hex, the MIOS first and the application firmware after...

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yeah man! already done bootloader_v1_2b_pic18f4685.hex via my PIC burner as standard

ahhh right I haven't done the mios 1.9 hex using MIOS yet!!!!! 

thanks! let's see what happens now! 


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i swapped the 4685 back over to the 452 chip to test that my MIDI was correct and the core was functional and to test that MIOS would send hex over OK so I knew it wasn't any of my ports, wiring and all that! it worked fine with the 452 but not the 4685, so I was saying that it must be my bootloader burn that is the problem on the 4685 ;)

im back onto the JDM programmer as the USB programmer I have doesn't support 4685 (why was I not surpised, every hurdle in construction I have hit)

got a PC with serial port so its all good to start the quest to burn onto the 4685, gonna have to be with PICpgm too not Winpic800 as 4685 is not supported..i'm on it ;)

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  • 3 months later...

You're right! Like the SID box it's à standalone and full synth.

See dokuwiki for midi implemention chart.

I was very frustrated with synthcart, no sync, large tempo step, no midi... That´s the reason why I made It ;)

I visit your site and watched your vidéo mix, i like It!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, Synthcart (etc.) is a nice toy, and a really great project, but You end up sampling the sounds and cutting them up to make them useful.. Gone is all the lovely buzz and fortitude of using the TIA itself :( The steps in pitching and the limited few tempos are understandable, but they don't help. Also the sound palate is so limited you really get tired of it fast. I did make a MIDI - Joystick interface for Synthcart using a highly Liquid board, but it was alot of effort for not really any better results then just sampling some 2600 games in play.


MidiboxTIA is a great project, another computer bleep chip gets the full-midibox-jacket.. ;)


I even have a PAL 2600 ready waiting to donate it's TIA I found a TIA in my spares box that is of excellent vintage - check this out:




Also: TU for watching the video.. You can tell i like to torture my machines ;)

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Hi everybody
i will print some boards and backplane (cartridge version) for some friends and myself.

- Mat x1
- Djo x1
- Me x3


The cartridge version:

Who should be interrested?
I can solder and burn the pic for you, cause it's an smd package.

 To you to find your atari 2600, a game cartridge, connectors and others common components

Already in the list:
- Mrspring
- Yogi
- Scrubber Fox
Sorry guys when we talk about i forget the backplane which is about 15€

Tell me! And will calculate the effective total cost, but board + pic + backplane + shipping will be less than 50 €


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