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AOUT Euro - PCB set


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So it is time to offer a bulk order of these boards.  This will be a PCB only set consisting of the DOUT/Jack board and the Aout module that mounts on the back of it.  I could also offer this with the liner driver receiver if there is interest for it and possibly a PCB euro panel.

The module does this:

3x DOUTs for 8 5V gates, 8 clocks, and 8 Triggers

8x CV Channels via the MAX525 DAC with the Bipolar offset option.

There will be an additional DOUT/DIN header on the board for linking to a Euro TPD module down the line


The module is provisioned to be powered via 10 pin euro power header with the +5V being supplied either by the module itself or from the line extender.  I tested both ways without noticing a difference but do recommend that it be powered internally.

Pricing will depend on how many people order but expect ~ $30 for the set of just the DOUT/Aout boards 

Sign up here: https://goo.gl/forms/1OGckjLWgzbw1sTq2

Also, a warning:  This is an all SMD board, 0603 size passives, SOIC opamps,  and the MAX525s are SSOP size, if you dont have experience with soldering parts like that, I recommend getting some practice boards off ebay until you are comfortable.  This is not a beginner's surface mount project.


Boards will be made by PCBway.  I can get ENIG plating or leaded HASL.  Leaded HASL is much better to solder to but is not ROHS compliant so input would be appreciated on that. 







Edited by Altitude
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Hi Altitude,

I registered my interest via the form but I would really appreciate it if I could get a full set ( PCBs + Line driver PCB set + panel) from you. Especially since you are shipping from the US I would rather pay you more and have everything delivered at once. Don't know if this makes sense to you, but I just wanted to let you know. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

the DACs are MSSOP which is fine pitch SMD.  You dont need anything high powered but a fine tip is recommended.  If you have not done anything like this previously, I recommend  a practice board off ebay.  The DACs are $22 each so you dont want to screw those up.

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  • 1 month later...

Ok, this is officially closed for lack of interest.  I'll get the files and BOM up on the Wiki.

I do have some extra boards from my runs:

2 x Jack/Dout PCBs with one SRIO connector (for anyone not interested in the TPD addon)

1  Stuffed Jack DOUT PCB, tested as working (from my prototype)

1 AOUT euro PCB

1 Jack/Dout PCB with the extra SRIO (for TPD euro)

I'll let these go at cost (10$ each for the PCBS, $35 for the stuffed one), first come first served

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