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i want to extend my project with 16 GLCD's. i found several threads about it but i'm still unsure how to connect the additional CS lines.

the first 8 GLCD's work perfect connected to J15A... now i need to know how to connect the other 8 lines.

found this wiki where it's stated how to connect additional lines from a J28 named connector. but on a "normal" STM32F4 the J28 isn't available...

I read on an other thread that several lines are available on connector J10B. If I look at the schematic J10B is a normal GPIO against the J28 is a audio DAC.

Can I use the GPIO's directly as they are to make 8 additional CS lines? if yes, do I need 220 ohm resistors on it? do I need an other boot loader configuration as the one described here in the MBNG manual?

if no, how to use a SN74HC595N IC to generate additional lines? Where do i get the clocks (RCK and SCK, Pin 11/12 on 74HC595) and where comes the DISP SER IN (Pin 14 on 74HC595) from?


thanks for some enlightenment, roberto

41 minutes ago, roberto said:

found this wiki where it's stated how to connect additional lines from a J28 named connector. but on a "normal" STM32F4 the J28 isn't available...

I read on an other thread that several lines are available on connector J10B. If I look at the schematic J10B is a normal GPIO against the J28 is a audio DAC.

J10B is correct for STM32F4


41 minutes ago, roberto said:

Can I use the GPIO's directly as they are to make 8 additional CS lines?

Yes. I haven't done it myself, but the next 8 are there.

41 minutes ago, roberto said:

if yes, do I need 220 ohm resistors on it?


41 minutes ago, roberto said:

do I need an other boot loader configuration as the one described here in the MBNG manual?

Should work with n=16. 8 From J15, 8 from J10B

41 minutes ago, roberto said:

if no, how to use a SN74HC595N IC to generate additional lines? Where do i get the clocks (RCK and SCK, Pin 11/12 on 74HC595) and where comes the DISP SER IN (Pin 14 on 74HC595) from?

For example:

I have PCBs if you need. It's possible to get 16 CS lines from the Core, my version is a bit neater.




oh, cool, many thanks latigid on, as always fast and competent answers! :happy:

i will try the J10B version, if ist not working then i go with SN74s. thanks for the display driver link, did't saw it ntill now...


other question: i do have the alientek OLED's, the dual color version (blue/yellow). now it's displaying in blue... how to change the color?


best roberto :grin:

  • 3 years later...

You have the pinouts in the wiki and it basically follows the "J15" layout. There are 4x /CS signals per IDC10 header.

I think you need to configure the MIOS bootloader for the number of displays that you require (x,y), then connect J10B to the core GPIO to generate a pseudo SRIO/SPI to derive the CS signals with MB_NG or your custom code. The "J15" SI/SO/SC signals are simply buffered and routed to the headers as shown.


just saw this, I am working on a controller and would like to bump it upto 16 displays, when i go into bootlader and enter the number of displays as " set lcd_num_x 16 " does this mean that i can pick up the extra Cs lines from J10B without changing anything else and still use the standard control surface on J10A

Just hook the displays up as i have on the first 8? each display having its own cs line.




Posted (edited)

Thanks for the heads up @latigid on, hopefully @Phatlinecan give me some more info, I can add it to my thread along with some pics.  I am just using the ssd1306 oleds.  But at some point a controller with several clcd's will be on the cards

Edited by ssp

u use custom code? or ng script? I dont have any knowledge of NG-Script nor offical apps...  i program my own based on MIOS.


in my memory.... to get 8 additional only this is needet: (used in my filterbox - in my app.c in the init routine on startup....)

    // Set GPIO @ J10A
    for (x=0; x<16; ++x) {  // Turn on all PINS --- activate Bypass Relais ssm2044
    MIOS32_BOARD_J10_PinInit(x, MIOS32_BOARD_PIN_MODE_OUTPUT_PP); MIOS32_BOARD_J10_PinSet (x, 1); } 

    // LCD
    xLCDSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex();	    // create Mutex for LCD access
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(0);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(1);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(2);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(3);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(4);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(5);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(6);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(7);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(8);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(9);    MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(10);   MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(11);   MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(12);   MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(13);   MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(14);   MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);
    MIOS32_LCD_DeviceSet(15);   MIOS32_LCD_Init(0);




example triggermatrix has 9 SSD1306 Displays so i needet one more the J15 can deliever the "Menue-LCD" ... my solution was to adapt the app_lcd.c (and .h) and includet it locally (in my project folder and changed the build path for it...)

Since i did not know what was going on, i reduce the code as much i can (deletet all not "universal" LCD code, all Rotated-Display - and non SSD1306 variants) - so i had the change to understand the "need to know"   -   i cant remember why i did it that way...dont ask - but maybe it helps

//	LCD driver for 9x SSD1306
// 		MIOS32_LCD environment variable set   to    "universal"
//		reduced by Michael Sigl

#include <mios32.h>
#include <glcd_font.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "app_lcd.h"

static unsigned long long display_available = 0;

static u8 prev_glcd_selection = 0xfe; // the previous mios32_lcd_device, 0xff: all CS were activated, 0xfe: will force the update

// pin initialisation >> Additonal CS-Line for the One MENUE-LCD
inline static s32 APP_LCD_ExtPort_Init(void) {

	return 0;

// Initializes the CS pins for GLCDs with serial port
// - 8 CS lines are available at J15
// - additional lines are available J10
static s32 APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Init(void)	{

	int num_lcds = mios32_lcd_parameters.num_x * mios32_lcd_parameters.num_y;
	display_available |= (1 << num_lcds)-1;

  return 0; // no error

// Sets the CS line of a serial GLCDs depending on mios32_lcd_device
// if "all" flag is set, commands are sent to all segments
static s32 APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Set(u8 value, u8 all)	{

    // Note: assume that CS lines are low-active!
    if( all ) {
			      if( prev_glcd_selection != 0xff ) {
														prev_glcd_selection = 0xff;
														MIOS32_BOARD_J15_DataSet(value ? 0x00 : 0xff);
														MIOS32_BOARD_J10_PinSet(8, value ? 0 : 1);

    } else {
      if( prev_glcd_selection != mios32_lcd_device ) {
	prev_glcd_selection = mios32_lcd_device;
	u32 mask = value ? ~(1 << mios32_lcd_device) : 0xffffffff;


	MIOS32_BOARD_J10_PinSet(8,  (mask >> (8)) & 1);

  return 0; // no error

// Initializes application specific LCD driver
s32 APP_LCD_Init(u32 mode)	{
		if( mios32_lcd_device >= 9 )	{ return -2; } // unsupported LCD device number
		// enable display by default
		display_available |= (1ULL << mios32_lcd_device);
		// the OLED works at 3.3V, level shifting (and open drain mode) not required
		if( MIOS32_BOARD_J15_PortInit(0) < 0 )	{ return -2; } // failed to initialize J15
		display_available |= 0xff;
		APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Init(); // will also enhance display_available depending on total number of LCDs
		// wait 500 mS to ensure that the reset is released
		int i;
		for(i=0; i<500; ++i)
		// initialize LCDs
		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa8); // Set MUX Ratio
		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xd3); // Set Display Offset
		APP_LCD_Cmd(0x40); // Set Display Start Line
		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa1); // Set Segment re-map: rotated
		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xc8); // Set COM Output Scan Direction: rotated
		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xda); // Set COM Pins hardware configuration
		APP_LCD_Cmd(0x81); // Set Contrast Control
		APP_LCD_Cmd(0x7f); // middle
		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa4); // Disable Entiere Display On
		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa6); // Set Normal Display
		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xd5); // Set OSC Frequency
		APP_LCD_Cmd(0x8d); // Enable charge pump regulator
		APP_LCD_Cmd(0xaf); // Display On
		APP_LCD_Cmd(0x20); // Enable Page mode

  return (display_available & (1ULL << mios32_lcd_device)) ? 0 : -1; // return -1 if display not available

// Sends data byte to LCD
// IN: data byte in <data>
// OUT: returns < 0 if display not available or timed out
s32 APP_LCD_Data(u8 data) {

		// check if if display already has been disabled
		if( !(display_available & (1ULL << mios32_lcd_device)) )	{ return -1; }
		// chip select and DC
		MIOS32_BOARD_J15_RS_Set(1); // RS pin used to control DC
		// send data
		// increment graphical cursor
		// if end of display segment reached: set X position of all segments to 0
		if( (mios32_lcd_x % mios32_lcd_parameters.width) == 0 ) {	APP_LCD_Cmd(0x00); // set X=0
																	APP_LCD_Cmd(0x10);	}
		return 0; // no error



// Sends command byte to LCD
// IN: command byte in <cmd>
s32 APP_LCD_Cmd(u8 cmd)	{
		// check if if display already has been disabled
		if( !(display_available & (1ULL << mios32_lcd_device)) )	{ return -1; }
		// select all LCDs
		MIOS32_BOARD_J15_RS_Set(0); // RS pin used to control DC
		return 0;

// Clear Screen
// IN: -
// OUT: returns < 0 on errors
s32 APP_LCD_Clear(void)	{

    s32 error = 0;
    u8 x, y;

    // use default font
    MIOS32_LCD_FontInit((u8 *)GLCD_FONT_NORMAL);

    // send data
    for(y=0; y<mios32_lcd_parameters.height/8; ++y) {
      error |= MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, y);

      // select all LCDs
      APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Set(1, 1);

	MIOS32_BOARD_J15_RS_Set(1); // RS pin used to control DC

	for(x=0; x<mios32_lcd_parameters.width; ++x)

    // set X=0, Y=0
    error |= MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, 0);

    return error;

// Sets cursor to given position
s32 APP_LCD_CursorSet(u16 column, u16 line)	{	return APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y);	}

// Sets graphical cursor to given position
s32 APP_LCD_GCursorSet(u16 x, u16 y)	{

    s32 error = 0;

    // set X position
    error |= APP_LCD_Cmd(0x00 | (x & 0xf));
    error |= APP_LCD_Cmd(0x10 | ((x>>4) & 0xf));

    // set Y position
    error |= APP_LCD_Cmd(0xb0 | ((y>>3) & 7));

    return error;

// Initializes a single special character  // only for Character-LCDs
s32 APP_LCD_SpecialCharInit(u8 num, u8 table[8])	{	return -3; }// not supported

// Sets the background colour
// Only relevant for colour GLCDs
s32 APP_LCD_BColourSet(u32 rgb) { return -3; }  // not supported

// Sets the foreground colour
// Only relevant for colour GLCDs
s32 APP_LCD_FColourSet(u32 rgb)	{ return -3; } // not supported

// Sets a pixel in the bitmap
// IN: bitmap, x/y position and colour value (value range depends on APP_LCD_COLOUR_DEPTH)
s32 APP_LCD_BitmapPixelSet(mios32_lcd_bitmap_t bitmap, u16 x, u16 y, u32 colour)	{
  if( x >= bitmap.width || y >= bitmap.height )
    return -1; // pixel is outside bitmap

  // all GLCDs support the same bitmap scrambling
  u8 *pixel = (u8 *)&bitmap.memory[bitmap.line_offset*(y / 8) + x];
  u8 mask = 1 << (y % 8);

  *pixel &= ~mask;
  if( colour )
    *pixel |= mask;

  return -3; // not supported

// Transfers a Bitmap within given boundaries to the LCD
// IN: bitmap
s32 APP_LCD_BitmapPrint(mios32_lcd_bitmap_t bitmap) {

  // abort if max. width reached
  if( mios32_lcd_x >= mios32_lcd_parameters.width )	{ return -2; }

  // all GLCDs support the same bitmap scrambling
  int line;
  int y_lines = (bitmap.height >> 3);

  u16 initial_x = mios32_lcd_x;
  u16 initial_y = mios32_lcd_y;
  for(line=0; line<y_lines; ++line) {

    // calculate pointer to bitmap line
    u8 *memory_ptr = bitmap.memory + line * bitmap.line_offset;

    // set graphical cursor after second line has reached
    if( line > 0 ) {
      mios32_lcd_x = initial_x;
      mios32_lcd_y += 8;
      APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y);

    // transfer character
    int x;
    for(x=0; x<bitmap.width; ++x)

  // fix graphical cursor if more than one line has been print
  if( y_lines >= 1 ) {
    mios32_lcd_y = initial_y;
    APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y);

  return 0; // no error


another example where i had to define CS pins, because i used Dipcore - with limitaded IO:

 * fixed Hardcoded for 4x >>> SSD1306! > CV1 Project > DIPCORE F4!
 * ==========================================================================
 * Changed Version - Michael Sigl
 * ==========================================================================
#include <mios32.h>
#include "glcd_font.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "app_lcd.h"

// pin mapping
#define SCLK_PORT      	GPIOD
#define SCLK_PIN       	GPIO_Pin_6

#define SER_PORT       	GPIOD        // used as DC (data/command select) for serial interfaces
#define SER_PIN        	GPIO_Pin_2

#define E1_PORT        	GPIOC        // used to control SCLK of serial interfaces
#define E1_PIN         	GPIO_Pin_1

#define E2_PORT        	GPIOC
#define E2_PIN         	GPIO_Pin_9

#define RW_PORT        	GPIOC        // used to control data output of serial interfaces
#define RW_PIN         	GPIO_Pin_12

#define CS1_PORT		GPIOB        // used to control SCLK of serial interfaces
#define CS1_PIN         GPIO_Pin_12

#define CS2_PORT        GPIOC
#define CS2_PIN         GPIO_Pin_0

#define CS3_PORT        GPIOC		// LED 0 - Extra CS-Line on Dipcore
#define CS3_PIN         GPIO_Pin_6

#define CS4_PORT        GPIOC		// LED 1 - Extra CS-Line on Dipcore
#define CS4_PIN         GPIO_Pin_7
// you could define here more CS PINS! but be sure to deactivate  the  "Orginal" function of it...

// following macros simplify the access to the pins
#define PIN_E1(b)   MIOS32_SYS_STM_PINSET(E1_PORT, E1_PIN, b)


#define PIN_CS1(b)   MIOS32_SYS_STM_PINSET(CS1_PORT, CS1_PIN, b)
#define PIN_CS2(b)   MIOS32_SYS_STM_PINSET(CS2_PORT, CS2_PIN, b)
#define PIN_CS3(b)   MIOS32_SYS_STM_PINSET(CS3_PORT, CS3_PIN, b)
#define PIN_CS4(b)   MIOS32_SYS_STM_PINSET(CS4_PORT, CS4_PIN, b)
// you could define here more CS PINS! but be sure to deactivate  the  "Orginal" function of it...



/// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

//	PINS for Additonl LCD 4 & 5 DIPCORE   if needet
//	MIOS32_SYS_STM_PINSET(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_13, data & 1); // J10B.D8 = ser
//	MIOS32_SYS_STM_PINSET_0(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_14); // J10B.D9 = 0 (Clk)

// Initializes the Ports/Pins (aka J15)  (which was once J15 in MIOS32_BOARD.c  but now integrated in this Program directly)
s32 PortInit(u32 mode) {

		// configure push-pull pins
		GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure;
		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode  = GPIO_Mode_OUT;
		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_50MHz; // 25 is weak driver to reduce transients
		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = CS1_PIN;
		GPIO_Init(CS1_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = CS2_PIN;
		GPIO_Init(CS2_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = CS3_PIN;	// Extra CS-Lines
		GPIO_Init(CS3_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = CS4_PIN;	// Extra CS-Lines
		GPIO_Init(CS4_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = SER_PIN;
		GPIO_Init(SER_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = E1_PIN;
		GPIO_Init(E1_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
		GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = RW_PIN;
		GPIO_Init(RW_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure);
		// Activate all CS Lines
		PIN_CS1(0);	// J15 CS1 Line
		PIN_CS2(0);	// J15 CS2 Line
		PIN_CS3(0);	// CS-Extra Line
		PIN_CS4(0);	// CS-Extra Line
		return 0; // no error

// 	shift an 8bit data value to LCDs with serial interface
//! (SCLK connected to J15A:E, Data line connected to J15A:RW)
//! \param[in] data the 8bit value
s32 SerDataShift(u8 data) {


		  int i;
		  for(i=0; i<8; ++i, data <<= 1) {  PIN_SERLCD_DATAOUT(data & 0x80);


  return 0; // no error

// to set the RS pin
// \param[in] rs state of the RS pin
s32 RS_Set(u8 rs) {	PIN_SER(rs);	return 0; }

// Select a LCD  /  Select CS LINE
static s32 APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Set(u8 value, u8 all){
	// Activate ALL Screens @ once
	if( all ) {	PIN_CS1(0);
				PIN_CS4(0);	}
  else {	switch (mios32_lcd_device) {	case 0: PIN_CS1(0);			// the active Screen
													PIN_CS2(1);			// deactivate
													PIN_CS3(1);			// deactivate
													PIN_CS4(1); break;	// deactivate
											case 1: PIN_CS1(1);			// deactivate
													PIN_CS2(0);			// the active Screen
													PIN_CS3(1);			// deactivate
													PIN_CS4(1); break;	// deactivate
											case 2: PIN_CS1(1);			// deactivate
													PIN_CS2(1);			// deactivate
													PIN_CS3(0);			// the active Screen
													PIN_CS4(1); break;	// deactivate
											case 3: PIN_CS1(1);			// deactivate
													PIN_CS2(1);			// deactivate
													PIN_CS3(1);			// deactivate
													PIN_CS4(0); break;	// the active Screen
  return 0; // no error

// Initializes LCD driver
s32 APP_LCD_Init(u32 mode)	{
	        PortInit(0); // Init the Ports & Pins (aka J15 + extra CS-Pins)
	        // wait 500 mS to ensure that the reset is released
	          int i;
	          for(i=0; i<500; ++i)
	            MIOS32_DELAY_Wait_uS(1000);		}
	        // initialize LCDs
	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa8); // Set MUX Ratio
	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0xd3); // Set Display Offset
	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0x40); // Set Display Start Line
			APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa1);	// Set Segment re-map: rotated
			APP_LCD_Cmd(0xc8); 	// Set COM Output Scan Direction: rotated
	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0xda); // Set COM Pins hardware configuration
	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0x81); // Set Contrast Control
	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0x7f); // middle
	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa4); // Disable Entiere Display On
	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0xa6); // Set Normal Display
	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0xd5); // Set OSC Frequency
	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0x8d); // Enable charge pump regulator
	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0xaf); // Display On
	        APP_LCD_Cmd(0x20); // Enable Page mode
	return 0;

// Sends data byte to LCD
// IN: data byte in <data>
s32 APP_LCD_Data(u8 data){
	// RS pin used to control DC
	RS_Set(1);  //1: Data at D7 is treated as DISPLAY data,
				//   written to Graphic Display Ram (GDDRAM)
				//0: Data at D7:0 is transfaired to the command register - treated as command
	// send data
	// increment graphical cursor
	// if end of display segment reached: set X position of all segments to 0
	if( mios32_lcd_x  >= 128 ) {	APP_LCD_Cmd(0x00); // set X=0
									APP_LCD_Cmd(0x10);	}
	return 0; // no error

// Sends data byte to LCD  --- Specially for Solid Oscilloscope Waves
// IN: data byte in <data>
s32 APP_LCD_SCOPE(u8 h, u8 v, u8 pix){ // h=x, v=y, pix is 0 or 1 to activate a single pixel
	//mios32_lcd_x = h;
	//mios32_lcd_y = v;
	// RS pin used to control DC
	// send data
	// increment graphical cursor
	// ++mios32_lcd_x;
	// if end of display segment reached: set X position of all segments to 0
	//if( (mios32_lcd_x % mios32_lcd_parameters.width) == 0 ) {	APP_LCD_Cmd(0x00); // set X=0
																//APP_LCD_Cmd(0x10);	}
	return 0; // no error

// Sends command byte to LCD
// IN: command byte in <cmd>
// OUT: returns < 0 if display not available or timed out
s32 APP_LCD_Cmd(u8 cmd){
		APP_LCD_SERGLCD_CS_Set(1, 1);	// select all LCDs
		RS_Set(0); 			// RS pin used to control DC
		return 0;

// Clear Screen
s32 APP_LCD_Clear() {
		s32 error = 0;
		u8 x, y;
		// use default font
		MIOS32_LCD_FontInit((u8 *)GLCD_FONT_NORMAL);
		// select all LCDs
		// send data
		for(y=0; y<mios32_lcd_parameters.height/8; ++y) {	error |= MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, y);
												        RS_Set(1); // RS pin used to control DC
												        for(x=0; x<mios32_lcd_parameters.width; ++x)
		// set X=0, Y=0
		error |= MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, 0);
		return 0;

// Clear Screen --- Special Variant which clear only the current selected Screen
s32 LCD_Clear(void) {
		s32 error = 0;
		u8 x, y;
		// Select the actually  Selected   LCD   ONLY!
		// send data
		for(y=0; y<mios32_lcd_parameters.height/8; ++y) {	error |= MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, y);
												        RS_Set(1); // RS pin used to control DC
												        for(x=0; x<mios32_lcd_parameters.width; ++x)
		// set X=0, Y=0
		error |= MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet(0, 0);
		return 0;

// Sets cursor to given position
// IN: <column> and <line>
s32 APP_LCD_CursorSet(u16 column, u16 line)  {
	// mios32_lcd_x/y set by MIOS32_LCD_CursorSet() function
	return APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y);

// Sets graphical cursor to given position
// IN: <x> and <y>
// OUT: returns < 0 on errors
s32 APP_LCD_GCursorSet(u16 x, u16 y){
      s32 error = 0;
      // set X position
      error |= APP_LCD_Cmd(0x00 | (x & 0xf));
      error |= APP_LCD_Cmd(0x10 | ((x>>4) & 0xf));
      // set Y position
      error |= APP_LCD_Cmd(0xb0 | ((y>>3) & 7));
      return error;

// Initializes a single special character
// IN: character number (0-7) in <num>, pattern in <table[8]>
// OUT: returns < 0 on errors
s32 APP_LCD_SpecialCharInit(u8 num, u8 table[8]) {
    s32 i;
    // send character number
    APP_LCD_Cmd(((num&7)<<3) | 0x40);
    // send 8 data bytes
    for(i=0; i<8; ++i)	if( APP_LCD_Data(table[i]) < 0 )	return -1; // error during sending character
    // set cursor to original position
    return APP_LCD_CursorSet(mios32_lcd_column, mios32_lcd_line);

// Sets the background colour
// Only relevant for colour GLCDs
s32 APP_LCD_BColourSet(u32 rgb) {	return -3; }// not supported

// Sets the foreground colour
// Only relevant for colour GLCDs
s32 APP_LCD_FColourSet(u32 rgb) { return -3;  }// not supported

// Sets a pixel in the bitmap
// IN: bitmap, x/y position and colour value (value range depends on APP_LCD_COLOUR_DEPTH)
// OUT: returns < 0 on errors
s32 APP_LCD_BitmapPixelSet(mios32_lcd_bitmap_t bitmap, u16 x, u16 y, u32 colour) {
  if( x >= bitmap.width || y >= bitmap.height ) return -1; // pixel is outside bitmap
  // all GLCDs support the same bitmap scrambling
  u8 *pixel = (u8 *)&bitmap.memory[bitmap.line_offset*(y / 8) + x];
  u8 mask = 1 << (y % 8);
  *pixel &= ~mask;
  if( colour )
    *pixel |= mask;
  return -3; // not supported

// Transfers a Bitmap within given boundaries to the LCD
// IN: bitmap
// OUT: returns < 0 on errors
s32 APP_LCD_BitmapPrint(mios32_lcd_bitmap_t bitmap){
  // abort if max. width reached
  if( mios32_lcd_x >= mios32_lcd_parameters.width ) return -2;
  // all GLCDs support the same bitmap scrambling
  int line;
  int y_lines = (bitmap.height >> 3);
  u16 initial_x = mios32_lcd_x;
  u16 initial_y = mios32_lcd_y;
  for(line=0; line<y_lines; ++line) {	// calculate pointer to bitmap line
									    u8 *memory_ptr = bitmap.memory + line * bitmap.line_offset;
									    // set graphical cursor after second line has reached
									    if( line > 0 ) {	mios32_lcd_x = initial_x;
															mios32_lcd_y += 8;
															APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y);
									    // transfer character
									    int x;
									    for(x=0; x<bitmap.width; ++x)	APP_LCD_Data(*memory_ptr++);
  // fix graphical cursor if more than one line has been print
  if( y_lines >= 1 ) {	mios32_lcd_y = initial_y;
						APP_LCD_GCursorSet(mios32_lcd_x, mios32_lcd_y); }
  return 0; // no error





Thanks for the reply, thats a little beyond my scope messing with mios, I am good with the ng code structure. It is a shame that the MB_NG user manual section on hooking up the ssd displays was not updated in relation to the discovery boards.

The reference of using J28 being the older lpc17 MB and not relating to the discovery pcbs most are now using.

Perhaps it's something @TK. could give us some info about when he has time to do so, I understand he is in here very little these days but hopefully, this is one of the outstanding issues that can be resolved.


Thanks again for your help both most appreciated

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