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CC-Looper (4ch controlchange looper)


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its time for a

Midi - control - Change     Looper

it records the incoming ccs (from a connected Synth) and sends it looped out again...

it needs also note in and midiclock in order to merge it with the cc-automation and send it back to the synth.

this device makes sense for synths like the clavia nord rack III where we have ledrings as UI.



4 Midi Channels

128 CCs per Midichannel

4 Pitchbend tracks

256 or 512 Steps at 32th Resoultuion, depends on Ram

Sequencer Tact System standart is 4/4 other systems like 3/4 are set with a CC on the system channel (like programchange)

4 Ledbars to indidacte loop position, and loop length

4x Combined Rec/MUTE Buttons (+shift = Rec)

Copy, Paste, Clear Select, Clear all

Store Load Button

Programchange via Midi, progams saved on SD-Card

2xMidi in, 2xMidi out

SMD LEDs, and good Tactial Buttons.

Easy Case Design a Plexi-Glas Plate with exact one hole (for loop length encoder) + Rest Wood.

a fabricated UI-PCB with J8/j9 connection  to plug in a minicore sandwitch.

Small PCB with 10x10cm max to reduce costs to minimum

-a bulk order some prototypes if interest... have to order anyway about 5 pcbs at minimum...


pretty much of the code i have already done by other applications(MSQ-CC-BCR, MSQ-CC-LRE, Filterbox...), i just have to adapt the code and strip down a bit, to get ram free for the 512 steps.

Edited by Phatline
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I understand now, you did not explain me that you wanted to use the mini-USB directly to the back of your machine.
The connector will not flush the backside, you will need a cut-out of the size of the plastic body connector part. Visually this is not beautiful but mechanically it's better and stronger.

Your schematics seems fine for me.

Your project could be a good companion for the LoopA. Do you plan to implement Sysex commands?

Best Bruno

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loopa xmas.... triggematrix. a keyboard ... loopa ...  a cc looper looped nordrack 3... dupdiduu ;)


its a remote device built to be a midiclock slave. it takes clock.start stop as usual.

cc looper get remoted via cc (from the master 4 examle loopa   in my case triggermatrix  by songparts selecting like ableton) select bank and pc (pc as standard pc message + bank via cc..). store and load. set the tactsystem 3/4 4/4 5/4..... havenot need sysex so far just a few ccs .

all the other functions (play record looplength copy clear paste whole sets or single selected cc automations are set on cc looper itself and will be saved on sd card as pc loadable file - which itself has non-standard :)



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hot glue on the usb socket. and a big hole as usual no problem.


planned is remote record for the 4 parts. as already implemented in the cliplauncher of triggermatriX (cc command)

also on device is footswitchjack which act as record/play button for currently selected part.  ... i will screw the jack directly on the housing.

a footswitch turnt out to be "handy" :) to tweedle and record multiple ccs...


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10 hours ago, Phatline said:

cc looper get remoted via cc (from the master 4 examle loopa   in my case triggermatrix  by songparts selecting like ableton) select bank and pc (pc as standard pc message + bank via cc..). store and load. set the tactsystem 3/4 4/4 5/4..... havenot need sysex so far just a few ccs .

I figured you'd need sysex for the commands to leave the CCs totally free for record/play.

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1 hour ago, latigid on said:

If you use a non-standard protocol, consider using a different connector e.g. a DIN5 240/270 degree pin pattern.

He wants 2 regular MIDI Out on the same connector, If he chooses a DIN5-240/270° he will not ba able to connect a regular DIN5-180°(when only one MIDI out needed). but he can choose a DIN7-270° to avoid any problem with a SYNC24 pinout.

Edited by Antichambre
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  • 3 weeks later...

Looking good! :)

Just out of curiosity, how many CC samples can you store on a track (resolution)? Will you support more inputs than one CC per track?

I've recently found some unused memory on the LoopA and was thinking of limited CV support, too. But it will be a single CC per track only at limited resolution. So yours will be the dedicated machine for it, for clean filtersweeps and such, no competition there, no worries! :)

Many greets,


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4Midichannels @ each 512Steps X 32th X 128 CCs

of course only a few of the 128CC should be used @ once - 4x128xCCs @ 32th is Midi Data MESS and µC Death :decayed:

maybe only 256Steps, will depend on RAM.... RealWorld will tell

each TRACK has a shared Track length for all its 128 CCs,

The Whole Track can be copied, or a single CC.

There is no EDIT, you can erase a CC or Track and make it new/override

CC-Looper need a Synth with LEDRINGs -otherwise you have no Feedback and Overview.

--- for Synths without LEDRINGS i take MSQ-CC-LRE http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=msq-cc-lre - it has 8x32CCs and can automate them, and Save and Dump/Recall-them -  CC-Maping is Hardcode.




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  • 1 year later...

Hi Mike,
I will ask for an UPS or DHL shipping on Monday, I know they continue to work...
Cause you really need it, it will be better for next demo ;)

Do you intend to create a dedicated case or will you leave it like that?

I improved the VELOCITY part of the HAARP into an "ANIMATION" part which now applies to Velocity and CC but only 1 CC. So, as I suspected, the CC-Looper could be a very good partner for the HAARP.

I really have to make a video like this for the HAARP, but my English spoken will be a disaster lol.
Best regards

Edited by Antichambre
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