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SD-Card-Slot / Socket - Supplier Footprint and interconnection


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searching for a supllier (EU/Austria) for a SD-Slot   -  like on STM32F4 Core, or even better would be a micro-SD  -  slot  - because i have a size & price topic!


i also need a Footprint/lib for it   -  Eagle or Kicad   - or any other Format which can be easy converted to KICAD (thats what i use)   --- so anything that is in the standart library of these programs - and is available in EU


i found @reichelt https://www.reichelt.de/Connectoren-fuer-Speicherkarten/3M-SDRSMT2MQ/3/index.html?ACTION=3&LA=446&ARTICLE=224937&GROUPID=7432&artnr=3M+SDRSMT2MQ&SEARCH=sd%2Bsockel&trstct=pos_10

and its looks pretty much like the STM32F4 cores socket... (happy that they have a slot now!)


Then the interconnection to the core for me is not clear,

@latigid on

i think you can help - since you have expierience whith your wcore, http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=wcore_res-sd    i have this pin-out:


dont know if it is right up to now, and one -i- not connected yet - the CS maybe --- maybe total wrong what i have done...

the datasheet from reichelts socket is:


qest: are the pinout-Numbers of a Slot Normed? (like on a XLR-Plug, or a Midi-Connector?)


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a  is there

1 hour ago, Antichambre said:

Hi, this microSD will be difficult to solder cause the pin are under the socket, better to choose an other one with pin on side and push-pull...
Here an Hirose model with good supply and availability.
Mouser : 798-DM3AT-SF-PEJM5


is there a footprint aviable for this?

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2 hours ago, Antichambre said:

microSD will be difficult to solder

Actually it isnt, because it has a latch mechanism (not the push-lock like the others). You can open the MicroSD-slot and then you can solder it quite easy (IIRC).

Edited by FantomXR
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@FantomXR Yes you're right but push-pull is sometime necessary e.g. behind a 3mm front panel.


1 hour ago, Phatline said:
  2 hours ago, Antichambre said:

Hi, this microSD will be difficult to solder cause the pin are under the socket, better to choose an other one with pin on side and push-pull...
Here an Hirose model with good supply and availability.
Mouser : 798-DM3AT-SF-PEJM5



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