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Where can I download modern pickit programming software fpr windows


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Hi where can I download the pickitgui for windows, the link on ucapps.de takes me to a page with to many options to look through, I have the pickit 3.5. Also does anyone have a download link for pkcmd2 for linux? Thanks

Edited by Al99
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this is the first time I am burning a hex file onto a pic18f4685, I have pickit 3.5 and an expansion board for the pic18f4685 i connected it to the far right of the connector at the bottom of the pickit 3.5 the expansion board has 5 pins the pickit3. 5. 6pins. There are 4 settings for the jumpers on the expansion board pic10FX, DIP8/14 DIP 18/20, 16F57, and DIO40/28 I have mine set for PIC10FX, when trying to connect to the burner with chip connected in the expansion board I get the message

"CAUTION check that the device selected in mplab ipe(pic18f4685> is the same one that is physically attached to the debug tool.

Selecting a 5v device when a 3.3 v device is connected can result in damage to the device when the debugger checks the device id

Do you wish to continue.? "

I select yes

Then click connect.

In red I get writing" Target device was not found (could not detect target voltage vdd). You must connect a target device to use PICkit 3.“

In mplab ipe i have family set to Advanced 8-bit MCUs (PIC18), device set to PIC 18F4685 and tool sets automatically to pickit3 s. No: BUR195068601

Please can someone direct me as how to establish a connetion to the pic18f4685 via the pickit 3.5.

Many thanks
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Hi I tried this and I am still getting the 3.3v error message and the "target device not found(could not detect target voltage vdd) you must connect a target device to use pickit 3" nessage, do you think my pickit3. 5 is damaged or mplad ipe v5. 45 is not compatible with pickit 3.5? Thanks.

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I haven't used PickIt for MIDIBOX stuff but as I recall, if you're getting that error it may be because you need to elect to power the chip using power from the Pickit itself (as in the chip is not being powered externally). If it's for the CORE8 platform, it should be a 5V PIC. It takes some fiddling to get it working I found when I've had to use it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I am having success building cores and connecting the lcd(I have built 2) and having the black boxes appear on the bottom row of the lcd but when I program a chip with mplab ide or mbhp burner and power up the core witb mios studio connected it says the core is not responding. Please dwestbury can I send you a pic 18f4685 in the post to flash so I can work out if it is the pics that are the problem or my soldering and midi leads on the core, thanks.

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On 1/4/2021 at 9:01 AM, Al99 said:

Please @dwestbury can I send you a pic 18f4685 in the post to flash so I can work out if it is the pics that are the problem or my soldering and midi leads on the core, thanks.


Depending on where you're located, the back and forth shipping costs, combined with the costs of cores themselves, could make the whole process untenable. 

It might be cheaper for you if I simply create four fully functional cores, with:

> Bootloader v1.2b

> MIOS 1.9H

> MB-6582 Firmware (e.g., setup_mb6582.hex)

> Individual device IDs (e.g., 0 - 3)

This would cost about $50 USD + shipping (in a CORSTAT antistatic box).





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I tried programming a chip with mplab ide 5.45 as i tried with mbhp burner but the ic socket broke (i am finding that the circular is much better than the flat so I am replacing) and the hex file downloaded from the pic has the same beginning and and end lines as the hex file but different inbetween, why am I so unsuccesful at getting mios studio to see the core, I built 2 cores and programmed chips with mplab ide and mbhp burner but mios always says no response from core, why am i so unsuccessful, is it my soldering, my midi lead or my chip programming? I hoped if i just follow instructions and schematics everything turn out just fine but not so, why?

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Just now, Al99 said:

I tried programming a chip with mplab ide 5.45 as i tried with mbhp burner but the ic socket broke (i am finding that the circular is much better than the flat so I am replacing) and the hex file downloaded from the pic has the same beginning and and end lines as the hex file but different inbetween, why am I so unsuccesful at getting mios studio to see the core, I built 2 cores and programmed chips with mplab ide and mbhp burner but mios always says no response from core, why am i so unsuccessful, is it my soldering, my midi lead or my chip programming? I hoped if i just follow instructions and schematics everything turn out just fine but not so, why?

This process can be very frustrating when you're trying to figure out where a particular problem is.

My own posts in these forums can certainly attest to that. I spent days and days struggling through various dead ends, until I finally found a process that ultimately worked well for me (e.g., the document linked above).

Along the way, I realized that the MIDI interface I was trying to use (a Native Instruments Komplete Audio 6 Mk2) was not properly passing SysEx messages to my PICs via MIOS. This was one of my first issues. Unfortunately, I had completely destroyed my PIC and base PCB with all my removing and de-soldering and part replacements, while I worked that out. Now I have an 'iConnectivity MIO XL', which is one of the MIDI interfaces on the MIDIBox Interface Whitelist (http://wiki.midibox.org/doku.php?id=midi_interface_whitelist).

Other issues I encountered included some mismatched capacitors on the crystal above my PIC, which made communication synch to MIOS impossible. I also had at least one bad PIC that accepted the bootloader from MPLAB, but wouldn't function at all in my MB-6582. 

In my case, taking some time away from the issue to clear my head was key, combined with some very useful feedback and patient input from the community in these forums.


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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

dwestbury, thank you for sending me the pre-programmed pics which I received with joy. Now I am testing them in my core which I tested the ic 1 & 2 voltages and all were correct, however when I plug the 1st pic in (I. d. 0) I just get a row of blank squares on the lcd, should I be seeing a ready message? Does this mean my core is defective? Is there any wiring on the core I may have missed (I remember reading something about an I. D. Jumper) please help as I would really like to get this going, best wishes Alistair. 

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@Al99Great to hear that the PICs arrived across the ocean.

I tested them extensively in my own MB-6582, including menu navigation, MIDI handling from my DAW, as well as successful handshaking with MIOS, etc.

You shouldn't have to do any additional programming with them at all. Just plug-and-play.

With regard to the jumpers you referenced (J11), this controls which PIC will be enabled to talk back to your MIDI interface. This is required for programming with MIOS.

All of the PICs will receive a copy of the incoming MIDI signal, but the only the correctly numbered PIC will respond.

For the most part, you should be able to leave J11 set to position 1 (right-hand-side), as this enables bi-directional communications with CORE 1 (using ID: 0).

If a new MIOS or MB6582 firmware were to come out, you could simply program CORE1, then reboot your MB-6582, while holding the menu button to clone to the other PICs. 

So, really no need to ever move the jumper again once all PICs are programmed and have the correct device IDs.




With regard to the issue you highlighted about your screen showing all blank squares. it could simply be a LCD brightness or backlighting issue.

have you tried slowly turning the trimmer potentiometers in PI or P2_CORE1?



Good luck!



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I have to admit that I haven't experienced this particular issue, so I'm sure others will have some good suggestions here, but one other consideration that comes to mind is the timing crystal.

In one of my builds I made the mistake of using the wrong capacitors, because I didn't check them properly before soldering. By outward appearances, they looked identical to the correct caps, but they had the wrong capacitance, which completely messed up the crystal oscillator timing being sent to the PIC. This took me quite a while to figure out...



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Some basic "sanity check" steps here...

1) Perform some voltage level tests for all the IC Sockets (This view assumes 8580 SIDS and Power Supply Option E)



2) Use an oscilloscope to ensure that your Oscillator frequency is reading ~10 Mhz, from both pins 13 and 14 on your PIC (highlighted by a yellow box below)






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On 2/2/2021 at 3:13 PM, Al99 said:

What bit is the pic18f4685? I want to get a book on how to program it so I can do some tests and what language is it programmed in? Thanks. 

The PIC 18F4685 is an 8-Bit Microcontroller.

The datasheet is here: https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/39761c.pdf

Generally speaking, you can program it in C / C++ using a supported IDE, but the firmware for MB6582 is actually programmed in Assembly language, for both performance and space efficiency on the limited chip memory.

The MIOS-8 codebase is maintained on Github here: https://github.com/midibox/mios8

You download the MIDIbox SID v2 firmware here: http://www.ucapps.de/mios/midibox_sid_v2_044.zip

Once downloaded, you can see the raw and uncompiled (but well commented) assembly code for MB-6582, here: .../midibox_sid_v2_044/setup_mb6582.asm (there are lots of .inc files to explore in the .../src folder as well)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi I have managed to program my own pic on mplab ide and get a response from the core after going through some of the midi trouble shooting pages, I did a loop back test to find out how to set my midis port 2x2 correctly then soldered a wire between the rx and tx pins on the pic socket and put the pic in and powered up on the core and the core signal started feeding back f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7 then I soldered an led between the tx and ground pins on midi out j12 and it lit up, but when I try and upload the midi hex file for the pic it says no response from core please reboot the core (e. g. turning off on power) then I do that and it says no response from core after 16 trys, what could be my problem, thanks. 

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I have also tried your preprogrammed chip, I'd 0000 0000 0000 0000 and I get some writing on the screen “MidiboxSID V2. 044“ and MIOS8 V1. 9h" but when I query the core I get bootloader is up and running not application is up and running any idea why? Thanks

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