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MIDIbox SID: new release V1.2 & Editor


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I just have managed to get the interaction between the SID and the new editor running - here are all relevant files which are necessary for the update:

Firmware: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid/midibox_sid_v1.2.zip

Editor: http://www.midibox.org/midibox_sid/jsynth_017_with_mbsid_rel2b.zip (1.5MB)

Sounds: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_sid/example_patches_v2.zip

First you should bring the new firmware into your PIC, otherwise the editor will not be able to communicate with the SID.

If java isn't installed on your computer yet, it's time to download it now:

http://java.sun.com - click:

  • the J2SE button
  • the J2SE download button
  • J2SE 1.4.1
  • and click on the appr. version of your operating system - take the JRE (runtime environment) if you only want to use the editor and don't plan to program code

    After java is ready, unpack the jsynth archive, go into the directory and click on the "run.bat" file or just type "java JSynthLib" within a command shell. Now the editor pops up (hopefully)

    • go into the Config->Preferences menu, MIDI-tab, select the MIDI driver (Windows: WireProvider) and MIDI devices
    • go into the Config->Synths menu and check if the MIDIbox SID driver has been notified. If not, add it manually. Check also if the MIDI In/Out port of your MBSID is set correctly
    • Create a new library (Library->new)
    • Create a new patch (Patch->new)
    • Right-Click on the patch and select "Edit"
    • Have fun! :) --- if your MBSID is connected correctly, all parameters should be directly changed when you move a slider. The editor comes also with a MIDI-Through function which allows you to play notes on a keyboard and to change sound parameters at the same time
    • Finally unpack the example_patches_v2.zip archive and load the all.patchlib file - it contains 15 sounds. The librarian allows you to load, play, modify, save the patches

    • More detailed informations regarding the jsynth editor can be found here:

      Don't forget to send me your favourite selfmade sounds! :)

      Best Regards, Thorsten.
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Did you change the MIDI channel or the Device ID?

The MIDI channel allows you to select the channel for common MIDI events, so that different sounds can be played when more than one SID is connected to a MIDI chain.

The device ID is the same for SysEx messages, it allows you to configure a SID module independent from the selected MIDI channel.

The configuration of both "channels" is described in the Questions & Answers section of the MBSID page.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I've prepared the MBSID driver for the next official release of JSynthLib, that's the reason why it isn't selected by default anymore.

To enable the driver you've to go into the Config->Synths menu, press the "Add Device" button, select the MIDIbox SID driver, thereafter the "show details" button if you want to change the MIDI channel & Device ID

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thats really strange - in the meantime I tried the new release under Linux, Windows ME and Windows 2000 w/o problems.

How do you start the editor?

The suggested way: open the DOS-Shell, change to the jsynth directory and start the editor with java JSynthLib

Or write a batch script (run.bat) and write this command into the file in order to start the editor via mouse

Note that the old setup file is not compatible with the new one - the old could cause trouble; just delete it (del PatchEdit.config)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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since the list of avaliable drivers is currently  hardcoded in JSynthlib (core.DeviceAddDialog), the entry is probably missing....

The next version should generate the list from the

entries in an config-file, which can generated automagically. The code for that is already in the CVS-archive.

I haven't heard anything from Brian as the main maintainer of JSynthlib since some weeks, so I don't know his timetable for the next release.


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