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Server Test


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hey thorsten,

very happy with the new server, etc. but i encountered a slight problem tonight that i wanted to bring to your attention.  not sure if this was just a freak occurance, but the forum was down a little earlier.  here is the message that i got:

Connection Problems

Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.

i received this at 12:04AM EST (GMT -05:00).  not sure when it went down, but it couldn't have been more than an hour before that.  it just went back up now, so it was down for at least 15-20 minutes or so.  probably not a huge issue, but i just wanted to bring it to your attention, as you're still testing the new server, etc.

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Hum, I tried to attach a picture to a post but I got this error :

An Error Has Occurred!

The attachments upload directory is not writable. Your attachment or avatar cannot be saved.

Except that, the forum works great.

I found a tip, there's a RSS feed for this forum :;action=.xml


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Does anybody else see, what I see:

Several possible explanations:

1) You partied too hard and are seeing double......

2) Deja-vu.....there is an agent is nearby......  8)

3) The truly l33t "China Super Ninja Bunny hacking team" has struck again......

4) When the old board was imported some duplicate entries were made, the tip off is that the post count did not change.



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The server was down for ca. 1 hour, reason unknown. Currently a lot of update processes are running, maybe they are doing something against the fails?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

I posted a ticket today at my webhost. The services were in red a few days so there is a possibillity that they upgraded. They never tell when they do that. (but what can you expect its a cheap host)

I will inform you about the status of the ticket.

A lot of people complain but i do not see any helpfull awnsers or idea's from them. I simply cannot guarrantee 100% online time of midibox.org. I depend on my host. Nobody is perfect. Perfect cost lots of money. For example you want a nice midibox you pay more. You simply want a functional one you pay less.  ;D

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A lot of people complain but i do not see any helpfull awnsers or idea's from them. I simply cannot guarrantee 100% online time of midibox.org. I depend on my host. Nobody is perfect. Perfect cost lots of money. For example you want a nice midibox you pay more. You simply want a functional one you pay less.  ;D

hi twin-x

thanks for the info and please do keep us informed.  as for the complaining: i don't think anybody is really complaining...thorsten was looking for some feedback on how everything was holding up and that's what people (myself included) were providing.  there's no ill will here, just info.  i think everyone is happy about the new server, there were just a couple of kinks that people were bringing to thorsten's attention.  obviously, we don't want thorsten to have to pay very much for hosting, so i think everyone is ultimately happy about the new host.

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Hi James,

Thanks for clearing that up. I misinterpeted the lines maybe.

Thorsten does not have to pay anything. (i want him to invest more in his work  ;))

If it continues to be bad i will switch hosts. But for now i am going to be a pain in the ass for the provider.

Until now no statisfying awnser  :-\

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A lot of people complain but i do not see any helpfull awnsers or idea's from them. I simply cannot guarrantee 100% online time of midibox.org.

99%? 98%? 97%?......

Of course, I'm not complaining - let the merits of the new server speak for itself ;D

You simply want a functional one you pay less.  ;D


3. Capable of performing; operative: a functional set of brakes.

Bye, Moebius

p.s. What was that hosting company that offered 6 months free test drive? http://1and1.com was it?

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99%? 98%? 97%?......

Of course, I'm not complaining - let the merits of the new server speak for itself ;D


Bye, Moebius

p.s. What was that hosting company that offered 6 months free test drive? http://1and1.com was it?

Moebius i am not  native English and i may read things diffrently than you do. It appears to me that you do not like my service. I kindly ask you to stop your silent hints and do that to Thorsten directly.

All i am trying is to help. I appoligize if i have offend you with my hosting solution for midibox. But i cannot simply offer more.

This is from my host:

Problem has been solved. Newista server was a target of DOS (Denial of Service) attack. We

have enabled network level DDOS protection.

I hope you do not have to get used to DDOS attacks. Or were they comming from you  ;)

Kind regards,


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Hey guys, stop complaining! I think Twin-x and TK have done a great job changing the servers (which is always a painfull task). It's much faster now than before and I think there is no problem at all for everybody if the server is down for a while. If somebody can't live without the forum and the MIDIbox stuff for more than 10 minutes, then he's invited to book a more reliable server and pay for accordingly! This is a DIY forum (which has to be  cost optimized somehow) and not a high security missile range of the US forces with 100% security and availability.  :-)



P.s.  Twin-x, don't care about the complains. Your investigations to support TK and the forum are highly appreciated!

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