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MIDIbox LC V1.1.2


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Following features have been added:

  • metering events are now handled by the emulation
  • button and LED functions can be assigned independently to the DIN/DOUT pins (-> lc_io_table.inc)
  • some MIDIbox LC specific "special functions" are provided by the emulation which can also be assigned to DIN/DOUTs:
  • Layer Hold/Toggle/Select: switches between two IO tables. Works like a shift (optionally "Caps-Lock") key on a computer keyboard. This saves some  buttons (64 buttons/LEDs are enough for a usefull handling)
  • Display Page Select/Next: selects between 4 different LCD layouts - see below
  • LEDring metering Hold/Toggle/Select: allows to use the LED rings for level metering

    Due to the metering feature, some new display pages have been added, here an overview:
    This is the well know layout from the first versions

    This page displays additional horizontal meters at the top

    Here the big MTC and status digits are replaced by vertical meters

    Just another variation. The LEDring positions are displayed as virtual knobs.

    The last page is usefull if the LEDrings should be used as level meters (hmmm... maybe an animated gif would demonstrate the nice show effect better ;-))

    The position & font/icons of the "display elements" (host message, MTC digits, meters, knobs, etc...) can be changed in lc_glcd.inc

    A new display page has also been added to the CLCD (character display) option, based on the ideas by Axel. However, I expect that it has to be changed again due to the new metering feature ;-)

    Planned for the next release:
    • external MTC display (LED digits)
    • external LED meters
    • enhancements for the CLCD option (e.g horizontal meters)

    • Best Regards, Thorsten.

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excellent stuff again T!! ;)

button and LED functions can be assigned independently to the DIN/DOUT pins (-> lc_io_table.inc)

Does this mean it now doesn't matter how the buttons and led's are connected to the din/dout modules? Do the encoders and led rings still go at the end of the chain?



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Now it doesn't matter anymore, but it's still recommented to attach them to the end of the chain. This will ensure the compatibility with other applications which don't support encoders (-> only buttons)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Whooooohooooooo!!!!!  ;D

Hi TK...Thanks fo ansering my question.  I have a few more though; If you have the time...

1. Have you finished evaluating XPL0?  It looks like a very powerfull language that bridges the gap between machine code and high level languages (yes, Ive been learning all I can)

2. Is there a limit to how many cores that can be chaned together?  I dont want to come up with an un realistic plan.

3. If its possible to make a Midibox send syx do you think it will be possible to get MIOS to talk to my DSP Factory?  I have asked for the SDK from Yamaha.  In my non programmers mind it looks like (all!!!) I have to do is get the Midibox NG to output code that speaks to the card.  If I can implement this it would be an awsome peice of kit.  Am sure this is unrealistic because it would be too good to be true.  Using the Midibox NG as a mixer control surface/midi controller would be incredible!!!

4. I know you must be sick of sequencer questions but would it be possible to have a sequencer as complex as the AN1x (one of my favorite synths)?  Id really like to do a "every function has a knob or fader" Midibox for it but Im going to do one thing at a time :)  Come to think of it it would be a good learning exercise.

HUI killer here I come!!! hehe

Evil Tez

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No, I haven't found the time to evaluate higher language tools yet, but sooner or later I will inform you about the usability with MIOS.

There isn't really a limit for chained cores, you only have to take the additional latencies into account, but they depend on the CPU load and in the way how you programmed the application. Example: if a core serves only 64 pots or 8 motorfaders, the worst case latency (forwarded MIDI event from MIDI In->MIDI Out) below 300 uS. With 128 additional buttons and LEDs it increases by 200 uS (worst case...), LCD messages can increase the latency also. But these delays are nothing in comparison to the initial MIDI delay of 960 uS for a common MIDI event (not caused the MIDIbox, but by the serial transfer protocol)

Yes, an AN1x style sequencer is a good beginning point. I love this synth, too :)

Frank: thanks for the input! I will check that - I only tested the 2-LCD option for 5 minutes and rely on your feedback. Just tell me if you've ideas for a fourth display page :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Guest redsun

I really like the use of graphical displays.  8)

I have a few questions about their use though:

- What resolutions are supported?

- Do they use the same LCD module?

This is the only info I need before I start to buy parts for my second midibox.


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a resolution of at least 240x32, better: 240x64 is required so that all 55 characters of the host message can be displayed on screen. Currently only one LCD type is supported (see documentation), but more drivers for cheaper LCD types will be written soon.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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 documentation...............are you refering to the MIOS introduction page? Are these graphic displays a generic type? can you use any 64 by 240 display? or only the 'displaytech' display from reichelt? has firmware/implementation been written for using two 2*40's, and how well does it work with 2*40's compared to 64 by 240? :-/

 thanks, from Steve

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Hi Steven,

currently only the displaytech 240x64 is supported, for other GLCD types special drivers have to be implemented. I'm still waiting for three different graphic LCDs which I will receive from users in the next days/weeks. Every new up&running LCD will be announced here.

Yes, the LC application works with graphical and character LCDs. The same informations will be displayed on 4 different display pages, which can be selected by special function buttons - however, the layout is different ;-) And everybody is free to change the page layouts for his personal needs.

I will create some new screenshots of the character LCD option soon, so that the difference is clear.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Yep :) D2k sent me his T6963C based display so that I was able to integrated a rudimental driver into MIOS. The performance of this LCD controller isn't perfect, as it displays the bytes horizontally and not vertically like the KS0108, this complicates the custom font output routine. However, there is nothing which cannot be solved (sooner or later ;-))

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Dear Thorsten!

I want to have LC.....

But original LC can't control any other midi devices....


I want to purchase your "MidiBox LC" rather than original LC.

Is it possible that your "MIDIbox LC" control LogicAudio and other midi devices?


 1. your "MBLC" can control both LogicAudio and other devices...

 2. I can assign pots and MF to any midi CC and Syx

 3. I can easily switching from LC mode to other assinable controller mode or vice versa.

I will purchase immediately, thru my frend in your country.

Best regards!

Jehun Koa

South Korea

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Dear Thorsten!

I want to have LC.....

But original LC can't control any other midi devices....


I want to purchase your "MidiBox LC" rather than original LC.

Is it possible that your "MIDIbox LC" control LogicAudio and other midi devices?


 1. your "MBLC" can control both LogicAudio and other devices...

 2. I can assign pots and MF to any midi CC and Syx

 3. I can easily switching from LC mode to other assinable controller mode or vice versa.

I will purchase immediately, thru my frend in your country.

Best regards!

Jehun Koa

South Korea

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Hi, Welcome to the Midibox community!!

  This is an open source, do it yourself non profit project, and I don't think Thorsten has the time to build this project for you for money or otherwise! :-[ do you have a friend who could help you build this project? :-/ If not, then go for the mackie control (same as logic control, but also works with cubase) or a generic midi controller (but obviously has limitations) I've heard that the mackie control dosen't integrate well with cubase though.

 any more questions?

bye, from Steve

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Hi Thorsten,

... T6963C based display so that I was able to integrated a rudimental driver into MIOS. The performance of this LCD controller isn't perfect, as it displays the bytes horizontally ...

Does that mean that I could easily mount the display vertically (not horizontally, like in most synths) and still display text in text mode without any converter routine? Like having 30 lines with ~12 characters each on a 240x64 (64x240  ;) ) display?

Look here for a clearer idea...


Best, ilmenator

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Hi Thorsten,

i saw a new version of midibox lc  (midibox_lc_v1_1_2b.zip)

is this an update? Because i am using the midibox_lc_v1_1_2.zip version. if it is an update, could you be kind and please post the changelog of it? dont wanna loose my settings  ;)


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Does that mean that I could easily mount the display vertically (not horizontally, like in most synths) and still display text in text mode without any converter routine? Like having 30 lines with ~12 characters each on a 240x64 (64x240  ;) ) display?

yes - as the convpix.pl script has to rotate the fonts for the T6963C, this option will also be useable for your idea

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi Sly,

i saw a new version of midibox lc  (midibox_lc_v1_1_2b.zip)

is this an update? Because i am using the midibox_lc_v1_1_2.zip version. if it is an update, could you be kind and please post the changelog of it? dont wanna loose my settings  ;)

it's just a minor update. The second and fourth page on character LCD displays now shows horizontal metering bars instead of vertical - it looks much better.

The update is easy: just unpack the .zip archive, replace mios_tables.inc and lc_io_table.inc by your own files, and adapt the settings in main.asm (don't replace main.asm by the file from the old release!)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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