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Swedish Electronic shops


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Before it get lost in the main boards, here some useful informations provided by Peter Lindqvist from Sweden:

Hi, I was just checking your list on where to order stuff in different countries and to my great distress only saw ELFA, Farnell and RS-Components. RS-components would be ok I guess if it only wasn't for their "only ship to companies" policy. ELFA and Farnell are too damned expensive, so I thought I could give you some of the shops I regurlarly shop at.

www.bhiab.se or http://www2.sl-elektronik.d.se/cgi-bin/web_store.cgi - Regular electronics shop with all sorts of components, good prices, no expensive shipping charge in Sweden. They even have a surplus catalog if you want real cheap stuff, I buy from this place all the time.

www.trimlog.se - This is my second favourite store, they have regular components too, what they don't have on their website you just write an e-mail and ask them about. I buy all sorts of stuff from here all the time too. Could probably get things like displays and encoders and stuff if you ask them. They have some nice potentiometers that are quite cheap if you order lots of them (say over 50 something like 64 of them maybe :) )

http://www.labbelektronik.nu/ - It's kinda similar to the two above, havent shopped much there yet though, always seem to find better prices in the other 2 stores, but I guess these have ok prices on stuff as well, really useful if you live in Central Stockholm where they have a shop you can just drop in and get what you need.

www.kjell.com - Have all sorts of stuff, some cheap components, descriptions on how to make PCB's and Scematics of regulatable power supplies, could be useful to some I guess

www.ad-teknik.se - They sell a 2*16 Alphanumeric Display for 100SEK incl. VAT, that's the absolute cheapest display I have seen anywhere available to Sweden except maybe some Surplus LCD's. That's the only thing they've got though, no other components

www.jec.se - Holds all sorts of difficult to find Japanese Transistors, maybe not midibox-related I guess, but anyway if u feel like informing people about it.


The ones I really recommend are www.bhiab.se and www.trimlog.se

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If you're in stockholm and need supplies and don't wanna go all the way to elfa then there's always Labb Elektronik. See www.labb.se for more info.

I work there so if there's a lot of ppl who want mbox related supplies I might get my boss to order in components like encoders. He's already got the pic18f452 on order.

And by the way, he's cheaper than elfa.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Farnell is a good suplier, however, as mosy of you probobly know they only do bussiness with companies. When I asked them about it they asked me to contact http://www.microkit.se/ They suply all parts from Farnell, elfa and others plus they have thir own stock. I just received an order from them and can report they did an excelent job.

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I wrote in the http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/where_to_order_components where you can go in general. Labb Elektronik mentioned earlier is now gone, Bhiab has some of their old stock, for instance lots of different (even rare) transistors. Trimlog is also gone, BTW.

Also, JEC has most of the supposedly rare stuff if you are thinking 303-clones (you know which ones I mean :-X) or x0x-stylee drum machines. I can also recommend http://www.electrokit.se/ for various bits and bobs.

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