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"The C Book" released in PDF Format


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks from me too! :)

I've moved out of my studio recently and finally have some free time to get back to learning some of this. I like that tutorial, as well as the "Learning to C" one here:


I was (am) using the actual Kernighan & Ritchie "C Programming Language" book for a while, but it sucks compared to some of these web tutorials. K&R cover so much ground in such a short time, that with each new concept they add, they'll throw an example snippet at you that includes the new thing, surrounded by twelve "worst case scenario" concepts they previously covered, which you may or may not yet have a solid understanding of. That's OK with people who briefly comment all the extra crap to make sure you follow what's going on, but they often don't. I have enough trouble trying to walk and breathe simultaneously these days. ;)

It's a shame those others aren't on paper. Any of you guys have any favorites (in print) which might compare to some of the web tutorials?



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  • 2 weeks later...

kokiPsiho (if you're here)-

Thanks again for that recommendation. I've had it a few days now and it looks great. -> mint condition hardcover too, and cost me about three dollars :)

Not to knock the K&R book. I'm still carrying that too, but it seems like a better text for classroom, where you'd have an instructor commenting on everything, or a ref manual after you've already learned a bunch of it.

Take Care,


BTW- The recommended book is "Beginning C: From Novice to Professional, Fourth Edition" by Ivor Horton (...not that people can't follow the link ;D)

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  • 3 weeks later...

AC- No, mine's actually about 20 years old. She'll do that "plop down in the middle of your work" thing too. Those two were just guests for a day. My sister had temporarily taken them in for one of the homeless cat adoption agencies here. I've been meaning to call her and see where they ended up. I'm hoping they got to stay together.


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