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Now that's a custom control surface!


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i dont want to fight with you stryd  he,he

i submit you win

i dont know why theyd have both but the ones on the screen definately look like  touch screen slider implementations that ive used before in dmx lighting set ups

  anyway ive just emailed them to find out

  they make some wild things tho a motorised joystick controller

  regards kris

  sorry about the thread nab rowan

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This thing is pure dog-and-pony show for some post house to lure clients...Eye strain, back pain, and throwing your shoulder out to select a menu item.....not ergonomic at all. 

All that money and effort for monitors aimed at the roof?  ;)

If I had to do more than 5 minutes chained to that thing I would have it up on phone books (raise it a few inches) and kick the chairs out of the room.

On faders+touchscreen=redundant I have to disagree....I thought the same until I worked on a Euphonix console, and halfway through the day I realized I was flying the damn thing faster than a normal analog console (with no function layers).  :)



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kris: They do look that way huh! To be honest I thought the same and then saw the size of them, thought "do they make touchscreens that big?" (yes) and my inner sceptic came out in force hehehe Thanks for emailing them... guess we'll see :)

Edit: Speaking of sceptics, I agree smash  ;D

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yea i agree with smash though its all for show eye candy for the clients

but the angle of the screen tends to point to touch screens as well

anyway the comment i was trying to make is that touch screens arent so exspensive

and after using them i think the best way to go is a mixture touch screens and sliders rotarys buttons joysticks etc

regards kris

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Hey Rowan what happened to Miss Motorbooty?

Bring her back!  lol ;)

I would doubly agree with SmashTV reguarding Faders + touchscreen not being redundant.. a bit opulant maybe.. but the combination of dedicated controls + on screen elements can really be amazing!

.. In any case this thread is the last thing I need... Now I've gotta spend my weekend looking into the cost of touchscreens and embedded linux platforms.  Dammit. ;D ;D ;D

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Hey moogah, while you're hunting... Maybe you might be able to look into prices/compatibility, etc, for digital touchscreens?

They're broken down into a grid rather than having the resistive X-Y positioning... Seems simpler=cheaper, but I never hear of them...Perhaps because they probably have far lower precision... But they'd still be good for a seq, if not a fader box.

This might be a good time to bring up an idea I've been toying with lately... If you haven't read MIDIbox Network then please give it a glance... The area in particular I'm thinking about is the special service layers. By using those, it could be possible to emulate button presses, or directly call the functions required, which opens interesting ideas to me because it could allow a singular CS to act as the CS for various midiboxes simultaneously.

If you could get your embedded linux tablet thing to talk CAN......

The great thing about this is that you have the CS based on a PC with all it's benefits (think about patch storage, or MBSeq drum grids with skins, the ability to zoom in on the 'LCD', integrated mixing and routing of audio channels including additional FX.. I could go on and on), add knobs and switches to that ala midibox, and yet you get the sound and stability of the hardware synth, so if the PC crashes, the music doesn't stop, and the knobs still work - for emergency filtersweep redundancy ;)

I wish I had as much time and money as ideas!

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They're broken down into a grid rather than having the resistive X-Y positioning... Seems simpler=cheaper, but I never hear of them...Perhaps because they probably have far lower precision... But they'd still be good for a seq, if not a fader box.

... they are perfect for soft buttons! They are very precise in question of touch sensitivity and they allow multi touch, which you can't realize with X-Y touch screens.

Greets, Roger

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For what it's worth, that Cooper promo shot was on the cover of Mix, maybe last year or so. I think they had the details on it, but I'm not sure if it's available online. They (the faders) could just be an open mixer window in their host for visual ref. If I see the magazine laying around, I'll see if it says.

BTW- People on another group were bragging recently about the new Novation controllers. Apparently, they create a link between the DAW app's "open" plug GUIs and the controls, so that if an editor opens onscreen for a plug you've assigned a map to, the controller automatically switches to that particular map/layout or something. On top of that, the Steinberg apps have remote (MIDI) key commands which can be assigned to the "edit" buttons of VST plug slots, so you could effectively select, open, and edit plugs, regardless of where they were in the mixer, complete with an auto-opening onscreen GUI and all the parameter names, etc. on the controller's LCD (at least I think that's what they meant ;)).

I also think that having tactile control, in addition to a nice big visual reference onscreen is really nice in a lot of places (namely, many of the new EQ/dynamics plugs with graph windows). I wish they would add functions like that for the generic remotes. I'm pretty sure the Novation things are tied to some software. Right now, the generic remotes seem to only identify a "list" of parameters for each plug slot. There's no real way for a remote to identify a specific plug within the mixer.


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  wow so many words written

  embedded linux touchscreen tablets bring it on

  or maybe even linux or osx running on x-box 360 boards with touch screens

i think the things i like are they are ideal for clip selection banks in vj software +

  the ability to have many different lay outs in one space

  anyway enough of that

  on with the new layout for my box

  regards kris

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I thought the same until I worked on a Euphonix console

Euphonix desks are the bomb!

correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't current touchscreen technology limit you to 1 action at a time (i.e. 1 finger on the screen at once)?

That's what's put me off, I need to be able to be doing several things at once, so it would seem hardward is still the way fwd...

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correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't current touchscreen technology limit you to 1 action at a time (i.e. 1 finger on the screen at once)?

... not so with digital touchscreens, because they're actually a touch button matrix.


The touch fields below the on-screen rotaries (page 2) are digital touch screens and allow multitouch.

Greets, Roger

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touch screen technology is polyphonic nowdays

but even the older monophonic is still handy

... this has actually absolutely nothing to do with "nowadays" but more of what technology you're selecting for your project. - Even today a xy resistive touch does not let you use "multi touch" since this technology simply can't verify more than one touch at once.

Greets, Roger

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There are also optical touch screens, but they are low res compared to resistive or capacitive, and not multi-touch capable.  On the upside they don't cover or interfere with the display, can be scaled to any size, and could be made DIY. 

It's simply a "frame" of IR LED emmiter/detector pairs, lit and read matrix style.  Perfect for soft buttons.

I would be happy to dig up much more info (and design the needed hardware) if anyone is serious enough to code this as a MIOS app.....

I used commercially made optical screens like this on the baby plasma(s) in my tour DMX consoles, and I -think- the service spare is at my house.  (translation: I have one we can destroy to help design a MIOS version  ;)  )



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sorry for the miss imformation

regards kris

ps the monophonic lighting system i used to work was very handy once you turned the computer on you didnt need to touch the mouse

  it suits my needs it will be great to see video clips on one

  be able to see the clip your selecting ive attached some photos to illustrate this  is my box playing resolume%7Boption%7Das you can see the clip selection matrix is all little images of the clip ideal

  so id like to help in anyway smash but im useless at coding but ill look in to the optical screens ive not seen them

  these look interesting http://www.hometouchsystems.com/?gclid=COKWxv3EjosCFQ2HlAodP0TwSQ

  this company makes overlays for plasma screens http://www.wedgwood-group.com/lcd_overlays.htm

back to the next audio layout just waiting to get the plate cut

  lots of love and light






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  just for the record

    the controllers in the photo are touch screen


Those were custom touchscreen consoles built by A film company in Los Angeles.

The console was used by New Line Pictures in creating Austin Powers movies.

The console was built with MCS-3800, MCS-3000x and MCS-Panners for integration with Digidesign's Pro Tools system.

Thank you,

Danny O'Donnell



National Account Executive


JLCooper Electronics

142 Arena Street

El Segundo, Ca 90245

310-322-9990 ext 15

310-335-0110 fax

regards kris

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